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February 26th, 2014, 12:24 PM
Just looking for opinions. We had a name picked out for a girl and we have been kinda all over the map with a boy name but I feel like we should name him, I think it will help with bonding. Here's a list of what we have so far.
Robert (call him RJ b/c his middle name would probably be either Joshua or Joseph)
William (my husband's grandfather is named William and he wants to do William Robert b/c both our dads are Robert but all I think of is the nickname Billy Bob :p)

Middle names

atomic sagebrush
February 26th, 2014, 12:41 PM
I love the name Jackson.

February 26th, 2014, 12:43 PM
Love Riley and Jackson :)

February 26th, 2014, 12:58 PM
If you don't mind me asking, what is the surname? We were going to use William as a middle name if we have a boy after this one :oops: Matthew is DH's name and his half brother is called Luca, so Luca is off which is a shame because I like Lucas. Too many Williams/Liams/Jims in the family so might give it a rest!

I think Riley or Jackson (my friend named her first son Riley Jaxon!) for a first. Riley William has a nice ring to them x

February 26th, 2014, 01:19 PM
I like Noah or Lucas

February 26th, 2014, 01:46 PM
Noah William!

February 26th, 2014, 05:12 PM
Robert Jackson an option? I love Noah William too.

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February 28th, 2014, 02:47 PM
Thanks girls! Bunnywabbit - I feel a lil silly but what is a surname? The last name? It's Greer.
I like any of the ones that I listed but really have my heart set on Riley or Jackson. My SIL got all pissy b/c she informed me that her fiancé has always liked the name Jackson and told me that if they had a son, that is what his name would be. Well, she already also told me that we can't use the name Benjamin b/c that was their grandfather's name and she was very close to him and would like to use it somehow. Well, she JUST got engaged and has actually for a while been saying that she wasn't even having kids, until very recently. Now I have two names, one which I really like, that I am not allowed to use?? I don't know think so!! I told her that I promised her that I wouldn't use Benjamin but that I wasn't going to promise about Jackson. LOL - ok rant complete!!
Going for an u/s in a lil bit - have a full previa that is already causing some issues for me but doc seems confident that everything will be ok. Will post the pic of lil man later!

atomic sagebrush
March 2nd, 2014, 10:08 AM
LOL I do not think it works that way - you only get to "reserve" a name if you are having a kid BEFORE the person who is actually having one!!! And the way you reserve it is by putting it onto the birth certificate when the baby is actually born.

I have seen this scenario happen several times and the vast majority of the time, the people didn't even end up USING the name that they were telling everyone not to use.

March 2nd, 2014, 10:19 AM
That's the reason I never tell "our" names. And HOPE they don't get used.
We had a girl Name (3names) 9 years ago. and 7 years ago our first son was born. and now we have 3 sons. and no girl. All the names are in some way used by other ppl (almost or exact names)
We might use the first name but prolly we will choose another name cause I want something special.

But I always said I won't change a name for anyone except a brother or sister.
(And the baby must be born then! else first comes first. but I will never SAY a name cause ppl end up using it by then and you will never know if they were going to if they didn't hear that your fond of the name or because they were really loving it in the first place)

SO if you love Jackson! go with Jackson!

March 2nd, 2014, 12:00 PM
Riley Jackson Greer has a ring to it. My sister wanted to call her DS Riley but her ex put his foot down though it is his middle name. She wishes she had had it the other way as she doesn't like his first name.

When we found out DD2 was a girl I looked up names and posted them on Facebook. DH's cousin ended up using my favourite name but I didn't mind as hubby didn't like it. I'm not sharing our name this time though as we have decided boy or girl we're using the name or a variation of it. I think most know it though as it's been our boys name since we started talking babies lol. Never had girls names and they have been decided once we knew baby was a girl. This time I want to have a girl names just in case so we can bond before. Think I'll talk to hubby about it tonight so we can make sure it's settled on.

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March 3rd, 2014, 03:33 PM
LOL thanks girls! I am glad that I am not the only one that feels that way! I will give her Benjamin b/c she really did have a special relationship w/ her grandfather and honestly, I don't dislike it but it's not my first choice. DreamingInBlue - you hit the nail on the head. At this point, Riley Jackson is our first choice. Followed by Jackson Robert and Noah William.

March 12th, 2014, 08:56 AM
Ok so we have been talking to DD and she is almost 4 years old with the sweetest bubbly personality and has an opinion about everything. We just asked her "What do you want to name your new baby brother?" and she goes "Well, my options are Riley, Noah, and Jackson but I like Riley best". So, Riley it is! We are thinking RJ so we just need to decide for sure on a middle name! It was so funny listening to her b/c she is so animated about being involved with anything having to do with the baby. Here's another question - we were thinking about letting her come to my 20 week ultrasound and my MIL who of course has an opinion about everything - often too much of an opinion that she doesn't filter - said she thought it would be weird to let her come. It's on top of my belly and she understands that the baby is growing in mommy's belly. I don't think it's weird at all - I think it's nice to try to include her in some of this stuff since she is a little older now. I made a comment last night about feeling the baby move (flutters) and she came running over to me and said "Mommy can I feel him?" It was so cute and I just want her to feel excited and included if she wants to be. What is everyone's thoughts??

