View Full Version : big girls, little girls, and baby girls (and boys!!)

atomic sagebrush
May 7th, 2011, 11:33 AM
Updated 12-12-17

Let's take a closer look at weight, body type, and gender ratio.

One question that seems to arise frequently is, if weight loss truly tends to sway for girls, why is it that bigger women often have many girls (an observation made by several people both on IG and GD sites, completely independent of each other - not trying to generalize or offend anyone). And how can a ridiculously thin woman like Victoria Beckham have 3 boys?

Before we revisit the idea of why very thin women and women eating reduced calories might have more girls, let's ask perhaps a more important question. DO thin women and women eating reduced calories truly have more girls? The answer to this question seems to be yes, they do.

Maternal eating disorders influence sex ratio at birth. - PubMed - NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18720046) In a study involving almost 40,000 women, anorexics and bulemics have more daughters while binge eaters and women with EDNOS-P, defined here: Eating disorder not otherwise specified - Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_disorder_not_otherwise_specified) which is anorexia/strange eating patterns where the BMI does not go below normal and the menstrual cycle is not affected, have more sons. The Oxford study also found that women who eat lower calories Page Not Found | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences (http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/275/1643/1661.abstract) do indeed have more daughters than is statistically expected.

:think:There are actually several reasons why this may be the case.

LOW PROTEIN - If you eat less calories, you may tend to eat less protein. A vegetarian diet has been shown to sway pink in humans http://genderdreaming.com/forum/showthread.php?1369-why-do-vegetarians-have-more-girls. A high protein diet has been shown to skew the gender ratio in several animal studies.

LOW FAT - Again, less calories tends to mean less fat inake. A high fat diet has been shown to skew the gender ratio towards males in several mammals, here's a study in mice. http://www.pnas.org/content/100/8/4628.full.pdf

LOW BLOOD SUGAR - Thinness and weight loss both reduce blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, making your body more efficient at eliminating sugar from the blood. There are hundreds of links about this on Google, too many to post. Skipping meals also keeps blood sugar low, so a habitual meal skipper may inadvertently sway pink regardless of any other factors in their diet.

WEIGHT LOSS - Weight loss itself might sway for several reasons. When a person eats an inadequate amount for their level of activity, their bodies quickly burn off the available blood glucose and glycogen (the form of glucose stored in liver and in muscle tissues). Then, in order to manufacture the glucose a body needs for its metabolic functions, the body begins to cannibalize its own muscle tissue, breaking down the protein into its basic components, one side effect of which is releasing acids into the blood******. Add in frequent intense exercise that produces other acids as well, and it is easy to see how crash dieting and over exercise can make your body very acidic. (update - I no longer believe in any of this type of thinking regarding "acidity" in the body. we now believe it is something to do with your body using stores of fat as fuel and lower blood sugar levels that sway pink.)

Also, weight loss can also lower muscle mass, lowering testosterone, and lower testosterone is hypothesized to be one mechanism that might sway gender. Here are three of dozens of studies/articles on this topic. http://www.bio.davidson.edu/courses/molbio/restricted/01Dom/Dom.html http://humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/18/5/1133.2.full http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11446432

Losing weight also lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin response even if you do not do any other thing to control blood sugar in any way.

Update - I now believe that there is something with weight loss reducing fertility temporarily that sways pink. I don't know what the mechanism is but I believe reduced fertility is how the body ups the chances of conceiving girls.

HORMONE LEVELS - Fat cells make estrogen, and muscle needs testosterone to build/maintain itself so the more muscle you have, the more testosterone your body produces. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrogen http://www.ehow.com/about_5173145_testosterone-muscle-growth_.html So it logically follows that at any time your body has more/less and/or fat/muscle :wink: (fun with grammar:happy:) that the levels of hormones in your body will be altered in response.

MINERAL LEVELS - If a person is eating less food overall, their intake of sodium ~may~ be lower (the Oxford study found that moms who had sons both ate more calories and had a higher intake of sodium and potassium than moms who had daughters.) AT the same time however, it also seems that their intake of calcium and magnesium may be lower (particularly in anorexics and vegans) due to lower food intake, and it also seems that potassium intake might be higher in vegan/vegetarians than in women who eat a more animal-food based diet, since potassium is found in large amounts in fruits and vegetables.

That having been said, since skim dairy is often a staple food of dieters it may be that even on a very low-cal diet, at least some very thin women still have a high cal-mag intake if they include a lot of dairy products in their diet. Skim dairy has also been shown to lower fertility overall while full-fat dairy raises it, so it may sway pink in that way.

:think: But none of these things really explain how BOTH heavy and very thin women might have more daughters.

While it's easy to envision a scenario where a woman who eats more calories takes in more calcium/magnesium, that doesn't seem to be the case. The Oxford study found that moms who had the highest caloric intake and the highest calcium intake, had more BOYS, which flies in the face of the mineral theories, but the French Gender Diet claims that it's the ratio of minerals that matters and not the intake itself.

Hormones are almost certainly of a different composition in very heavy women, although they may also have lower muscle mass (as a percentage of body mass), so they may be more like very thin women in this regard.

Heavy women may also follow certain diets/eating patterns like lowfat diets or skipping meals that contribute both to their weight issues and also inadvertently sway pink.

One thing both very heavy and very thin women absolutely with 100% certainty do have in common (in terms of swaying) is reduced fertility. (update - nearly 7 years on, I now believe the fertility factor to be the primary reason swaying via diet works)

LOWER GENERAL FERTILITY - One of the commonly accepted truisms of swaying seems to be that whatever increases overall fertility seems to sway blue, and whatever diminshes fertility seems to sway pink. BMI out of the normal range in either direction has reduced odds of successful IVF http://forum.lowcarber.org/archive/index.php/t-100727.html Obesity has been shown to reduce fertility in both men and women http://journals.lww.com/co-endocrinology/Abstract/2007/12000/Obesity_and_infertility.11.aspx (one study of MANY) as does being overly thin. Even just sudden weight loss can be enough to wreak havoc with the menstrual cycle, as many of us already know.

