View Full Version : Possible to ask for a "nub" shot?

May 22nd, 2013, 09:52 AM
I'm sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I am going for a scan at 13 weeks on Friday and I wanted to know if there's a way to like, ask the tech for a "nub" shot, and if so what position do I need to ask for to give the best possible picture so I may be able to to tell the sex from this ultrasound? Thanks!

May 22nd, 2013, 01:57 PM
You can ask but depending on the techs attitude you may or may not get it. Some are quite happy to have a look but some disregard it and claim to not know what it is. If you could video the scan on your phone you have a good chance at a glimpse of the nub and you can post that for more accurate guesses. Otherwise just check out the nub shots on here to get an idea of what to ask for. Goodluck at your scan.

May 22nd, 2013, 02:49 PM
The tech I had looked at me like I had 5 heads and 23 arms lol.... I would def ask tho...it won't hurt in the long run

May 22nd, 2013, 03:05 PM
I'm sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I am going for a scan at 13 weeks on Friday and I wanted to know if there's a way to like, ask the tech for a "nub" shot, and if so what position do I need to ask for to give the best possible picture so I may be able to to tell the sex from this ultrasound? Thanks!

I am going to a scan Friday also!! I may also ask for a nub shot or see if the u/s tech has an idea of the sex of the baby

May 22nd, 2013, 04:12 PM
You can always ask the tech to show you the profile of the baby and point out what you would like to see. That way you can get a good look at the nub from different views.

May 23rd, 2013, 10:28 AM
Do they let you take video?

May 23rd, 2013, 01:30 PM
I may actually be able to get a video from this place, so I'm going to bring a blank CD and hopefully they'll give me a video of the scan. Thanks!

May 23rd, 2013, 02:00 PM
Do they let you take video?

They should, it is your baby after all. Probably easier to get your DH to video it.

May 23rd, 2013, 02:06 PM
Good luck for tomorrow, hope all goes well!

The Anchor
May 23rd, 2013, 02:51 PM
There's a certain "picture angle" you should ask for, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is, and the "www.baby2see.com" site is down...I'll keep digging.

The Anchor
May 23rd, 2013, 02:54 PM
Found it...ask for the "sagittal plane" shot, they usually pull up this angle for determining crown to rump measurements. GL!

May 23rd, 2013, 03:55 PM
Here you cannot video any medical ultrasound, including NT scans.

May 23rd, 2013, 06:34 PM
Sway & Wish - where is "here" exactly? I am having my u/s done in Canada.

May 23rd, 2013, 06:35 PM
Found it...ask for the "sagittal plane" shot, they usually pull up this angle for determining crown to rump measurements. GL!

Anchor you are such a sweetie - thank you so much!!!

May 23rd, 2013, 07:15 PM

May 24th, 2013, 08:21 AM
Of course! Well thanks for letting me know anyway. :HH: