View Full Version : When did you ovulate on Clomid? Day 10, Almost + OPK?

September 10th, 2013, 11:12 PM
Hi. I am in my first TTC month and took Clomid day 3-7 and am now on day 10 of my cycle. I used that Clomid calculator online to guess when I should expect to ovulate and it said from day 13 to 18. It is now day 10 and I had my first OPK show an almost positive, the line is slightly lighter so it is not yet a positive. It just made me a bit uneasy because everytime I get a slightly lighter line it's always darker the next day. Is it possible to ovulate this early on Clomid?? If I get a positive tomorrow, should I just disregard and wait? I was really aiming for 1 try only as it has higher success with TTC pink and I don't want to risk DTD twice and spoil my sway. Anyone been through this? What did you do? Thanks, girls.

September 10th, 2013, 11:20 PM
On one of my months of Clomid, I took it from cd 4-8 and ovulated on CD 10. All my other months of taking it, I ovulated on CD 13 (that is, 5 days after the last pill) or 14 (if I did clomid on cd 5-9). But that one time, randomly, I did have a very early ovulation.
I'd trust the opks if I were you. Clomid can do strange things to your cycle.

September 11th, 2013, 12:45 AM
Thanks sugarNspice. It's all very confusing! I don't usually ovulate early by myself hence my skepticism about an early +OPK, but at the same time I don't want to miss the window this month.
I've read online that Clomid can cause false +OPK's and not to trust any result before day 12. Easier said than done!
I will test again tonight and if it's positive I guess I will have to trust it.

September 11th, 2013, 09:48 AM
When I was taking Clomid, I was seeing an RE, and on the cycles where I didn't have ultrasound checks of my follicles, he had me use OPKs to track ovulation, and they were always right.

While it's possible that you can have a false positive on an OPK (ie, it detects an LH surge but no egg is released) I don't think this is very common on Clomid, and I think it's probably more common in women with things like PCOS who have trouble ovulating even with Clomid. OPKs are generally pretty reliable when you're taking Clomid.

Clomid does cause follicles to grow extra large, and sometimes, in some women, they pop out early, I think because of their size.

September 11th, 2013, 07:00 PM
Thanks again. I tested again in the evening and the line was much fainter, so it was either false or a very short surge. I decided not to DTD after that negative result. I hope I don't miss my chance. I am very good at knowing when I will ovulate as I cramp a few days before and during, and I feel nothing yet, so I will go with my gut instinct and hope O is still coming. I find it hard to believe I would ovulate only 4 days after the last pill. I am also temping and there was no temp drop or spike. I will continue to test today and see how it goes, if I get dark lines again, then I will definitely BD tonight.
Thanks for your insights :)

September 12th, 2013, 12:31 AM
By the way, cervix is still quite firm. Hard to know what to look for when I never had clomid before :(

September 12th, 2013, 05:00 PM
Hi sorry, just seeing this now, or I would have replied earlier...

I am on my 3rd cycle of clomid, and I found that I would get lines on opk (but not dark enough to be positive) around 3-4days after last pill, and then they would get light again the next few days, and then I would get the positive after that. The first 2 cycles I got my true positive opk 7days after last pill, and this cycle 8days after last pill. This is obviously just my experience, but based on that, I would guess you are still going to get true +opk in a few days.

Hope that helps, and good luck with your sway :)

September 12th, 2013, 07:15 PM
Thanks coralsky. I think that's exactly what's happening to me. I re-tested 3 times yesterday and they went from faint, to fainter...so I believe the real deal is still coming. Looking forward to finally start trying :)

September 12th, 2013, 11:19 PM
My positive opks always corresponded with ultrasound monitoring of my ovaries, but *almost* positive did not. If it's not a digital, or darker than the control line, it doesn't count. Just keep testing, and try to be consistent with how much you drink throughout the day (so that dehydration doesn't fool you into thinking you're close to positive when actually it's just really concentrated pee).
Good luck!

September 14th, 2013, 08:40 AM
Can someone please explain are u taking clomid to help conceive a girl or do u actually need it?
If its to help with conceiving a girl how does it work and how to take it. Also did u just get a script for it from your Gp.?
I know two girls who where taking clomid to help conceptions and both are having girls so it must work?!

September 14th, 2013, 08:40 AM
Can someone please explain are u taking clomid to help conceive a girl or do u actually need it?
If its to help with conceiving a girl how does it work and how to take it. Also did u just get a script for it from your Gp.?
I know two girls who where taking clomid to help conceptions and both are having girls so it must work?!