:think: Now let's talk real world applications. Why might a heavy mom have more daughters???

It may be that her natural setting is more pink friendly. She may have lowered fertility due to her weight, altered hormone levels, have a higher cal-mag intake, and in addition, she may eat a carb-heavy, lowfat, low protein diet, the likes of which was recommended for weight loss for many years and which was proven to sway pink in mice (see above for link).

A high intake of refined carbs also contributes to a crash-and-burn scenario where blood sugar actually plummets after eating sugary foods. When a person eats primarily quick burning, empty carbs like white bread, candy, pasta, and so forth, their blood sugar goes up very high and very fast. This triggers an insulin response; the body releases large amounts of insulin to counteract the sugar in the blood. And then the blood sugar drops even lower than it was to start with - the body runs out of its preferred quick burning glucose/glycogen and begins devouring its own tissue for energy. This leads to intense cravings for sugary foods and just perpetuates the entire cycle again and again.

Also, an excess of sugar in the blood feeds yeast and other microorganisms that release acids as they digest those sugars, so anyone eating a lot of sugar is pretty much turning their body into an acid factory. (again, I no longer believe this has any effect at all)

A diet high in sugar/refined carbs may actually cause low blood glucose, signaling to the body that a girl pregnancy is desirable and contributing to an acid environment. If this seems farfetched, you may be surprised to hear that researchers lowered blood glucose to dangerous levels in test animals by feeding them nothing but sugar.

Conversely, she may go on a crash diet just prior to when she plans on becoming pregnant and inadvertently sways pink with every pregnancy without realizing it. If this sounds farfetched to you, I know several people who have done just that on numerous occasions.

She may also be married to a heavy guy and being overweight has been shown to lower sperm count and testosterone levels in men, while raising their estrogen levels. Overweight men are more likely to father daughters.

:think: Why might some thin women have many sons?

If being thin sways pink, why do I (my friend, my sis, my mom) have so many boys?

Remember, it's not what you look like on the outside that counts in swaying. It's what is happening within your body. Your weight and even your diet is irrelevant if your overall body chemistry is more friendly towards a particular gender. If you're superthin and yet highly fertile, you are going to be more likely to conceive boys regardless of your weight or anything you put into your mouth.

Many women stay thin because of their eating habits, not in spite of them - a diet of lean protein, healthy fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables is going to sway blue even if you wear a size 0 and it will keep you thin as well. Muscle mass takes up less room on the body and burns way more calories than fat does, so you can be quite lean-looking and yet still have large muscles and be able to eat/burn more calories than a heavier person does - and with more calories, may come higher sodium/potassium/protein/nutrient intake and steady blood sugar levels. Also, some genetic factors such as height, make a person more apt to have muscle regardless of diet - a tall thin person can have much more muscle than a short thin person and still seem quite slender.

The testosterone factor cannot be overlooked either - the amounts of testosterone women have in their bodies is miniscule so you do not need to be big, burly, or mannish to have higher testosterone levels. (update - we are no longer convinced that it is testosterone per se, but some personality factor that leads people to be more control-freaks than others.) In fact, some very thin women are highly driven and competitive due to higher testosterone (or whatever it is) and that is WHY they are able to stay so thin - they may be athletic, lift weights, and be very careful to follow a very healthful diet because they have the tendency to be a bit obsessive, competitive, and ever-so-slightly a control freak. :wink:

One thing that I have observed and I don't mean this to be in any way offensive to anyone struggling, but there seem to be a very high number of women recovering from eating disorders amongst the moms with many boys. It seems well within the realm of possibility that women who have had eating disorders may be naturally higher in testosterone than women who haven't (the desire for control and tendency to obsess seem to play a part in eating disorders). Also, if food was very restricted but is now more plentiful, it may inadvertently signal the body that times were hard but now they're better (even if you're not eating very much food, as long as you're eating more) and your body may take that as a cue that a boy would have an improved chance for survival. If you have ever struggled with an eating disorder, PLEASE be very careful with diet in your sway, not only for your health but also to avoid the rise in testosterone that comes with obsessiveness. You can still have a good sway WITHOUT diet if you need to.

Some women who are on the thin side, may also begin to eat very healthfully prior to conceiving, and end up swaying blue without even realizing it. I did this with one of my sons and I actually ended up gaining 3 lbs the month before I conceived!! Other thin women may actually have to gain weight just to be able to conceive. One of my friends from IG who used to be a model (seriously!!) has conceived 4 boys and she always has to gain weight before she gets pregnant or she cannot conceive.

You also have to consider what the male brings to the equation...I think we all probably agree that men like Tom Brady, David Beckham, and Gavin Rossdale just LOOK like they should make a lot of gorgeous athletic boys just like themselves (rawr...is it getting warm in here??:oops:) and there are scientific reasons like testosterone to back it up but let's just picture them without their shirts on instead.

Finally, ask yourself this question and be honest - ARE you (your friend, mom, sis) really that thin? I know that I'm not. Personally, I look thin because I have a small chest but I'm packing a lot of extra pounds on my legs and bum and I've never conceived at less than 125 pounds (which is kind of a lot for me because I"m short) and for 3 of the 4 I was more like 130-135.

