View Full Version : Lime douche and how many times to dtd

November 2nd, 2013, 08:33 AM

I know all the risks etc.. but the stats from on here plus all the other research ive done are too good so I am risking it.

We did one attempt with a lime douche in Sept BUT my cycles are off and I am currently having my bloods done on day 21 for a v short LP. Once I am sorted we start ttc again in Jan.

We are both starting our supps again in Jan.

We abstained last time (hubby is fine with this) and did one attempt at +opk. We will try this again with the lime douche in Jan.

If we wanted to get preg with better odds but keep the lime could he FR from AF then could we dtd everyday in my fertile period? Would this till sway girl? x

atomic sagebrush
November 2nd, 2013, 01:01 PM
I personally think it's a HUGE step in the wrong direction to add lime douche and drop one attempt. One attempt has gotten 75% success rates on here with a sample size of about 100 people. And while the handful of stats we have on this site who did douche were good, trust me, I was on Ingender and there were TONS of people getting douche opposites. 10 of 12 people is NOT a big enough sample size to prove anything, and those 10 of people were almost all very strict swayers in other ways (I'm sure many were doing one attempt with douching as well.) On IG which had a much bigger number people who were less strict doing douching, there were way more douche opposites. With the at home high tech methods where people were douching like madwomen, it was only 50-50.

I mention this not to try and talk you out of douching because it's your sway and your prerogative to do that. But I just really do not recommend dropping the thing that actually seems to be working - one attempt - in favor of something that has quite a few drawbacks to it.

My advice, skip the douche, keep the one attempt. Barring that, keep them both but start spacing the douche further out before your attempt - 4 or 6 hours before instead of right before, and nothing after that.

November 2nd, 2013, 04:41 PM
Thank you.

I understand that. Its from searching on Google etc.. I come across a lot of IG it stuff that said good results but I was never a part of this website so don't know that much.

Think ill try once in Jan then charge to rephresh but keep one attempt at +opk. Is that still with abstain for 7+ days?? x

atomic sagebrush
November 4th, 2013, 10:50 AM
The trouble with IG results is that they play it kinda fast and loose with their numbers. Anyone who doesn't include 5 of 7 "sway factors" is excluded from their statistics so anyone who doesn't do a superstrict sway, is never shown in their results (we include everyone in our stats and don't cherrypick the data). This also means that we can't ever see the people who just did douche and not 7000 other things, so we have a hard time knowing really what is swaying and what isn't. And anyone who couldn't get pregnant while doing these things is also not included (many people)

Plus, people on our site have such a hard time conceiving with even very relaxed sways, I have a little bit of a hard time believing that the IG people are doing all these intense douche and timing regimens and conceiving with them. I think there is some fudging of the facts going on - people post their sways as being stricter than they really were. Just take those numbers with a grain of salt, that's all.

Yes you can still do abstain + Rephresh + one attempt, be aware that combo has not given great odds of conception itself!! The more you do, the harder it is to get pg.

November 4th, 2013, 02:30 PM
Thank you. What is best then just supps/diet and no rephresh? Shall I try rephresh for a few months?

Its so hard as I really dont want a baby born Dec-March sounds awful but our entire family birthdays fall in those few months and it kills us every year financially!

I am heading towards those months now though if we start ttc again in Jan. I wish we could try now but I have been v v naughty on the diet front the whole of oct so was only strict during Sept :( x

atomic sagebrush
November 5th, 2013, 11:43 AM
I would prob. try RepHresh for a couple months just so you have no regrets - people do get pg while using it but it's just that much more difficult.

I totally understand as we have 3 birthdays plus anniversary in those months too and it is a killer!!