View Full Version : Aspertame results? Sugar free gum?

February 19th, 2014, 08:30 AM
What are the results for aspartame in TTC a girl? I don't normally have anything with sugar substitutes in my diet. No soda pop, etc... I'm not normally a gum chewer, but gum seems to help curb the desire to snack. Would having sugar free gum with aspartame regularly be a good or bad idea?

February 19th, 2014, 09:47 AM
I dont think we have stats specifically on fake sugars, but most pink swayers seem to include them as they're VERY acidifying, and this is traditionally thought to sway. It's also a good thing to do while dieting since we're supposed to be losing weight on LE and the stats on that are good. I would think that anything that helps you not snack would be great for your pink sway :)

I wish I could chew sugar free gum, but my jaw pops painfully within a couple minutes of putting a stick in my mouth, and then it throbs for days afterwards, LOL.

atomic sagebrush
February 19th, 2014, 10:01 AM
Our stats are cool but PLEASE ladies don't take them TOO seriously when trying to plan your sway. They are not at all scientific. Some things (and I class aspartame in here) are just something that most everyone uses without really putting too much thought or effort into them. Some people use a smidge, some use a ton, and I really just don't feel like there is any point in tracking it whatsoever because it would tell us nothing.

In order for us to really KNOW if aspartame was effective for swaying we would need two groups who were doing nothing else to sway except for aspartame. They'd need to be eating identical diets and doing all the same things and then and only then could we rely on that data to tell us whether or not aspartame is doing anything. I actually prefer it to be left out of our statistics because we're getting so many things tracked in the stats these days it's becoming unwieldy and I think the numbers would be totally meaningless.

I WILL tell you this much - when I was back on Ingender, I saw women drinking levels of aspartame that were absolutely shocking and horrifying and getting boys anyway. So I can guarantee everyone, it is no magic bullet, and I prefer that everyone stick with safe and sane intake of aspartame. 2-3 12-16 oz. servings a day and you can sneak in some gum around the edges of that as well.

atomic sagebrush
February 19th, 2014, 10:02 AM
The acid alkaline diet has been totally debunked - if aspartame is doing anything for swaying, it's not that it's making anyone more acid. :) http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/11684-ph-pickle.html

February 20th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Hmmmm. So the general consensus is that aspertame shouldn't really be so etching to specifically add for swaying purposes.
And the ph thing.... Has this been completely debunked?

atomic sagebrush
February 20th, 2014, 09:26 AM
sorry I think we had a spellcheck issue there, can you rephrase?

The link I posted above is the scientific case against pH and swaying. We do not have the quality of data for me to state definitively yes this has been debunked, and it may be that low pH is swaying in some way (probably by killing off sperm) but I can say that it seems very unlikely to me based on the evidence, that "X sperm love low pH" as they claim on one of the other sites.

I got a boy with pH of 4.5 and testing 2-3 times a day and have seen dozens if not hundreds of pH opposites going in both directions so it is tough for me to believe in the mystical reputation of pH. :)

February 20th, 2014, 09:45 AM
Yeah, autocorrect error! :)
I was just saying that it probably isn't worth it or me to specifically include it in my diet. No need to go get a pack of crystal light

atomic sagebrush
February 20th, 2014, 01:48 PM
Yes I agree!! No need for it at ALL.

February 20th, 2014, 03:12 PM
Atomic-- were you eating/drinking any aspartame at all when you got your girl? Yoplait Lights or any diet soda? Didn't you say your fiber supplement has aspartame? I know mine does (Sugar-free Metamucil) and I know I got it because you had mentioned it in another thread.

atomic sagebrush
February 22nd, 2014, 02:44 PM
I didn't take fiber when I got my girl.

I occasionally had a yoplait light yogurt but really wasn't eating yogurt that much because we were traveling around and it's hard to cart yogurt wherever you go. When I did have it I was much more likely to have Brown Cow which is naturally sweetened.

I also occasionally had a Monster Light energy drink that has aspartame. But these were like maybe once a week or even more like every two weeks.

I got my 4th boy drinking Crystal Light every day so much so that I had a funny taste in my mouth all day long. I really don't think it does much at all.