View Full Version : Birth of my first daughter

June 8th, 2011, 06:41 AM
My due date came - 9th February 1999 - and Mum suggested I go for a walk to see if it helps get things started. Off I went and made it half way around the near by school oval and had to come home as I was getting a little bit of a tummy ache.

Got home and went to the toilet, told Mum I felt better after that :wink: had a bit of loose movement down there! Mum did not even give me the slightest hint that it could be a sign.

I was only 15 years of age and did not know any better!

So that day, I had a huge spurt of energy! Still, Mum never let on to me (I think she was so scared she did not want to admit it herself!).. I cleaned out her pantry and her her linen cupboard LOL Nesting really kicked in!!

That evening, went to bed and watched my favourite TV show, and on it a woman was giving birth. I only wished it were my turn and no word of a lie.. 2 seconds later I felt like I had wet myself!!!

I stood up and went and woke Mum up (it was around 10pm) and told her I think my waters have broken. Boy did she PANIC! She threw herself on the floor outside and had a ciggarette, all the while I am standing there asking her... So.. what do I do???? LOL!!!

I jumped in the shower and had a freshen up - no pains yet although just a slight tummy ache here and there. But really nothing for me to even worry about.

Rang my best friend (she was only 14 back then and still is, to this day my best friend!) and her Mum and her were going to meet us at the hospital. Tried to ring DD's biological father but his family took the phone off the hook. I was not fussed, as I knew this would be the case!

So off we went around 11.30pm and got to the hospital at midnight.

They did an internal and told me I was about 3-4cm dialated.

We headed to a labour room, the room was nice and dark with a little lamp on.. just Mum, my best friend and her Mum who was also a midwife. Every now and then a midwife came in to check on us.

I didn't even make a sound when contractions started about 3 hrs later.. so so weird!! So around 3.30am I was now 6cm and by 5.00am I was 10cm!

Pushing began... it was sooo hard and I think being so young and my body being so little I went in to shock as I still to this day do not remember feeling any pain?

6.36am the day I was to start my last year of highschool, at 15 years of age I became a mother. All my fears left me at that moment, as I held my whopping 9pd 12 oz baby, 53cm and over 50 internal stitches for me -ouch alright! And all without a touch of drugs!!!!

My best friend cut the cord :DD: and an hr later she went to school to tell the news!!! Given the hard time I went through during her pregnancy emotionally I think God had given me a birth relatively easy for a first time teenage mother to make up for all of that!!

June 8th, 2011, 06:50 AM
Wow, amazing! Thanks for sharing.

I can't believe you did it all pain free. Mega ouch!!

June 8th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Me either tbh with my last two I had gas, they could not get it off me LOL

June 8th, 2011, 07:27 AM
You were only 15? :suprise: Did you later on marry that guy? How did you continue schooling?
You are so brave you had your baby :HH: even at that young age and didn't choose easier ( but ultimately wrong) way of abortion. Good job momma and thank you for sharing :awe:

June 8th, 2011, 09:02 AM
You were only 15? :suprise: Did you later on marry that guy? How did you continue schooling?
You are so brave you had your baby :HH: even at that young age and didn't choose easier ( but ultimately wrong) way of abortion. Good job momma and thank you for sharing :awe:

It was a very difficult situation.. the father of my baby was only 15 too and sadly his mother tried everything in her power to not let him see her.. and not long after this he became friends with kids who were mucking around with drugs and the addiction got the better of him. He was never interested and still isn't to this day because of the drugs. My DH and I met when she was just a baby, and he has brought her up as if she is his own biologically. We are both so lucky, DH was only 17 and took us both on!!

I took a year off when she was born to adjust to motherhood. The following year, I went to college and did my college and finished my high school in the same year.

I didn't really get a chance to even consider abortion but the fathers mother was hounding me to adopt the baby but I just could not do that. Plus, Mum said if I did that she would take the baby herself! So no point in me even considering that really LOL..

I just did my best to finish my schooling so I could 1) prove everyone wrong that not all teenage Mums are high school drop outs with no future for themselves or the baby and 2) because I actually LOVED school and learning so much! (I now work in a school myself lol).

Was not an easy thing to do, I struggled financially but my daughter never ever went without! I learnt to be very frugal, independant and to appreciate the simple things in life.

A baby is a very special gift and this is the hand I was dealt with, and would never change it for anything :)

June 8th, 2011, 09:25 AM
TTC5 your story has me almost in tears; it's beautiful. What a wonderful woman and mother you are, and a fantastic example for your girls of succeeding in spite of some tough circumstances. And what a fella that DH sounds like, too! FX your BFP is on the horizon!

June 8th, 2011, 11:14 AM
WOW, that is a big baby! Amazing woman you are! And good for you for making something of yourself even though you had the struggle of being a teen mom :)

June 8th, 2011, 12:09 PM
TTC5, you are a WARRIOR!!!!! Awesome story, I almost cried too. I have so much respect for you, and your amazing DH. What an exceptional man he must be....I can identify- it takes one to love a mommy and her girl(s) too. I have no other words, but GOOD FOR YOU, and you deserve every happiness there is in life!!!!!

June 8th, 2011, 12:22 PM
WOW! I love reading birth stories!! Yours is one of the best I have ever read!! I hope you tell that story to your girls one day(if you haven't already:). To hear that their mother was/is THAT strong at such a young age...it's important:) xo Hugs Mama

June 8th, 2011, 11:25 PM
What a great story. I agree with doulamama, I think it's a great thing for girls to hear about birth and to know it is normal and not something to be scared of.