View Full Version : Any Ramzi experts???

December 23rd, 2013, 12:06 AM

This is my 9 week abdominal ultrasound. I am very confused when it comes to the Ramzi theory and too scared to make a guess. Do you have a guess? Thanks.

December 23rd, 2013, 12:18 AM
Truthfully, I think Ramzi is only accurate if you have a trained tech tell you "baby implanted on the left/right." My experience with my youngest child actually illustrates it perfectly.

I had an abdominal scan at 6+3 (tech has scanned me enough to know she can see with abdominal even early) and baby was implanted upper left corner of the sac on the screen. I didn't ask about orientation or anything. Two weeks later I had another appt and was having some anxiety (I have had multiple losses) and the doc snuck me in for a quick scan to check on baby. Same machine, same baby...baby presented in the upper right corner of the sac. I asked the doc "oh, does baby move at this age from one side to the other?" He says "nope" and flips one tiny switch at the bottom of the machine and baby flies to the other side of the sac. It's that easy to change the orientation. And apparently, according to him, some techs prefer one orientation and some prefer another. Basically he hit the machine on the day when the other tech was using it and she apparently preferred the other orientation from the tech I usually see.

Thus...this baby could be implanted on your lower right side. Or it could be on your lower left. And being 9 weeks, I'd say it's on the edge of being accurate anyway.

Sorry, I am not much help in that regard. Hope it's your girly!

December 23rd, 2013, 12:26 AM
I don't know much of Ramzi, but I read abdominal should be read as a mirror, and that the yolk sac evolves into the placenta, so following that train of thought, the yolk sac is to the right, which means the right of the picture BUT left of the uterus and that would mean a girl? It's all so confusing :)

thanks for your input hotdogz, very helpful, and I'm not putting too much faith in it, it's pure curiosity :)

December 23rd, 2013, 01:05 AM
It didn't occur to me to ask him (silly silly) about sides. The only thing he said to me is that looking at the picture the head is on the left and feet on the right. The label also said 'linear obstetric ultrasound', I don't know if it makes any difference? Apologies for my complete lack of understanding on this Ramzi thing, learning as I go :)

December 23rd, 2013, 11:49 AM
I think the linear part is right. You don't want the type they do at 12 weeks. I forget what it's called. One way it helps to know which orientation it is is when they measure the ovary where the egg popped out. I forget what it's called...corpus collosum...or maybe that is a part of the brain :P But if they measure and label the ovary, it can help orient the image. It's how I figured out I ovulated left (and ultimately that I also implanted on the left) because the tech measured and labeled my left ovary, which was also right next to where baby implanted. So if you remember that, it can help.

I have heard that abdominal are mirrors and vaginal are true. Which would fall in line with my sons sono at 6+6 and my daughters at 6+3, they were located in the same place in the sac, but one was vaginal (sons) and one was abdominal. But, again, I don't think it's really across the board. Each machine, tech, day could be different.

Truthfully...all three of my children's 9 week sonograms looked just like this one. My oldest child's the most resembling it. But I think all of them were basically the same.

I do know a lady who is pretty good at guessing from another place online. I'll ask her if she can stop in and give it a shot. She has guessed quite a few accurately in a PR we are part of. And she is a member here.

December 28th, 2013, 06:06 AM
That would so sooooo much appreciated hotdogz. Even if she doesn't, thanks for asking. :bighug:

December 29th, 2013, 12:26 AM
I agree, Aidansmum. I would have used your logic and guess girl, too. So who knows! In my experience, I have always just seen a pic and based on where the yolk sac was in comparison to the baby made a guess on that alone and never took anything else into consideration. Maybe it has been a coincidence, but I have guessed 12/12 of my friends' babies correctly. I went back on mine and posted an updated pic if you want to check it out and let me know what you think!

January 1st, 2014, 05:13 AM
jmm0616, 12 out of 12 is really reassuring. If you say mine looks like a girl then that makes me a bit happier :) Thanks.