View Full Version : Would Orlistat (brand name ALLI ) sway pink

December 30th, 2013, 11:22 PM
Just started taking Alli for weight loss.It states that you must take a multivitamin as the capsules actually take nutrients out with the fat it expels out of your system.So my question is if I decided to not take a vitamin would this make it even better for swaying girl. As in weight loss,reduced fat and lower nutrient levels equals better chance? Does anyone know of anyone who used it while swaying and had a girl??

atomic sagebrush
December 31st, 2013, 01:35 PM
I do think it tends to sway pink, but I would pull out all the stops to try to get pg right away. Remember, it's LOW nutrient, not NO nutrient - your body needs that good stuff to function properly and that is especially true when planning a pregnancy.

A compromise would be to take the multi 2 or 3 times a week, that way you know you have SOME nutrients coming in.