September 14th, 2013, 08:38 PM
Hi Girlfriend. I am taking just for swaying purpose as I ovulate on my own. I went to my GP and told her I had been trying to get pregnant for over a year without results and she sent me to a specialist to did lots of tests that were all normal, so he prescribed Clomid for unexplained infertility. I feel a bit ashamed I had to lie but that was the only way I could get Clomid here, so please girls, don't judge me, at least I'm being honest with you :)

September 14th, 2013, 08:39 PM
I got another almost as dark as control line result this morning. Maybe this is it! Will continue to test throughout the day. I'm on day 13 today.

September 14th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Oh dont worry i will not judge. I'm so desperate for a girls i would do anything. I'm considering to do ivf but it's so expensive. i tried timing and diet with my second but it didn't work so i now have two boys. can u please tell me more about this method u r using and where can i read more about it. I'm very interested and would be happy to try. when r u supposed to take clomid? I work in a medical center so getting a script from my Gp shouldn't be a problem

September 14th, 2013, 11:34 PM
I am also taking clomid just for swaying too! I too lied, said i was trying for a year and I got clomid no problem. Not only do i have it, but i got 6 refills. Pretty easy to get, its a joke! I am on day 10 today, and I am also being monitored and I am doing a shot, which I did hear helps sway. Who knows, we will see!!

September 15th, 2013, 12:37 AM
when r u supposed to take clomid? I work in a medical center so getting a script from my Gp shouldn't be a problem

I am taking 50gm (lowest dose) from day 3-7 of my cycle. I've heard the higher the dose, the more chance of cysts and twinning, so I decided to stick to 50mg. Doctor prescribed 100mg but I am cutting pill in half. You're not supposed to do anything else other than diet and folic acid while trying Clomid.

I had about 6 months of weight loss (still lots to go but don't want to wait any longer). Had 3 cycles on Vitex and last one on Saw Palmetto, I'm also on baby Aspirin. I dropped Vitex and SP and am now on my first Clomid cycle. DH is taking Cranberry pills, had soy for about 4 weeks prior and folic acid.

Make sure you read all essays before you make up your mind as to what to try. This website is an amazing source of information, if you are interested in Clomid there is a whole thread and topic written by Atomic explaining the hows and whys.

Good luck with your sway. :)

September 15th, 2013, 12:40 AM
I am also taking clomid just for swaying too! I too lied, said i was trying for a year and I got clomid no problem. Not only do i have it, but i got 6 refills. Pretty easy to get, its a joke! I am on day 10 today, and I am also being monitored and I am doing a shot, which I did hear helps sway. Who knows, we will see!!

It sounds easier there GT77, I had to go through all the specialist talk and scrutiny. They are quite strict in Australia about prescriptions. In a way it was good as I needed to have my FSH tested anyway, as I am now 40.
A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. :) Hope you get your girl this time. x

September 15th, 2013, 06:14 AM
Soooooo frustrating! An almost + line again with 3rd pee this morning, Day 14, really expected it to get darker, no luck, went lighter. I usually get my + late mornings though, so hoping I will get that + OPK tomorrow. :rolleyes:

September 15th, 2013, 09:39 PM
Panicked about missing my window and DTD on day 14! OPK's still show a very close to positive result this morning. It's confusing the hell out of me, they say sperm lives for up to 3 days so I have no other choice but have faith that my try last night will be fruitful. I am officially in my 2WW now...Yay!:running:

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 02:58 PM
the online calculators are just guessing based on averages. Please don't take them too seriously. you can ovulate sooner than normal or later than normal. Always take the OPK seriously (altho don't start testing while taking on Clomid because while you're on Clomid, you'll get pos. OPK no matter what)

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 03:00 PM
Thanks sugarNspice. It's all very confusing! I don't usually ovulate early by myself hence my skepticism about an early +OPK, but at the same time I don't want to miss the window this month.
I've read online that Clomid can cause false +OPK's and not to trust any result before day 12. Easier said than done!
I will test again tonight and if it's positive I guess I will have to trust it.

Here's the thing tho - you need to be in with an attempt no matter what when on Clomid so it's best to have an attempt even if it's not a real OPK and you have to try again in a couple days. There is no perfect month and i don't want anyone skipping months on Clomid (or even being unsure when to try so much that they end up missing ov. all together.) When in doubt, try.

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 03:10 PM
Can someone please explain are u taking clomid to help conceive a girl or do u actually need it?
If its to help with conceiving a girl how does it work and how to take it. Also did u just get a script for it from your Gp.?
I know two girls who where taking clomid to help conceptions and both are having girls so it must work?!



I strongly recommend getting it from a doctor and using under medical supervision BUT sometimes people don't do this and I prefer you guys just being honest with me about that so I can help you to the best of my ability in terms of doing that safely. I am not a doctor nor qualified in any way to give medical advice, all I can do is tell you about what has worked for other people and then you need to decide what to do on your own.