So, in the case of Victoria Beckham, she may just be maintaining at a weight that is natural for her. Some people are naturally very thin, and their body chemistry is just accustomed to supporting their metabolism at that weight. She clearly spends a lot of effort maintaining her physique, so she probably eats very carefully and works out, probably with weights by the looks of her. Perhaps she even gains a bit of weight for health purposes just prior to TTC. Or she may just have very high testosterone naturally (and she claims to have PCOS so this may be the case) and this naturally high T level makes her more likely to have boys. And of course David brings something to the table as well.:wink:

:think:Ok, so if both ways work, why don’t we just eat a bunch of sugar and gain weight to get girls? Health issues aside, it’s because each individual’s body chemistry is just too different. Anyone with insulin resistance (meaning their cells aren’t very responsive to insulin‘s effects) might raise their blood glucose levels and end up conceiving a boy when they wanted a girl. But since every person’s blood glucose levels drop when they eat less sugar, lose weight, and exercise, in addtion to the benefits that weight loss has on lowering testosterone and reducing overall fertility, it seems like that is the more reliable path to take when TTC a girl.

May 7th, 2011, 01:52 PM
this is very interesting.! I really try to keep my blood sugar even this time. Would you say it's better if we don't eat pasta?

May 7th, 2011, 07:28 PM
Rings true for me. All of my girls I had been dieting, drastic sudden weight loss, low blood sugar levels and ate skim/low fat everything. Doing to total opposite this time lol so time will tell..

atomic sagebrush
May 7th, 2011, 07:50 PM
this is very interesting.! I really try to keep my blood sugar even this time. Would you say it's better if we don't eat pasta?

No, I think pasta is fine as long as you eat protein along with it. (me and my protein again!! ;))

May 7th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Wow I love this what great info Thank you

wishing on a star
May 8th, 2011, 05:17 AM
Very interesting read atomic, thank you xx

May 8th, 2011, 05:41 AM
Thanks for this Atomic!

I have boys, I'm very thin naturally - BMI always been under weight but I eat (or used to eat) very unhealthily and I mean REALLY unhealthily! Not in large portions but lots of takeaways/ easy foods because I could (they wouldn't affect my weight).

the reason I am so thin is not because of my calorie consumption it is obviously due to my metabolism and hormones.

May 8th, 2011, 10:46 PM
Your information about eating disorders is really interesting. I suffered from anorexia from the age of 14-19. I have been recovered ever since the 3rd inpatient program, 11 years ago (meaning I started eating healthy and taking care of myself). I conceived 2 sons at the age of 26 and 29, when I was at a normal weight, so it makes me nervous about swaying for that girl. Thanks for your input on that situation. :)

atomic sagebrush
May 8th, 2011, 11:27 PM
Mindy, I am so happy and proud that you made it through! Just be very very careful with swaying. (((hugs)))

atomic sagebrush
May 8th, 2011, 11:29 PM
Thanks for this Atomic!

I have boys, I'm very thin naturally - BMI always been under weight but I eat (or used to eat) very unhealthily and I mean REALLY unhealthily! Not in large portions but lots of takeaways/ easy foods because I could (they wouldn't affect my weight).

the reason I am so thin is not because of my calorie consumption it is obviously due to my metabolism and hormones.

Me too. I can eat 3000 calories a day and not gain weight when I'm active so I think nothing of take out food or burgers and fries even a few times a week when we're busy. High metabolism!!!

Another princess
May 9th, 2011, 02:13 AM
Great information Atomic. Thankyou xx

May 9th, 2011, 02:25 AM
This is very interesting, I didn't have an eating disorder as such but I ate very little due to severe reflux. I didn't start eating normally until after surgery. Even then I ate small meals until meeting my DH we TTC after 2 years.

May 9th, 2011, 10:26 AM
"One thing both very heavy and very thin women absolutely with 100% certainty do have in common (in terms of swaying) is reduced fertility"

In the intrest of science im gonna let it all hang out lol So I really do not fit this decription at all,I have never been thin and was 165 when i concieved ds1 at age 21 and my weight has steadily climbed through all my pregnancies.I have never tried long to ttc and the longest was 4 months with ds3.My last baby i was 33 and got pregnant the first month at 288 pounds.A very unhealthy weight and one i am seriously aiming to better once my baby weans but non the less i am probably 130 pounds over weight and get pregnant easy so my weight has never effected my fertility.Now that the whole internet knows my weight I do have to remind everyone that i am still super sexy no matter what :kiss:

atomic sagebrush
May 9th, 2011, 01:03 PM
I totally believe you! Hot mama!!!

It works the same as it does with thinner gals, if your fertility is great when you're heavier you'll conceive more sons. The point I was trying to make with that essay is, it makes no difference if your big, small, hourglass, or twig, if you are Fertile Myrtle (or even just highly fertile the months you happened to conceive your sons), you're more likely to conceive blue and vice versa. You can see that by being able to get pg first shot at your present weight, it has not impacted your fertility in a negative fashion.

It's not body type that sways per se, it's the effect that body type ~tends~ to have on fertility. There are TONS of exceptions on both sides of the aisle.

May 9th, 2011, 04:57 PM
My concern is that i will just be even more fertile as i lose weight so i really think it would be in my best interest to do alot to make it harder to get pregnant but not so much that i would never get pregnant you know? I really am at a loss,who knew being fertile could be a curse lol

May 9th, 2011, 05:09 PM
Very interesting . . . I'm thin/normal but athletic/muscular (I'm always on top of that blood sugar LOL--eat every few hours and always have protein with my carbs). And "fertile" . . . so your analysis fits me. Of course, it's these things I would hate to change to sway--that seems to be the case with most things (I think I'd rather be content all day with steady blood sugar, and nice reasonable exercise program including weight training!).

May 10th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Hmmmm....this is so interesting to me and I have three boys and am recovered (years ago) from an eating disorder....needless to say I have had no trouble sticking to the girl diet...I'm OCD practically....wow this was a great read thanks!

