View Full Version : Anyone else in the same boat? :(

August 10th, 2013, 02:20 AM
I have one boy who will be 2 next month. We found out we were pregnant with our 2nd back in march. It was a huge shocker to us & from the moment we found out, we both hoped for a girl!!
I had a great feeling that I was pregnant with a little girl from the start, so much that I referred to my baby as "her" & "she"
At my first u/s the tech 99% confirmed girl. I said "I knew it" because like I said I just had a feeling it was a she. When I told DH, he cried tears of joy because he really wanted his baby girl. We were both overcome with joy!!! We were excited that our son was going to have a little sister. Having a boy is fun, its crazy, wild, and you're constantly on your toes. I feel as if my Tom boy side is constantly being brought out when I play with him. So I was excited to get to do girly things with my girl!
Well second ultrasound came along and this time there was a penis. The u/s tech looked shocked when she told me because she really thought it was a girl.
My heart just dropped to my stomach. I couldn't believe it. Another boy? I couldn't wrap my head around it. I asked her about 10 times if she was sure. She pointed out the scrotum and everything. :/ I feel horrible for feeling sad and disappointed but I just thought for sure it was a girl. I was excited and everyone else was too!
This will be the 8th boy on DH's side. We thought for sure we were having the first girl!!!!
I'm happy that DS will have a brother to play with but still sad.

August 10th, 2013, 11:32 AM
I am sorry you are feeling this way sweetp91. I can relate. I was a bit disappointed to find out that our second was a boy. Something I saw atomic write was that 'boys should come in pairs'. Having two boys, I couldn't agree more. They are BEST friends. If you can put your own feelings aside for a moment and see through your son's eyes, how special it is to have a friend close in age to play with forever that will be on the same wavelength, it might help you to find some happiness in the news.

I am so happy I have two boys now. I still want a girl (which is why I am on this site!), but for my family, having two boys close together has been such a blessing.

August 10th, 2013, 02:24 PM
Thank you so much! It really does make alot of sense. My brother in law had mentioned to me that there will be a lot of fighting over dominance. There will be jealousy and harsh feelings growing up if one is more athletic or smarter than the other. But I think that would apply to every sibling, no matter the gender. You just have to raise and love them equally.
I guess he tried to make me feel bad for having two boys, which I actually don't. It really does excite me that my son will have a brother and Bestfriend for life. I'm just trying to get over the fact that I'm not getting my daughter this time, especially because I was almost positive that it was a girl. I established a bond with what I thought was a girl.. So that's just really hard. I hope and pray that I get my daughter the 3rd time around! I've recently heard of gender swaying but I know that isn't always reliable. I think it would be an even greater disappointment if I investe so much time and emotion into trying to convieve a girl and ended up having another boy, you know? I want to have an open mindset and heart. I don't want it to be like this time when I thought for sure I was getting my girl. It takes away from the joy of having another baby in general, you know?
Sorry.... I'm just babbling on now. Anyway... Thanks again for your uplifting words. Very sweet and very true!!!
Good luck on #3 crossing fingers for you!! :)

August 10th, 2013, 02:42 PM
I know how you feel and find myself in the same boat again. However boys are great, I think my boys are lucky to have each other, I hope they grow up close and are best friends, they are so close in age and I hope that helps!

I swayed this time and am pregnant with an opposite, DS3 is on his way. I can honestly say, don't sway or go for number 3 unless you are happy with either gender, I was happy with either but had preference for a girl so I swayed, an opposite it hard but I'm looking forward to my boys having another brother.

I would ignore your BIL, there will always be an element of sibling rivalry but I think the answer is in how you deal with it!

Keep your chin up it does get easier! :hugs: