View Full Version : Skull guesses please? And also would like to hear people's thoughts on accuracy of skull theory.

May 9th, 2013, 10:11 AM
Updated in last post - baby is a girl.

Hi everyone. I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby number 4 after a mega sway (in my sig). I am team green. I just couldn't sum up the courage to find out this time. I purposely did not get a 12 week scan and I purporsely had never read anything about skull theory so I couldn't start obsessing over that. Just in the last few days though I am absolutely overcome with a desire for clues about what the baby is, and I have been studying skull theory. I dont think I am brave enough to find out for sure until birth. I have been really unsure about whether to believe in skull theory or not... some of the time I think that I do believe in it as I feel I am "guessing" the sex of babies in nub photos correctly a lot of the time. Other times I see what I believe to be a "classic" boy or girl skull turn out to the be opposite, and I start thinking that skull theory for foetuses probably is just as good as flipping a coin, as some people say. I have gone as far as googling images of newborn boy / girl twins as it is a great way to get photos of boy and girl babies side by side, and comparing their skulls. When I did that I really did think I saw a difference between genders (with boys generally having the protruding bit of the forehead higher up nearer the hairline rather than straight about the brow) but now I am getting obsessive looking at the foreheads of everyone walking past me in the street and feeling often like I cant tell a difference. I am going mad! So (sorry for the long ramble) but those who have spent a lot of time looking into skull guessing etc - do you really feel there is anything accurate in it at all? Or do you think it is purely for fun and doesn't hold any clue in reality? Also, what do you think of my baby's skull? I have managed to convince myself it is quite girly - does anyone agree? If so, how often does a "girly" skull like this turn out to be a boy?

Sorry for the rotation of the images - hubby scanned them at work (I dont have a scanner at home) and the Adobe program I have at home wont let me save any changes including rotating images. The 2d image on the right in the upper row is a 2d shot of the face from front on (at 22 weeks) - you can see the eye sockets and the chin clearly. The bottom right photo is a 3d profile view of the face at 22 weeks - it is rotated badly so the baby is facing down in this rotation. You can see the baby's eye, nose, chin, a bit of the forehead etc. It is quite clear once you figure out what you are looking at. The two images on the left are taken at 19 weeks.

Hope I can manage to upload it after this ramble (I'm a techno gumby!) Sorry for the lengthy post!

May 9th, 2013, 10:39 AM
Skull theory is 50/50 just for fun

May 9th, 2013, 10:49 AM
It is definitaly for fun:) On the odd occasion you will see one, usually a boys skull which does have a distinct slope to it and cries out boy, but most of the time they have a roundness to them like yours and you can spend hours trying to see if its more eyebrows or forehead and can have a guess for fun either way :) Good luck with team green!!

May 9th, 2013, 11:03 AM
Thank you. So if you had to have a guess on mine ELP you would say it looks boyish?

May 9th, 2013, 11:16 AM
Each time I look at your pic I change my guess :) It looks like a lovely round slope for a girl then I wonder if the highest part of the hill shape is closer to the eyebrows or forehead and it looks fractionally closer to the eyebrow for boy! but then the back looks more girly! so I have just flipped a coin and its landed on heads which is girl again:bigsmile: This little baby is going to take you to delivery before revealing their suprise!!!

May 9th, 2013, 11:18 AM
To add to your clue hunting have you looked for any iridology clues?? I think hooks in the left eye is boy and hooks in the right girl! you never know!!

May 9th, 2013, 09:38 PM
It's like a wives tale.

July 28th, 2013, 11:39 PM
Just updating this incase it helps anyone. This baby turned out to be my sweet and long awaited baby girl. Her head looks exactly like it does in the scan photos too. Very rounded and small, not much prominence to the back of the head or the forehead. After spending a gazillion hours obsessively staring at her skull from the ultrasound photos and comparing them to scan photos on here, it seems very bizzare to be sitting here caressing the same little head that I spent so many hours obsessing over. Thanks to all those who made guesses.

July 29th, 2013, 02:43 AM
This is fantastic news!!! Enjoy every second of her xxxxx:)