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 03:13 PM
Oh dont worry i will not judge. I'm so desperate for a girls i would do anything. I'm considering to do ivf but it's so expensive. i tried timing and diet with my second but it didn't work so i now have two boys. can u please tell me more about this method u r using and where can i read more about it. I'm very interested and would be happy to try. when r u supposed to take clomid? I work in a medical center so getting a script from my Gp shouldn't be a problem

in the link in my signature below, it goes to "the complete index" and there are a lot of links about diet, timing, pH - if you had an old-school style sway with Shettles timing, calcium, pH stuff practically all of that has been debunked or at the least had serious doubt shed on it. Most of us had at least one failed old-school type sway and many of us did go onto get girls (without Clomid!)

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 03:18 PM
I am also taking clomid just for swaying too! I too lied, said i was trying for a year and I got clomid no problem. Not only do i have it, but i got 6 refills. Pretty easy to get, its a joke! I am on day 10 today, and I am also being monitored and I am doing a shot, which I did hear helps sway. Who knows, we will see!!

That is the obnoxious thing about hte Clomid. Some doctors hand it out like they are doling out Tictacs to people with bad breath - they give too high doses and don't track or monitor their patients who are on it anyway. Whereas there are other people who legitimately need Clomid, it's medically indicated, and the doctor acts as if s/he's a dragon guarding a cache of Faberge eggs. So there's this bizarre dichotomy where people are having side effects from Clomid given irresponsibly, but others who need Clomid, can't get it.

atomic sagebrush
September 16th, 2013, 03:22 PM
thanks so much sugar and spice, coralsky, and GT for giving great answers - I learned something form this thread and I alwasy love that.

September 16th, 2013, 05:54 PM
Thanks Atomic. It's now day 17. I haven't done an OPK yet today but my temp didn't spike, so I assume my real surge hasn't happened yet. I had a terrible night sleep due to a cold and tested at the wrong time, so I'm not really sure if it's accurate. I will DTD again as soon as I get a dark OPK. I am with you and do not want to skip my ovulation while on Clomid as I am aware of the risks and just want to fall pregnant. Hopefully that dark line will finally appear. It's hard when it's always been so easy to pinpoint my O with OPK's. It is so confusing not knowing exactly what's happening.

September 16th, 2013, 11:14 PM
Finally cracked it with my internet cheappies (that always worked fine before the infamous clomid :) and bought a digital one. Got no smiley face today, so I guess it's not happening yet! :shrug:
Is it normal for Clomid to delay your ovulation that much? I am pretty consistent (day 13-15) and only had an O on day 17 before because I was taking Vitex and SP. Now it is day 17 and still nothing! Beginning to worry. :worry:

atomic sagebrush
September 17th, 2013, 01:04 PM
There is no normal where Clomid is concerned - for some it delays, others it comes super early - and it can change by the month.

September 18th, 2013, 08:45 PM
Well, I never really got to get a Dark +OPK BUT I have a very big temp spike today, day 19, meaning that I would have ovulated on day 18, if that's what the temp spike means. I had another OPK test this morning and is still quite dark, but lighter than the previous days. I think my darker result, in retrospect, was on day 17 when I got a negative that was about 20% close to being positive. Hopefully the temps will stay high for 3 days and then I will know I ovulated. Thank goodness DH and I had an attempt on day 17, so if I indeed ovulated on day 18, it's sounding pretty good. :)

atomic sagebrush
September 19th, 2013, 04:47 PM
i agree, you're in it to win it!!! Good luck!!

September 19th, 2013, 06:28 PM
I hope so too!! I had one attempt, and I pray it works!! I am also in 2WW now and I decided I am not going to test this time. I am just going to wait for my period and hope that it doesn't come!!

September 19th, 2013, 07:18 PM
Good luck GT77. We are 2WW buddies. Yay! :fx: for the both of us!

September 19th, 2013, 07:23 PM
i agree, you're in it to win it!!! Good luck!!

Thanks Atomic. I had a lower temp today, not as low as the lowest, but a considerable fall compared to yesterdays. Feeling a bit down about it now and hoping it's just a fallback rise and progesterone will take over from tomorrow. I never experienced anything like the ups and downs of my OPK's and BBT thanks to Clomid. Trying very hard not to stress myself out, but it's proving to be very challenging. I'm starting to think I haven't O'ed at all and it was all in vain :(

atomic sagebrush
September 20th, 2013, 03:24 PM
TEmping is not reliable on Clomid - many doctors will tell you not to even bother with it.

