View Full Version : Miscarriage

September 4th, 2013, 10:10 PM
I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow and had a huge gush of brown blood this morning. I have been spotting since. I get an ultrasound tomorrow, but I just know that this is the beginning of the end :( I had a miscarriage at 5w 5d with my second pregnancy and it started off just like this. My morning sickness stopped at 8 weeks. I tried to find the heartbeat with my Doppler (I found it with my second son at 8w 4d) but there was nothing :( I think I knew from the beginning that I would lose this baby. I got pregnant the first month, with only one attempt. I was slightly sick right away but didn't get full blown morning sickness until much later than with my boys. This pregnancy in general has felt "off." It makes me wonder if my diet of noodles, rice, and poptarts was just too strict on my poor egg and maybe I should have been a little more careful on my LE diet.
Either way, I'll come back and update tomorrow after my ultrasound. I'm hoping beyond hope this isn't what I think it is.

September 4th, 2013, 10:19 PM
I'm so sorry for you! I wish with all my heart that everything will turn out okay for you and your baby. I'll have you in my thoughts until then. Fingers crossed...

Wanting a daughter
September 4th, 2013, 10:29 PM
I had huge gushes of blood with both of my boys. Especially the first. HUGE. Passed a big clot and thought I had lost him on the spot. I just dropped him off at school. You are definitely not out of the game yet. Bleeding is soooo common, even heavy bleeding. Unless you are cramping too there is still a really good chance you will be fine.
Fingers crossed for you.

September 4th, 2013, 10:34 PM
:( I'm so sorry - hope all turns out well for you :hug2:

September 4th, 2013, 10:44 PM
Thank you Wanting! I am trying to stay hopeful. I haven't had any cramping, but the lack of pregnancy symptoms has me very worried.

September 5th, 2013, 01:49 AM
I'm sorry, going through this right now too. I'm supposed to be 10 weeks but baby measured 6.4. Passed tissues today :(
I pray for you that this is not a miscairrage and everything is ok. Just want you to know that i know what you are feeling and am here if you want to talk. Good luck tom.

September 5th, 2013, 02:35 AM
Hi Kitty0911,
I thought I'd write as I know EXACTLY what you're going through and I'd like to share my experience and a bit of advice. I had 3 consecutive miscarriages between DS2 & DS3. One at 12weeks (saw no heartbeat on screen) had a D&C, waited one period tried again lost the second at 9 weeks, waited one period tried again, lost the third at 6 weeks. By this time I thought that my child bearing days were over - my body was ruined, there must be something wrong with me. After getting tests done nothing was found. Then after waiting two periods we tried again and this one stuck, but each day, each week that passed anxiously awaiting my 12week scan getting there I've never been more happy seeing a bouncing baby on the screen - which is why I'm not too upset about having another boy after going through so much grief. A year on and I met with a medium physic who outright said to me "wow you had a tough time with 3 miscarriages" I nearly fell over!... but he said I want to tell you that their is no such thing as an 'accident' or a 'miscarriage' in the spirit world. And I want to tell you that you didn't lose '3' babies the last one you had was him every time, but he wasn't ready. He wanted a space between the two older ones. (two older are 16months apart & he would've been 16months also) So if things do turn out for the worse, take a deep breath and just trust that the little being/soul inside you, they will be with you when their ready... Going through the miscarriages felt worse telling people as they would just comment that they must've been all girls! cruel people... just be aware of who you tell, the people that should give you the most support are usually the most judgmental. xo goodluck

September 5th, 2013, 02:26 PM
Well I had my scan. The baby had a heartbeat of 192bpm! So I was in total shock to see his heartbeat. He was measuring 9w 3d. However, they did find a Subchorionic Hematoma between the baby and the placenta. My doctor explained it to me and said they would put me on progesterone and baby aspirin daily to hopefully get rid of it. She said that there are risks of the placenta completely detaching or a clot coming lose and crossing the umbilical cord. So I have a 50/50 chance of continuing this pregnancy. I'm slightly relieved, but still worried. I have another ultrasound in 3 weeks to see how things are going. Thanks to everyone for your good thoughts and advice!

The Anchor
September 5th, 2013, 02:55 PM
Oh thank goodness! I was holding my breath scrolling down to your last post. Pray there are no more hurdles for you.

September 5th, 2013, 04:07 PM
Thank you Anchor!