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View Full Version : ADHD can't believe the difference when he's not here!!

April 20th, 2011, 11:52 AM
OK I have 5 children and am due #6 in sept. My eldest is terminally ill with cancer and my 5 year old is in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD. We have managed to get my 5 year old into an afterschool programme a few days a week and today was the first day he went and :omg: my husband and I went out with the other 4 boys and it wasnt an ordeal even though we had a 9 yr old in a wheelchair a 7 yo 3yo and the 9mth old baby in the buggy. We even went for something to eat!! :cheerteam:

Honestly it was unreal gives me hope that after my 5yo is formally diagnosed life will start becoming a heck of a lot easier, Obviously we have always really had to take my 5yo out with us and to be honest most of the time we avoid going out to avoid the hassle.

Just wondering if anyone else has a ADHD child! do you find their behaviour has an adverse affect on the behaviour of your other children? I had actually forgotten that my other boys are actually little angels and a credit to be seen out with opposed to when my 5yo is with us and I want to crawl into a whole and scream it's not my fault I'm a good mum and I try my best.

The problem with having such a large family is when the kids are badly behaved people put it down to the fact your family is too big and you shouldn't have so many kids cause you obviously can't handle it!

Wonder is I could get t-shirts made saying I'm not naughty I'm ADHD! :pray:

April 20th, 2011, 01:59 PM
Hi, I remember you from IG!:happy:
You are so brave and I'm sure you are doing great job raising your kids :HH: How is your eldest son doing? You may not believe it, but you and esp your eldest boy are often in my prayers, I was deeply moved by your post on IG ( why this baby has to be a girl)

BTW, I cannot even imagine handling more then 2 kids :worry: So don't worry, you are great mom, and as the time goes by, ADHD will be ancient history :luck:

June 30th, 2011, 11:58 AM
I know that this is a bit of an older post, but just wanted to say you are not alone. My 5 year old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD & Oppositional Defiance Disorder & Transient tics. I have finally accepted it and his condition has taught me so much already. My eldest son (10 years old) is diagnosed with Tourettes, OCD, Panic Attacks and Anxiety disorders (these conditions are all genetically linked). He is an angel in comparison... but I have to remind myself that my ADHD child has a chemical imbalance in his brain. He is not being naughty just to pi$$ everyone off. I really like the idea of your shirt :)

It sounds like you have your hands full. I am glad that you are getting assistance with your ADHD son, as they take up so much of our time & energy. You certainly need a break and you do need to spend quality time with your other children. I know it is hard (& it is something that I am battling with now), but please try not to worry what everyone else thinks. People can be so judgemental and intolerant towards ADHD children and their families. As I see it those people are clearly uneducated about ADHD and I don't think anyone would understand what we go through, unless they go through it themselves.

We are trialling our 3rd lot of medication for our ADHD son... I am just hoping that this one is the right medication for him (ontop of the councilling we have organised for him). I hope that medication may assist your ADHD son too.

I have no doubt whatsover that you are an excellent, courageous mother. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time. xx

Oh, just had to say how much I love your country too. My hubby & I visited there last year and we have already planned another trip there :)

June 30th, 2011, 12:20 PM
I just saw this too and I am so sorry about your eldest. Anytime there are any special needs, I know it is difficult and I understand that one child can throw off the dynamic too. We have a daughter that has some issues physically and developmentally(speech, OT) and it is hard. It is like I now have twins because of her limitations and I spend most of my days worrying about her and trying to find specialists, schools, just any help in general for her. It is affecting me, my relationship with my family and my stress level is through the roof!

It is difficult to understand unless you have dealt with a child with difficulties or have one yourself. Last preschool year, my DD was put in timeout everyday and now I have learned that some of her physical limitations are due to her body being tired and she would just not do what she was asked due to that and they put her in timeout everyday. I feel like such a bad mom for leaving her there.

Snowflakes, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate too. Getting a diagnosis and medication has to help though. We are still im limbo as to what my daighter's issues are and it is a day-by-day thing to see how she will progress.

Good luck to you both.

June 30th, 2011, 01:45 PM
iluvmybigfamily-I am so sorry to hear about your eldest, it breaks my heart to hear stoires like that! He is in my t&p!

I work for a company that makes learning activities for kids with special needs. We have been very successful with ADHD and ADD kids. IF you are interested...PM me and I would be happy to give it to you at no cost. :)