:fx: :cheer:

September 20th, 2013, 07:21 PM
Yeah, it's been a rollercoaster :) It went back up again today, I think progesterone is really taking over (thank goodness!). I did another OPK this morning, same thing, that boring, almost dark line, it hasn't changed for a week now! Even though temping is unreliable I do hope that if my temps stay high now, that means I did ovulate already, doesn't it?

Thanks for following my paranoid 2WW, by the way :HH:

September 21st, 2013, 06:09 AM
Does taking Clomid actually increase your chances of having a girl? I have read that plenty of women have had boys on Clomid. Have 1DD who is 10 months and despite not BF for 4 months have still not got AF back. Have been prescribed Provera and Clomid but have not started taking either yet. DESPERATELY wanting a boy next time!

September 21st, 2013, 09:39 AM
It is supposed to increase your chances. I know there is another fertility one that is popular, u should do that one and not clomid.

September 22nd, 2013, 06:31 PM
Kiwimama, for what I read here most girls that use Clomid have fertility related problems, like PCOS to begin with, and PCOS sways boy regardless of Clomid. Clomid does increase the chances of having a girl, maybe there's another drug you can try like Femara?
Read Atomic Clomid essay, it's very informative.

September 26th, 2013, 04:51 AM
Hi, thanks! How do I find that Essay???

September 26th, 2013, 08:25 PM
You can go to
and look for info on Clomid.

atomic sagebrush
October 3rd, 2013, 02:34 PM
Does taking Clomid actually increase your chances of having a girl? I have read that plenty of women have had boys on Clomid. Have 1DD who is 10 months and despite not BF for 4 months have still not got AF back. Have been prescribed Provera and Clomid but have not started taking either yet. DESPERATELY wanting a boy next time!

You can get a boy or a girl on Clomid, but we do believe (and studies have shown) that it sways pink overall. If at all possible, I would use Estrace supplemental estrogen and Preseed and Robi/Muci to make up for anything that the Clomid does in a negative fashion.

October 10th, 2013, 08:38 PM
I am really disheartened with my first (and last I guess) Clomid cycle.
I thought I had ovulated on day 18 and then after many BFN's and consistent temperature drops I had a very light bleeding on day 33 of my cycle. I believed that was my period and even started another bbt chart for my new cycle. Well, the bleeding, which was kind of brownish like old blood (sorry, TMI) stopped the day after. I thought that was weird but blamed Clomid and got ready to start another cycle, without the Clomid. But then, all of a sudden my temps starting rising again. At first I had some hope that maybe I was preg after all, but it is now day 40 and all I had was BFN's. Looking at my chart now I don't even think I ovulated until day 35-36! By then I wasn't worried at all about Bd'ing, as thought my period was coming! Luckily DH was a bit pushy on the morning of day 35 for a quickie (:oops: Now it seems like, if anything happened, that will be my only chance. I am so frustrated! I just wish AF would come so I could at least start again. I think Clomid and I are parting ways, 40+ days cycle with obscure OPK's is too much to handle!
My Ovulation Chart (http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3f2ba8/)

atomic sagebrush
October 11th, 2013, 03:16 PM
I hope this is it for you! sometimes with pink swaying, it's good to have a reminder that women plan, and God laughs - what will be, will be...sending you a ton of pink dust.

October 11th, 2013, 06:39 PM
I hope this is it for you! sometimes with pink swaying, it's good to have a reminder that women plan, and God laughs - what will be, will be...sending you a ton of pink dust.

Wise words. It helped me realise though that in the end I just want to get pregnant, much more than I want a girl. But that's what you get for messing up with nature, I suppose. :rolleyes:
What will be, will be as you say, it just drives me nuts meanwhile. Hopefully this AF will happen soon and I am keeping my fingers crossed I did indeed O on day 35-36 as FF seems to believe, at least I know I DTD'd on day 35.

October 11th, 2013, 07:00 PM
Oh, hugs! How frustrating! Hoping that Day 35 is the magic ticket for you this cycle.

October 20th, 2013, 06:07 PM
Day 50 of my cycle and hurray! AF showed! I'm a bit disappointed I'm out this cycle BUT sooooo happy to get a proper AF after 50 days!!! Still in the very light/spotty side, but I feel it's coming.
Atomic, you said you wouldn't go with Vitex and SP this cycle, are you still of the same opinion considering the length of my clomid cycle? My usual is 27, LP 13 (exactly the same with Clomid), it was just the gearing up to O that took forever. After 50 days can Clomid still be in my system to consider it a sway aid?

atomic sagebrush
October 20th, 2013, 06:12 PM
I think even MORE so - if things are wonky, the last thing to do is add V and SP, 'twill be adding gas to a fire.