May 10th, 2011, 05:08 PM
So interesting!

But again leaving me thinking the fact that I have 2 girls goes against the odds! Which maybe means I should feel good about TTC boy this time, since I seem to have loads of factors that point that direction? I'm definitely highly fertile - DD1 was while on BCP's, DD2 was 1st month off. I have always been lean/athletic with a high metabolism and easily develop muscle tone. So sad to admit that I too was anorexic in my teens/early 20's, but happy to say it hasn't been an issue for about 10 years... but I am DEFINITELY still a control freak, LOL! Just not about food anymore :-) I'm virtually certain I have higher than normal testosterone levels due to the acne (primarily jawline), incredibly inappropriate body hair (I LOVE me some laser hair removal!) and competitiveness. All these things seem so BLUE!

When I think of what could have swayed girl for me it comes down to the high running mileage (great article on here about that swaying pink), hormones from the BCP, and MASSIVE amounts of sugar I ate. I'm on the fence about dairy but it was absolutely a big, big part of my diet with both ladies. Full fat though, not skim. Also I rarely ate red meat ... my diet was definitely more carb heavy so probably impacted my blood sugar. I have tried to really focus on upping my protein intake for this sway.

Atomic you do a great job organizing a lot of complicated information into a cohesive read. Not an easy task or skill to develop. Thanks again for all you do.

May 11th, 2011, 06:51 AM
I really felt you describe me to a T on the boy mom part of the essay LOL I mean to a T. The obsessive control freak, cant say im competitive in sports as i hate everything about them but i'm competitive in workouts (I race people on treadmills in my head at the gym and have to run further and faster than them lol) and i have to be the skinniest person i know.
Atomic, for obsessive people like me would you say we should workout liek a nut or stop completely? I had asked this in my thread I started when you replied but you probably never got around to answering it (not a problem - you're busy!). I know I'll already take the girl diet as a challenge and follow it to a T so i know that will probably raise my t levels as is =/

May 11th, 2011, 09:45 AM
GREAT article, Atomic! I have been thinking about all of my girlfriends and women I know with kids....they all, for the most part, seem to fit the mold here. My super thin friend who owns a gym....all girls. My other workout fanatic friend....all girls. My corporate monster friend who is OCD about food and only eats lean and organic....boys. My friend who eats crash carbs and is a bit heavy and never works out....girls. Anyway, thank you for this amazing info!

lovey dovey
May 12th, 2011, 11:34 PM
This was a great read, Atomic. I appreciate your ability to handle things sensitively and yet manage to crack us up with a reference to shirtless soccer players!

atomic sagebrush
May 13th, 2011, 01:18 PM
My concern is that i will just be even more fertile as i lose weight so i really think it would be in my best interest to do alot to make it harder to get pregnant but not so much that i would never get pregnant you know? I really am at a loss,who knew being fertile could be a curse lol

I TOTALLY understand this concern and I have thought on that many times starting back when I did my first blog 2 years ago. The act of losing weight for sure sways pink by shrinking muscle and reducing T levels for everyone, losing weight also sends that message to your body that food is scarce, and I strongly suspect that while you're losing weight, you're less fertile even if you are still at a healthy weight. When I lost weight swaying the first time my pH dropped from doing nothing except losing a few pounds. I also made my period go away after I had DS 2 even though I was at a healthy BMI, just from losing weight and exercising like a maniac (my fertility was def. reduced even though I weighed 130 lbs.)

Princess of Pink
July 26th, 2011, 03:05 AM
Ok...a little bit about me...

With my first daughter I was VERY thin, in the underweight BMI range. I gained weight steadily with the last 4...but regularly dieting and losing weight, just to put it back on again. I have always eaten low-fat milk, diet coke/pepsi max, low-fat everything really, high carbs, high sugar, low to non-existent protein. I hate eggs, cheese, not too fond of meat. Hate salad, love veggies/fruit but didn't always eat a lot, mainly carbs. Cereal, toast, pasta. This diet resulted in me being very overweight (obese BMI) for my last 2 children. I have never added salt to anything in my life!! I am sweet person...not savoury!

I want to add that I would in no way class myself as having low fertility at all. I have fallen pregnant 11 times on the FIRST attempt (no joke). I have lost 6 pregnancies, but fall pregnant VERY easily. So my girlie family is not due to poor fertility.

I have also done timing to perfection and still got the girl...moon phases etc... all point boy....Gotta be the diet doesn't it???

I just wanted to also add that I went on a high protein, very low carb, no sugar, high veg/fruit, no processed food diet last year and lost 60kg...my diet is still 3 meals protein a day, low carbs, high fruit and veg, etc... I am trying hard to cut diet coke from my diet forever in the next month or two as well....

atomic sagebrush
July 29th, 2011, 10:44 AM
First of all thank you so much for taking time out of your day to share your experiences with us! Very helpful!!!

I totally agree with you about diet being of primary importance. People get confused when I refer to "declining" fertility because they have always gotten pg easily with their girls, but what I mean is that along the fertility continuum, there is a place where a person is still fully fertile but prob. has less/drier/more hostile CM, produces less sex hormones, and may even make eggs that are a little tougher to fertilize than another person's might be. You can have "lower" fertility while still getting pregnant very easily.

I don't want to scare or alarm you, but I do think anyone who has had 5 daughters and 6 losses should see a geneticist to rule out any genetic disorder that ~might~ make it more difficult for you to conceive a baby boy. Please read http://genderdreaming.com/forum/showthread.php?824-You-quot-can-t-quot-carry-a-baby-of-that-gender!!! for a more in depth explanation. This circumstance is extremely rare, but it is something that should be considered. Good luck.

