View Full Version : Reflux?

April 27th, 2011, 08:04 AM
If your baby has/had reflux, what were the symptoms and what did you do to help it out? I'm trying to figure out if mine has it.

April 27th, 2011, 10:50 AM
My DS1 had it really bad.... He would be nursing and all of a sudden vomit 12 inches in the air. At 2mths until 10mths he would vomit about 70% of the time. He was on reflux meds for a few weeks and it only helped about 10%. He does have food allergies and just had new testing done yesterday.

One thing I learned is feeding in an upright postions. Not laying down at all but sitting on my lap or in a highchair.

April 27th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Hi there, I have had 2 children with reflux, one is severe, he is still medicated at 6 years (don't worry this is not normal) and one who seems to have outgrown it.

The main symptoms are of an infant (I am assuming) if feed refusal, if they are at the breast they will root around like the are hungry and then spit it out. They can be congested, they can have hiccups a lot. They wll regurgitate or you can see them swallow regurgitation. They may or may not vomit. They may arch their heads back and they will generally get worse not better. A white tongue on a brest fed baby is also a sign. A reflux child will play up all day, wheras a colicky child will generally peak in the afternoon.

If your bub has symptoms get them to a dr so they can prescribe meds, I was not given the right meds with my bad refluxer and he developed a lot of secondary complications (ear infections, failure to thrive, sleep apnea), wheras my second child who we treated early didn't have as many complaints.

Good luck, let me know if you need any advice :hug:

lovey dovey
May 5th, 2011, 03:51 PM
My oldest had it. By two weeks we knew something was up, but it took until he was six weeks old to get a proper diagnosis. He would cry because he was hungry, take a few swallows and start screaming - it hurt going down. One of the most important indicators, according to our pediatrician, was whether the baby curls forward into a ball or arches his/her back. Forward suggests gas pains, but arching suggests reflux. Ours was an archer. He also spit up frequently, but it was the smell that alarmed us - it was sooo acidic. He was fussy, but I understand that this isn't always the case for babies who suffer from reflux. Many reflux babies struggle to gain weight. We started him on medication at 6 weeks (Zantac, I believe), but it didn't work at all. We went on to try a better med which seemed to help somewhat. Finally, after he began spitting up what looked to be coffee grounds (it was actually dried blood from his poor little esophagus) our pediatrician referred us onto a Pediatric GI specialist. The specialist was able to get things under control with the right medication and we had a completely different baby! He outgrew it by the time he was turned one, but it was a very challenging first year.

Good luck to you. If you are concerned, don't hesitate to get your baby checked out. Often, the sooner it's caught, the better.

May 22nd, 2011, 04:50 AM
My oldest son had a severe case (one of the worst his ped has seen in his 25yr practice). He would scream and arch his back for long periods of time, spit up. Dr. prescribed numerous meds, we ended up having to see a PGI and discovered that he had both acid and non-acid reflux. they put him on a combination of axid and erythromycin... once we found the magic meds he was like a completely different child. He outgrew it by the time he was 18 mos and ds2 was born! DS2 had very minor problems (thank you Jesus!). BE PERSISTANT! I videoed ds1's crying and flailing, although thank goodness that he decided to have a flare up during our office visit and the dr called the pgi and got us in the next week.