View Full Version : hi'ya after a lil help.....

October 7th, 2013, 06:44 AM
Hi ladies,

I have a few questions about the diet. UK ladies maybe able to help, I am planing on buying a personal swaying plan so I can do everything possible, but hubby doesnt get paid until the 15th!!!
So in the meantime, I'd like to start getting my diet prepared, and I know the basic rules are to eat less than the huge amount I have always eaten before! I'm about to do some shopping and wondered if the following are okay...

I have always drunk decaff english tea, with lots of sugar, is it okay to stick to a morning cup if I switch to aspartame to sweeten? I'm not going to ent breakfast from now on, if I get hungry can I have Coke Zero Cherry? I have checked and this too has aspartame?

I think I've read that Apples are a good fruit to stock up on? What about Grapes? or are they too high in natural sugar.
My meals are going to be based widely around pitta breads and gluten free pastas with low salt butter and quark cheese/philidelphia ligtest.

Do you think low salt Chicken Soup or Tomato Soup would be a good option for the diet.

Lastly I am just recovering from my loss (physically I mean) I have no idea yet when I will ovulate or get my cycle back, I am still bleeding on and off at the moment, so is Peppermint Tea a good idea yet.. ? I have a twinnings tea that I really enjoy, it's called "Buttermint" there are no calories and its infused with Peppermint, this will do the same job as a normal cup of P.Tea wont it?

Thank you ladies, I am feeling so desperately anxious to concieve again but am also aware that swaying pink does lower your fertility somewhat, hence the reason I think a personal swaying plan is my best option.

October 7th, 2013, 07:09 AM
So sorry about your loss. x

LE diet is a low protein, low higher nutrient diet. There aren't any 'bad' foods just need to make choices to keep your protein levels monitored.

I normally have tea every once in a while but coffee may be better. Diet coke is great but would be tempted to not have huge amounts of caffeine while ttc- 2 maybe 3 servings per day should be fine.

Apples are good on the diet (peeled - a lot of nutrient is in fruit and veg skins), as are grapes although green would be my preferred choice over red. General rule of thumb go for lighter coloured fruit and veg (iceberg lettuce, courgettes, mushrooms, squash, apples, grapes, raspberries) and ignore any counting as a superfood. Make sure you're getting potassium (good supply in coconut water and bananas, although I would only have bananas every once in a while). White rice and white bread and pitta are good meal makers rather than wholemeal.

In all I work with 40-60g protein per day (do not drop below 40g). Peel your fruit and veg. If you need empty calories to up your amount for the day, 1-2 units of alcohol is good for filling empty calories. Or simple carbs like a small handful of Skittles or similar. That said, it is ideal to be aiming to lose weight steadily but do not starve yourself - this will stop o completely. Never drop below 1200 calories.


October 7th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Thank you so much, I just wanted to buy the right things to get me started xx