July 29th, 2011, 11:10 AM
So my guess that it is me and not my hubby is right.... he is 275 and loves his sweets he only gets a chance to eat 3 normal meals a day because work is crazy. I was super underweight when i met him and gained 15-20lbs before conceiving DS1.

As a kid we did not eat much because my mother believed that if we had any fat in anyway that we were going to be obese. She never lets us eat anything but beans and oatmeal. Now that I am incharge of what I eat I did eat large amounts of things... I went crazy the first time I had a candy bar at 25 years old. Hubby laughs when I get excited over a food I never had before. I do love food and I try to eat rounded meals and I never deprive myself or my family of something they really want. I do plan to go back to eating what I like or want to try but I will also eat lots of healthy foods.

I think hubbys testosterone has lowered because whines now when I tell him he has to release 2x's a day... he begged me to let him skip it this morning. I made him do it by saying that if we don't do everything we can I will want to try again for another baby... he stamped off to the shower like a two-year-old.

We don't eat a lot of protein these days because I have been trying to condition hubby to eating smaller healthier meals... for his health, my health, and teaching our kids to eat healthy by example. Everything we eat is based on the normal needs.

July 29th, 2011, 11:16 AM
One thing I saw once on tv says that eating a diet high in healthy greens and good proteins will help increase fertility.... lots of healthy spring mix salads and chicken. Might be good for the people who tend to have more m/c.

One good snack... 1-2cps spring mix salad, a small handfull each of baby carrots and cherry tomatoes, 1/4-1/2 avacado, some type of nuts or seeds, and maybe an egg. I also enjoy alfalfa and bean sprouts. I stopped using dressing a few years ago to loose weight so I like a good mix of veggies for a healthy flavorful salad.

atomic sagebrush
July 29th, 2011, 02:52 PM
So my guess that it is me and not my hubby is right.... he is 275 and loves his sweets he only gets a chance to eat 3 normal meals a day because work is crazy. I was super underweight when i met him and gained 15-20lbs before conceiving DS1.

As a kid we did not eat much because my mother believed that if we had any fat in anyway that we were going to be obese. She never lets us eat anything but beans and oatmeal. Now that I am incharge of what I eat I did eat large amounts of things... I went crazy the first time I had a candy bar at 25 years old. Hubby laughs when I get excited over a food I never had before. I do love food and I try to eat rounded meals and I never deprive myself or my family of something they really want. I do plan to go back to eating what I like or want to try but I will also eat lots of healthy foods.

I think hubbys testosterone has lowered because whines now when I tell him he has to release 2x's a day... he begged me to let him skip it this morning. I made him do it by saying that if we don't do everything we can I will want to try again for another baby... he stamped off to the shower like a two-year-old.

We don't eat a lot of protein these days because I have been trying to condition hubby to eating smaller healthier meals... for his health, my health, and teaching our kids to eat healthy by example. Everything we eat is based on the normal needs.

You know, that is the same experience that I and some other people I know have had. If you're deprived growing up, it's almost like you value food more as an adult to make up for it. I really think that's why rich people are always so dang skinny - they've never had that feeling of not knowing wehre their meal is coming from!!!

I almost begin to feel panicky if I don't have pop in the house!!!

July 30th, 2011, 07:21 PM
yeah you cant judge a thin woman and just assume she is a low fat diet, I have a thin friend and she eats a lot! a lot of pizza, cakes, cookies, BUT she LOVES to exercise, she gets up at like 4am in the morning and exercise, like 1hr 30mins or more a day, she LOVES it, personally wish she would rub off on me lol, so she is very thin with a high fat diet and lots of muscles she is very fit, which fits a boy sway doesnt it? to be muscler means higher testosterone right? (btw she has 2 boys) now I do know a woman that is very obese that has 3 daughters but is (not trying to be ugly here) but she is lazy, she probably has no muscle mass (well very little) but either she isnt very fertile or her husband isnt, since its very hard for her to concieve(a 3yr to 5yr gap between girls) she never took fertility meds, she is very religious and doesnt believe in fertility meds so no sway with meds, I think maybe low sperm count was maybe the issue(which sways pink right?) but I dont think it has to do with size but whether if your a healthy, more physical, lazy, etc you think? well what I gathered from the article :)

atomic sagebrush
July 31st, 2011, 12:14 PM
yeah you cant judge a thin woman and just assume she is a low fat diet, I have a thin friend and she eats a lot! a lot of pizza, cakes, cookies, BUT she LOVES to exercise, she gets up at like 4am in the morning and exercise, like 1hr 30mins or more a day, she LOVES it, personally wish she would rub off on me lol, so she is very thin with a high fat diet and lots of muscles she is very fit, which fits a boy sway doesnt it? to be muscler means higher testosterone right? (btw she has 2 boys) now I do know a woman that is very obese that has 3 daughters but is (not trying to be ugly here) but she is lazy, she probably has no muscle mass (well very little) but either she isnt very fertile or her husband isnt, since its very hard for her to concieve(a 3yr to 5yr gap between girls) she never took fertility meds, she is very religious and doesnt believe in fertility meds so no sway with meds, I think maybe low sperm count was maybe the issue(which sways pink right?) but I dont think it has to do with size but whether if your a healthy, more physical, lazy, etc you think? well what I gathered from the article :)

I do think it comes down to general, overall health and as a consequence, fertility. That's why you can't just look at a person's body type or even their diet and predict what gender they would have...there is something going on inside people's bodies that is doing the swaying. It's just that diet/health/body type can be indicative of whatever-it-is.

I'm lazy as a cat with 4 boys LOL! ;)

June 4th, 2012, 10:33 AM
This is a great article and I'm bumping it up because A) I really loved imagining the men without shirts!! and B) I think AS's words about fertility continuium, being that you may easily get pregnant but still not be as 'fertile' as you may think due to low CM, or an egg that's harder to penetrate, etc.