March 12th, 2014, 09:11 AM
I would take her to An extra ultrasone for fun but not 20wks because that one is to see if there are any defacts. Ofc I hope there aren't and babe is perfectly healthy. If there is something it's not the best thing if shes there. So if everything checks out fine I would return with 26 Wks or so and bring her.

Here they rather don't have children present during 20wks scan.

March 12th, 2014, 09:18 AM
I think this is a lush idea. My friend IRL said her son has asked to go with her when she has next scan which should be 20wks so I said she should ask sonographer tell him and let him tell them. Going to do with next one for sure.

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March 12th, 2014, 11:17 AM
That is a good point sweetdream! I did ask when I scheduled it and they said big sis is welcome but I am actually doing an elective scan later in pregnancy - once I am into the 3rd trimester so I will just wait til then! It will be 3D at that point too so she will actually get to see him looking like a "real" baby, not just "gray" as she called the pictures last night lol. I love the idea of including her but I don't think I would be able to hide my emotions if heaven forbid we found a problem! I'm sure my MIL will have something to say no matter when we do it. She is a bit of a prude and loves to make unbelievably inappropriate comments without thinking about how it affects those around her. Sorry rant complete!! =X

March 12th, 2014, 01:12 PM
Just Ignore your MIL. some ppl just don't think before they talk.

I think it's a great idea to take her later on. It's not weird to let her see it. I took my sons at the 28wk ultrasound too. they loved to see there baby brother. it made it more real. not only a big belly.
It's not that you've let her watched while you guys MADE the baby! it's already a baby. and its there she wants to see. let her see! nothing weird about it. It's a belly for heavens sake...

Enjoy! think your doing a great job!

March 12th, 2014, 02:10 PM
Thank you sweetdream! I am sure that I am not alone feeling as though I have a MIL who oversteps. She just really has no filter at times and unfortunately, it has affected my relationship w/ her b/c she tells me how to parent, how to manage our finances, lectures us about how many kids to have, etc. and says "tell me if I'm overstepping" but then doesn't take it seriously when I or DH do speak up and say something - then I'm a "drama queen". It's really just over the top sometimes and this is no exception.

March 12th, 2014, 02:17 PM
Could you work on being relaxed with it? like in one ear out the other...?
just pick your battles.. if it's not important let it go. cause she can tell a lot of things. but if you do what you want you can let it go.
(You are deff a martha though lol.. I so know this. you want acceptence.. and hearing you're doing it well.. but I tell you something some ppl can't be pleased. stop trying to)

Only if it's something she does and you really can't let it go.. then step up.
Just don't respond or laugh it off if she does.. if she says something bout the ultrasound you can say.. Luckly this is my belly and my baby and daughter.and with a laugh!

I once found the line.. MIL stop giving me parental advice, I've got one of yours and it still needs improvement. (something like this)

I know pg hormones messes with you. maybe you can try to create some distance for now.. because you want a nice quiet life. and its better with all of you in it.

March 12th, 2014, 02:18 PM

March 12th, 2014, 02:53 PM
Oh Sweetdream, you hit the nail on the head! I am SOOOO a Martha and that may be why 3 out of my last 4 pregnancies have been boys lol! That is for sure something that I have to try to manage better especially if we try to sway pink again in a few years! Any suggestions for that one??

I do try very hard to try to let some things that she says go, I definitely do not speak up about probably 99.99% of the things that she says. I ignore it and we have actually been to a therapist (after my last m/c) where my MIL was a big topic of conversation and she told us to either be succinct (sp?) and just not give all the details about things (b/c she looks for openings to give her opinion) or playfully tell her that she is overstepping. We are doing the first option for the most part. There is one HOT button for me w/ her - I have not been able to let it go and honestly, not sure I ever will be able to. She told me a while back that we (DH & I) shouldn't have a 3rd child b/c we couldn't handle the two that we have! Well she knew later that she overstepped but yet continues to make comments - she made it abundantly clear that she didn't think we should try again after my m/c's and I am just waiting for the comments to come about me getting "fixed" once this baby comes. That, I just will not tolerate and I will speak up but overall, I've been truly trying to let it go in one ear and out the other b/c it really does stress me out!

March 12th, 2014, 05:12 PM
Maybe you should try the laugh it off tech.. you will be putting her in her spot and still with a smile so it's a "joke". I'm very bad at this one. I always get mad.
Also other ppl can have an opinion. you just don't have to agree with it.
From experience I know that the reasons it hits you is cause you want her to love you and respect you. She prolly does. but she has a lowsy way of showing it.
Just try and be confident. No one has any buisness in your family but you and your husband (exceptions there)

Even talking to a shrink bout this is not letting go. letting go is not ignoring. letting go is back straight move on! let it be. don't give it a thought. (it's hard.. in weak moments when your tired and stuff it might come back at you) But you can work on this.
and it's no crime to confront MIL on a later time.
Saying stuff like.. I've been thinking bout what you said. and though I apprcieate that you care, It does hurt me if you say this or that. Or you make me feel like I'm a bad mom Or ... Speak about your feelings so you won't be attacking here and getting in fights.

I hope you'll get stronger and trust what you and your husband chooses to do with your life. You've every right to be. You're grown up!

It's not worth it dear.

(and this peptalk is not just for you it's mine too! lol.. although I don't have a MIL anymore)