View Full Version : Got a +OPK , now do I do anything or just give up

August 26th, 2013, 02:42 PM
I got a +OPK today. Been 7 days since we DTD( FR by masterbation is against religion and BJ I have a gag reflex) DH is 41 but because of reasons we abstained. I am using rephresh, diet and stress are hard to control. Go walking 1 hr every other day. I am 40 in 8 wks and had m/c in March. If I decided to attempt should I tonight and tomorrow ( I know timing isn't all and looking at last 5 boys we were bd with 1-2 days between , so not shocked boys I guess. Trying to decide if mentally could do 8 boys in a row.

August 26th, 2013, 05:06 PM
Have you researched what this site has to offer in terms of your options? There are so many variables with your situation. I know your DH should not abstain that long over 40 for sperm quality, can you bd with a condom to release? Can you wait another month to attempt so you can gather more info from this site. Atomic has posted so many good studies and info that might be useful to your situation ;) GL!!

August 26th, 2013, 07:20 PM
No birth control. I have been reading and trying to re-educate myself from all I learned on IG. There are so many factors and I know you could do the perfect sway and still have the opposite gender.

atomic sagebrush
August 29th, 2013, 03:01 PM
I'm so sorry, I do my best to answer questions as quick as I can.

MPO is if you are still undecided about whether you can do another boy, it's best to wait and see what your heart says before proceeding with a pg that you may not be up for in the long term.