Great essay!

atomic sagebrush
March 10th, 2013, 10:46 AM

atomic sagebrush
March 10th, 2013, 10:47 AM

December 1st, 2013, 12:50 AM
This is very interesting! The first boy I conceived was 2 months after my wedding. Before that I had been dieting, and then pigged out on the honeymoon and weeks after and gained 5 pounds. My second son was not planned and I was not watching my calories at that time.

December 1st, 2013, 07:19 PM
I love reading this easy, I come back to every now and then to re-read it:)

May 10th, 2014, 08:38 AM
I am a thin vegetarian with 4 boys lol....i don't eat very healthy...or a lot..i mostly snack on chocolate, cakes, pasta, sandwiches, cereal with full fat milk...mostly drink sweet milky tea.......looking at me u would think I should have girls...but knowing what i eat explains it i think...

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May 10th, 2014, 04:28 PM
Its funny that after all the time I have spent on this site I have never read this essay...at least I don't remember reading this essay.

I can pin this theory on soooo many people. It makes perfect sense after reading this that many women who are dieting, or think they should be dieting, conceive girls. And many women who are naturally thin and eating all the time to stay alive conceive boys.

I am hopeful that since I have pretty much completely changed my diet, (cutting out gluten mainly), that I will have a better chance of a boy.

Like I have said many times before. When I take sway breaks the natural LE ways come back so fast, its nuts! This sway break I think I have finally changed my habits for good because when I don't eat right, I.feel.lousy!

May 10th, 2014, 06:40 PM
My friend is over 300 lbs. She conceived 2 boys by eating big meals, lots of fast food. Then she was ttc a girl. Her and her husband were going through a lot in their marriage. She was so stressed and depressed. She hardly ate. she got pregnant and had a girl! She also hardly ate early pregnancy.

May 27th, 2014, 05:19 AM
My husband & I are both the opposite of all this. We're both overweight (ok, I'm technically death fatz range), but incredibly fertile with 4 boys & at least a dozen losses. Most with one try or not even actually trying.

Our youngest was unexpected, I was 38 & dh was told he was very unlikely to be able to conceive after nearly dying & major medical issues. One time, days before O, and here he is. Not only that, he was born in January.

After a lot of reading on here, I suspect the biggest thing that swayed blue was my always low functioning thyroid went nuts & I gained 30lbs in about 4 weeks, a couple months before conceiving.

August 5th, 2015, 03:44 AM
I love it when you come across an older thread that answers so many questions! Love this site!

January 22nd, 2016, 05:29 PM
This is a great thread! Although makes me quite nervous. I have lost to much weight on LE by being super strict and have now seemed to not have ovulated for 3 cycles �� The last 6 weeks I've been upping all limmets to closer to top ranges and have put 4lbs on but still no 0 this month. So I've got to continue putting weight on in the hope it will kick start my 0 again, but now worried by doing so will sway boy even after all my months of hard work. Has anyone else been in a smilar position and what was the out come?

atomic sagebrush
January 26th, 2016, 05:05 PM
I am like 99.99% sure it was the pep tea Maureen, but then again you also lost gobs of weight. I want you to continue gaining.

We have seen PLENTY of people who gained and got girls. Pretty much ALL the blue sway opposites and a fair number of pinkies also gained weight

April 10th, 2016, 12:18 PM
Of all the essays, none quite explains me conceiving a girl than this one, I think. Especially since I WAS one of those anorexic women crash dieting before pregnancy "to get as thin as I could before having to gain weight with pregnancy"!

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atomic sagebrush
April 10th, 2016, 12:23 PM
I know this lady who was overweight and always went on a diet before TTC. She had 2 girls, then decided she was going to sway for a boy, but she was always scared that she'd gain weight with swaying blue, so she'd go on a crash diet and lose like 20 lbs and then be like "oh heck with it, I'm swaying anyway" and then she'd try for one month and then say "I can't get pregnant when I'm swaying" and drop everything. Had 3 more girls that way. :/

June 12th, 2016, 03:01 PM
Great thread this one!

atomic sagebrush
June 16th, 2016, 12:16 PM
I just gave a really thorough explanation of this concept in this thread http://genderdreaming.com/forum/trying-to-conceive-a-girl/55303-super-confused-about-frequency.html

June 18th, 2016, 01:06 AM
Thank you for this atomic. I always enjoy reading your posts! So I am a thin boy mom. I have always been able to eat a ton of food and not gain. Not super into working out so I'm the Skinny fat body type. I carry my weight in my belly though. I conceived my first boy at 95 pounds and am 5'4". I have very high fertility too. Always get pregnant the first try. This time I got pregnant after a miscarriage. Still team green and this was my first sway so waiting to see.

atomic sagebrush
June 18th, 2016, 02:10 PM
Good luck dreaming!

June 18th, 2016, 04:58 PM
This is interesting. I have 2 sweet daughters and another one on the way. I love my baby girls, next go around I want to try for a boy. I am not very fertile, I've had years where I'd only ovulate once or twice a year. My first daughter was a total surprise and miracle. My second daughter was conceived with the aid of provera. and this one I ended up using clomid. If I have to continue to use fertility help will that always sway pink? I've also always eaten low fat, low protein foods. Im about 5'8" and weigh 125-135. It varies, so it could be that too. I adore my girls and I would love 2 or 3 sons after this. I want to start reading up on info about diet. I can't seem to find consistent information on any other sites and it drives me nuts. I'm so excited to start studying out swaying and see if it works for me. :)

atomic sagebrush
June 20th, 2016, 01:31 PM
Hi and welcome Rosie!!

We have seen a trend where gals who have a bit of a tougher time getting pregnant, and also those on Clomid, do have more daughters than the general population. But it isn't a dealbreaker, you can still sway your heart out and will be better off than if you kept doing the same thing and expected a different result.

Do you have PCOS, do they think?? We have an alternate version of our HE Diet that is better for people who have fertility issues. It is here in this thread, 5 from the top, and you'd follow the variant for blue swayers http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/9052-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-3-pcos.html

If at any point you have any questions or confusion, ASK. There is always an explanation for everything on this site and reasons why our advice does not always match other sites. I'm always happy to explain. :)

June 22nd, 2016, 06:15 PM
I sent you a private message with some questions. Thanks!

atomic sagebrush
June 23rd, 2016, 10:33 AM
Oh ok I'll look for it. It sometimes takes me longer to do PM's than forum q's just because forum q's benefit everyone instead of one at a time. :)

June 27th, 2016, 08:10 PM
Ok I'll start a forum question :) I don't think it sent anyways :think:

January 24th, 2017, 08:46 PM
I know this is an old post but I'm freaking out! I am about 9 weeks pregnant right now... Tried to sway pink... my bloodwork from my 8 week appt cane back and they said my blood glucose a1c was a lil high and want me to drink that glucola drink at my 12 week appt! I thought I did good on my diet- didn't eat til after 1130 am, no red meat, some chicken for 2 months before and lots of cheese, strawberries & no fat Greek yogurt for a month before. Used equal in coffee and crystal light. Didn't eat pasta. And tried not to snack. How is it that my A1C went up!?!? Is this going to lower my odds of hearing pink? Any way the pregnancy itself is raising it this early!? It measures last 3 months... half of which o was pregnant for. Also, in that 3 months I lost 22 pounds! 10 of those pounds in the last month before getting pregnant. Im shocked & thinking the dr office is gonna call back and say they were kidding or mixed up the results!!!!! I have 3 boys and never had a problem with glucose! HELP PLEASE

January 25th, 2017, 02:18 AM
Sorry I pressed 'thanks' accidentally! :) Good luck with everything xx

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atomic sagebrush
January 26th, 2017, 03:21 PM
What your blood glucose level is now tells you nothing about your sway.

Yes absolutely your blood sugar can rise from pregnancy this soon. Pregnancy makes blood sugar go up.

I suspect it was just a fluke thing, you'll go in and do fine on the Glucola test and it was probably just something you'd eaten that hadn't left your system when they tested. They just want to be sure that nothing is wrong.

February 4th, 2017, 08:29 PM
I've been sick (winter cold) so haven't been on that much. Just to clarify.... the A1C glucose test is a "snapshot of the last 3 months." It wasn't just testing that day:( I was pregnant for 6 of the weeks & on my diet for 6 of the weeks. To keep myself from getting too paranoid and depressed I keep telling myself maybe it's because my body isn't used to having a girl in there (even tho you say gender doesn't present til later in the trimester)

atomic sagebrush
February 5th, 2017, 02:24 PM
We do not know that your levels mean anything. When we say "low blood sugar levels" we are not actually describing a number you can measure. Your body doesn't "like" having low blood sugar levels and immediately takes steps to raise them by burning off its stores. It is this whole process that we're talking about, not a number on a chart.

Everyone's body "knows" how to grow boys or girls. Remember, we were all pregnant once with our first baby regardless of their gender.

February 7th, 2017, 10:38 AM
I know this is an old post but I'm freaking out! I am about 9 weeks pregnant right now... Tried to sway pink... my bloodwork from my 8 week appt cane back and they said my blood glucose a1c was a lil high and want me to drink that glucola drink at my 12 week appt! I thought I did good on my diet- didn't eat til after 1130 am, no red meat, some chicken for 2 months before and lots of cheese, strawberries & no fat Greek yogurt for a month before. Used equal in coffee and crystal light. Didn't eat pasta. And tried not to snack. How is it that my A1C went up!?!? Is this going to lower my odds of hearing pink? Any way the pregnancy itself is raising it this early!? It measures last 3 months... half of which o was pregnant for. Also, in that 3 months I lost 22 pounds! 10 of those pounds in the last month before getting pregnant. Im shocked & thinking the dr office is gonna call back and say they were kidding or mixed up the results!!!!! I have 3 boys and never had a problem with glucose! HELP PLEASE

Glucose in pregnancy, as I've learned, often has nothing to do with us. It's all the placenta! Unless you have Type 1 or 2, the placenta is your new mistress of glucose lol.

That said, I had a GD diagnosis that even my midwife agreed was erroneous -- I, nor my DD, ever had a single symptom outside of a few points over the 1 hour test (which had only changed to a lower norm the few months before I did it!). I learned from the doctor on staff, however, that certain "metabolic derangement" (eesh... actual phrase she used) can both trigger a false positive for GD and also actually contribute a bit to GD. The LE diet isn't the "derangement" I experienced (history of anorexia with a relapse before I conceived my DD), but it's a diet more in line with it than say the HE.

So, all that said -- I have a thread on here somewhere when I was dealing with all of this. I had a girl!! Definitely don't think any of this means you're having a boy.

atomic sagebrush
February 7th, 2017, 02:25 PM
:agree: and one of the worst glucose tests I ever had was when I had been pregnant with twins but one did not survive. I had 2 placentas, one baby, and then I was actually kind of out of it when I was taking the 3 hr. glucose test (I always flunk the first one for some reason). They told me to prepare for failing the test but then I passed. I also gained tons of weight with that pregnancy. The two placentas!

February 7th, 2017, 07:19 PM
:agree: and one of the worst glucose tests I ever had was when I had been pregnant with twins but one did not survive. I had 2 placentas, one baby, and then I was actually kind of out of it when I was taking the 3 hr. glucose test (I always flunk the first one for some reason). They told me to prepare for failing the test but then I passed. I also gained tons of weight with that pregnancy. The two placentas!

