View Full Version : Not losing any weight...does this diet look ok?

February 3rd, 2014, 12:45 AM
I ordered a customised plan just the other day but while I'm waiting for it to be put together, I am still trying to do what I can to start my girl sway. My DH and I started a diet plan last week, so today is the start of our second week but I'm not losing weight at all.

We've cut out so much and I'm limiting my calories to under 1200 a day, yesterday was only 993, but am not sure what I'm doing wrong!??! :worry: And the more I read, the more confused I get so I'm scared to eat anything! I'm starving though!!

This is what I've had today:

10:00am Decaf coffee with cup of organic milk
1:00pm. Bowl of rice bubbles
4:00pm. Smoothie with milk, raspberries, yoghurt.

For dinners I have been having pastas with cream sauce, or last night I had chicken with a sml amount of baby spinach. I've had risotto made with low sodium stock, leek, green beans and corn. That's about it.

I'm drinking cranberry juice. Oh, and a sml milo at bed time.

Any advice or suggestions would be sooooo greatly appreciated. :heart:

February 3rd, 2014, 03:21 AM
Could be you are insuline resistant. I am and I'm also not. losing any weight. My diet is because of this different then the normal ones. Ask AS for help. She's a great help for me. And you can als eat to few. Your body Will storage everything. And take every nutricion out of your food

February 3rd, 2014, 09:25 AM
Are you exercising too? Sometimes if you weigh too little it will take a bit to start losing. What are you having before bed?
I think your doing great!

atomic sagebrush
February 3rd, 2014, 09:28 AM
that is not enough calories and is not allowed on LE Diet. when you eat very little, your metabolism can really slow down and will hang on to every scrap of food it can. I also recommend adding in exercise if at all possible.

YOu may be a bit insulin resistant and thus you can benefit from upping protein intake slightly to 50-60 g and getting a higher proportion of cals from fat and protein, less from empty carbs. Replace the empty carbs with small amount of whole grain, fruit and higher carb veg for the rest of your calories.

I have an alternate version of diet here in this thread http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/9052-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-3-pcos.html that can help anyone who is not losing weight on normal LE Diet.

February 5th, 2014, 12:35 AM
Ok, thanks Atomic. :)

February 5th, 2014, 12:37 AM
Are you exercising too? Sometimes if you weigh too little it will take a bit to start losing. What are you having before bed?
I think your doing great!

No, currently not exercising. I read somewhere that either no exercise, or an hour of cardio a day will help sway girl, so currently I'm doing none. Guess I'll have to start though. :(
I always have a warm milo before bed! :)

atomic sagebrush
February 5th, 2014, 08:56 AM
No, currently not exercising. I read somewhere that either no exercise, or an hour of cardio a day will help sway girl, so currently I'm doing none. Guess I'll have to start though. :(
I always have a warm milo before bed! :)

It's not that no exercise sways pink, it's no exercise plus weight loss on a lower protein diet, just wanted to clarify that. Someone doing no exercise eating a boy-friendly diet can def. be swaying blue! :)

The 60 6-7 recommendation was just the original recommendation I came up with that I thought would work for most peopel, most of the time. Several people have done less and still gotten girls so if you can't lose weight without it, I'd try adding it in even if it's at a lesser amount. I think the 60 min. is more important than the 6-7 recommendation so if you could do 60 min. 4 times a week, that would be ok too. I don't think I'd do less than 4 days a week, feels too risky to me.