View Full Version : Spotting??

March 8th, 2014, 09:33 PM
Hi girls. As you can see in my sig, I have 2 boys and before concieving them, I had very regular cycles. They were always pretty much 28 days. After having my second, I decided to get a mirena placed. I hated that thing! I had it for a little over a year and bled all the time. I'd bleed for 10-14 days then have a 2 week break then bleed again. It was horrid! So I got it removed in February of 2013. At which point I went on the pill from February to May but the side effects were hard on me so I decided natural family planning was the way to go for me. So here's my problem, I still THINK my cycles are pretty normal (my shortest since May was 26 days and my longest was 30). However, my lp isn't always the same. It's between 12-14 days long but most of the time it's only 12 days long. Now, I've read that a 12 day lp isn't really a problem but any less is definately not favorable. The thing is, I always spot 2 days before my period (beer had this before conceiving my boys). Do I still count my lp as being 12 days or 10 because of the spotting? Also I'm kinda wondering why I get spotting now since I never had it before and since having my second son, I spot for 2 days every month.

March 8th, 2014, 11:02 PM
Typically spotting in the LP is a progesterone problem, are you taking Vitex? That may help. I take it cd 1-10 because any longer than that and it delays O. I think the egg implants around 7 dpo so I think even a 10 day LP is enough to get pg.

March 9th, 2014, 09:27 AM
Ok yes I'm taking vitex but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. Thank you that did put my mind at ease though

atomic sagebrush
March 13th, 2014, 05:48 PM
I think LP of 12 days even with some spotting is ok. Like Carmella said, the egg is usually well implanted by 10 DPO and even a bit of spotting shouldn't disrupt a good sticky bean.

I would take care not to cut back on fat TOO far. The problem isn't always progesterone, but estrogen. Your body releases a small burst of estrogen 7-10 DPO thhat helps maintain the lining as the corpus luteum breaks down, and a lot of times the spotting shows lower estrogen (which may mean pink friendly!)

March 14th, 2014, 03:08 PM
Woohoo! I never thought I'd be happy to be spotting before my period :) but if it means I'm in a girl friendly environment then I'll take it with a smile on my face :). Thank you atomic