Something like 67% of women fail the 1 hour! Oh, the rants I could go on about the GD test...

atomic sagebrush
February 8th, 2017, 05:24 PM
Yes, me too. I failed it 4 of 5 times. The one time I didn't fail it was the one time I thought I may have actually had something going on (I'd get REALLY sleepy after eating sometimes - like "couldn't drive a car" sleepy) but that time I passed! Human body is weird

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2017, 04:02 PM

December 12th, 2017, 06:37 PM
I was just thinking about this thread the other day! My husband and I independently came to a similar theory that maybe all the LE stuff I was doing before DD suppressed my fertility so much that ONLY the strongest sperm could make it to the egg or something... considering I was killing myself and had a healthy baby right off the bat, and have been super healthy for 2 years now and the 6 unexplained losses!

Hyperfertility is sure a "not good" road I ever wanted to go down!

atomic sagebrush
December 13th, 2017, 09:20 AM
If there is any undiscovered autoimmune thing (because immune issues and fertility is the undiscovered country - they know really nothing about it) going on it also makes sense - if you were run down you may have actually knocked back your immune system enough to grow a baby! I SO wish we had more resources available to study these things. (((Hugs)))

atomic sagebrush
June 10th, 2018, 01:14 PM
bumping, had a lot of q's on this recently.

October 26th, 2022, 09:07 PM
What an awesome topic!!!! I know it’s old but I’m bringing it back!
It makes total sense for me being a boy mum - I’d eat healthy foods and plenty of food , naturally slim and tall so whatever I ate didn’t gain weight so didn’t matter , so I’d eat huge steaks with battered fish and chips and salads, eggs etc, pregnant first try. Then swayed for my daughter and got her by hugely cutting down my calorie intake and all the food I usually ate like eggs, red meat, dairy etc. then naturally didn’t sway and had another boy. Now back again trying to sway for girl again. Cutting down all my food , eating processed crap carbs like 2 minute noodles and rice. I will say I conceived all children 1st time even my daughter.

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October 26th, 2022, 09:09 PM
What an awesome topic!!!! I know it’s old but I’m bringing it back!
It makes total sense for me being a boy mum - I’d eat healthy foods and plenty of food , naturally slim and tall so whatever I ate didn’t gain weight so didn’t matter , so I’d eat huge steaks with battered fish and chips and salads, eggs etc, pregnant first try. Then swayed for my daughter and got her by hugely cutting down my calorie intake and all the food I usually ate like eggs, red meat, dairy etc. then naturally didn’t sway and had another boy. Now back again trying to sway for girl again. Cutting down all my food , eating processed crap carbs like 2 minute noodles and rice. I will say I conceived all children 1st time even my daughter.

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atomic sagebrush Is white food still ok for diet? I’m ttc this time next month! So really cracking down

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atomic sagebrush
October 27th, 2022, 08:30 PM
Bump this for me if I don't get back to answer!

atomic sagebrush
October 28th, 2022, 07:53 PM
What an awesome topic!!!! I know it’s old but I’m bringing it back!
It makes total sense for me being a boy mum - I’d eat healthy foods and plenty of food , naturally slim and tall so whatever I ate didn’t gain weight so didn’t matter , so I’d eat huge steaks with battered fish and chips and salads, eggs etc, pregnant first try. Then swayed for my daughter and got her by hugely cutting down my calorie intake and all the food I usually ate like eggs, red meat, dairy etc. then naturally didn’t sway and had another boy. Now back again trying to sway for girl again. Cutting down all my food , eating processed crap carbs like 2 minute noodles and rice. I will say I conceived all children 1st time even my daughter.

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I love keeping the older threads going so they're chock full of info, instead of having 9 zillion threads with a tidbit of info in each one! Easier to get it all under one roof.

Whether or not to do white foods depends on whether or not you have any insulin resistance. For anyone with PCOS, egg quality issues, insulin resistance and a history of gestational diabetes or metabolic syndrome, or more than 30-50 lbs to lose, they're better off having whole grains, full fat dairy only, limiting sugar, and increasing protein and fat macros to 50-60 g (cutting carbs without having to count or track carbs in any way) while keeping cals the same. This is our "alternate" or "PCOS type" diet and we're getting outstanding results with it even for those without PCOS.

I would honestly switch everyone over to it, but some people can't stick to it and others lose weight too quickly. So there's still a place for the standard diet with the white grains, but on the whole I think most people should be doing the alternate diet if at all possible, even if just in a modified, halfway form.

October 29th, 2022, 04:15 AM
atomic sagebrush Is white food still ok for diet? I’m ttc this time next month! So really cracking down

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Awesome thanks so much Atomic for replying!!!! Yea here good to know, I don’t have anything as you described but I’m doing half and half. White grains for lunch but also whole grains for dinner etc.

Also I’ve seen that BCP sways girl. Would it be a good girl sway idea to take it say every second day?! So it’s not affective as such but in my system? Thanks atomic!!!!!

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atomic sagebrush
October 29th, 2022, 12:45 PM
Sounds good! Let me know if you see any signs or symptoms of insulin resistance (unexpected weight gain, or even just absence of weight loss when you think you should be losing weight, hair growth, irregular cycle, sudden outbreaks of acne, that sort of thing) and we may want you to shift exclusively to whole grains.

Don't take the BCP every other day. Either use it, or don't. We don't know that it works every other day for swaying, and it will very likely make your cycle screwy taking it that way (course, that may be why it sways pink, but we don't know that for sure.) You would have to stop using it when you're TTC because it might still suppress your ability to conceive, even every other day.