View Full Version : Loss of Pregnancy symptoms
October 10th, 2013, 01:45 PM
Has anyone experienced a loss of pregnancy symptoms that resulted in a miscarriage. I am 7 weeks and the last 3 days I feel like a cloud has been lifted and I am no longer sick, tired or emotional like I was the last 1.5 weeks. I really don't feel pregnant at times now. With my last 3 pregnancies I was so sick from 5 weeks until 20 weeks. Very sick all day and night. I was a sick last week but it all disappeared.
I had an u/s today due to everything and the baby is measuring at 7weeks and I saw the HB!
So I am more confused than ever. Can you have a lack of symptoms, normal u/s and things not work out down the road? Or do you usually have a miscarriage happened and then the lack of symptoms? I have never had a miscarriage so I wasn't sure??
I only know 1 way to be pregnant and that is really sick and usually I took Zofran starting at 6 weeks. Can this really be true and I am experiencing a completely different pregnancy??
Has anyone experienced this?
Thank you
October 10th, 2013, 01:48 PM
I never felt anything but tired with DD's and yes, it did just magically go away one day. The sickness stopped with DS suddenly too. When you see a HB, odds are very high of a successful outcome!
October 10th, 2013, 02:04 PM
You were never sick with your DDs? I never thought that could be true? My 3 pregnancies were very similar and so sick until week18/20. I guess I am shocked since I was could hardly function the last 3 times. I keep thinking my hcg levels are decreasing.
October 10th, 2013, 02:06 PM
Nope. Tired early on but never sick. Not at all.
October 10th, 2013, 02:23 PM
I'm pretty sure it was this pregnancy - maybe my last - they all seem to run together! But I definitely experienced a loss of symptoms and generally didn't feel very pregnant. My morning sickness has started at different stages every pregnnacy - DS1 was 6 weeks, ds2 was 8-9 weeks (thought I was out of the woods) and this baby (unknown gender) was a little before 5 weeks. I think it's so weird to feel something different, but it can be totally normally and like the PP said, seeing the HB gives you quite a high likelihood that everything is going to be totally fine!
atomic sagebrush
October 10th, 2013, 02:37 PM
A normal ultrasound trumps symptoms every time! There are tons of peopel who have strong symptoms with a MMC.
I had varying levels of sickness and 'feeling pg' with my 5 pregnancies. My pg with DD was one of my easiest and I had the least symptoms with her and by far the least nausea. Whereas with some of my boy pg I threw up every day at least once. If I hadn't had a pos test I would not have really even known I was pg, would prob. have just felt a bit under the weather.
My mom never had morning sickness or heartburn at all (and will tell you they are "psychological" :hair: and has mostly girls
October 10th, 2013, 02:56 PM
Thanks everyone! I have always heard people say it but never really believed it. Yes I threw up all day every day for 4 long months. crazy, huh. I feel great this time. I'm not big into psychics but had a reading over the summer after dinner downtown and she kept telling me your going to be pg with a girl and your pregnancy will be so different/easy this time. I was like YEA RIGHT!!
Well so far she is
atomic sagebrush
October 20th, 2013, 04:29 PM
thinking of you and hoping all continues to be well!
October 20th, 2013, 04:49 PM
Eeeee its because its a GIRL :-))))))))))))
Im sure everything is fine and its just human nature to worry x
October 21st, 2013, 04:02 PM
Thanks for checking in. Yes everything is still good! I still feel about the same no major sickness just very very mild and if I chew a piece of gum its gone. Still so strange to me. I had my first prenatal visit today and u/s. Heartbeat very healthy and right on track. I am doing Materni21 genetic test since I am 35 and will know the health and sex of baby in 2 weeks, yikes!!
And since when is 35 advanced maternal age?!
ever hopeful
October 22nd, 2013, 05:23 AM
I remember being absolutely horrified when I had DS1 at 38 and was called a geriatric primate!! The only good thing was my consultant double checking my dob was correct as thought they had made a mistake...So glad everything is going well xx
November 6th, 2013, 04:07 AM
I'm here at the moment too - very mild on and off waves of nausea, sore breasts and underarms, water retention. Woke up this morning and is mostly all gone, just a twinge in my breasts. Actually quite scared that something has happened because I have a horrible cold with incessant sneezing. Usually when I have a cold like this I end up bleeding mid cycle. No sign of blood yet which could be a good sign but I didn't bleed either with one of my early m/c a few years ago - I somehow managed to hold it all in. Almost hoping the m/s comes back, any sign that everything's ok.
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