View Full Version : Comparing sibling scan pics-skull theory?

March 23rd, 2014, 06:12 AM
Ok ladies,
So, I have two gorgeous little boys and spent two years on here reading planning and preparing to sway. After 22+ weeks on diet I finally got my bfp!!! So I have reached that fab 12week stage and have just had my scan. All is good and I am chuffed baby is healthy.
Although I swayed, I still wanted to stay team yellow/green because i wanted to have a small hope all the way through that this could be my DD (this is def our last baby). However, silly me has always loved studying scan pics and I have learnt lots about nub and skull theories.
My scan pics show a curled baby with boy nub and also straight spine with flat but maybe stacked. However to me it is confusing enough that I still have my hope!
However when it comes to the skull, head is very rounded and quite a big forehead. It is a complete replica of my Ds1's scan pic. I don't want to post the pic as I know how good you ladies are and I don't want confirmation just yet that this is DS3.
I guess what I am asking is: is there anyway that siblings could have the same skull shape but be different genders?
I kinda feel I am clutching at straws!
Thanks so much in advance!

March 23rd, 2014, 02:41 PM
Absolutely. Two of my three of my kids had similar skulls in scan pictures. I also thought that #1 and #3 had identical heads. Both were smaller, flatter faces, rounded foreheads. DS2 wasn't *terribly* different, just bigger and a tad more contoured. DS1 and DD (notice the opposite gender!) DO have similar heads IRL. I've always called my older son "peanut head" because his head was tiny...still applies. And my daughters head was/is small too. DS2 does have a different head, it's a dome :D But obviously that whole skull thing doesn't apply here. Two boys with very different head/face shapes and a girl with the same as one of the boys. I wouldn't let it get you down.

March 23rd, 2014, 03:50 PM
Thank you so much hotdogz - really appreciate your reply. Nice to know that I don't have to lose hope. Actually I managed to find my DS2's scan pics today and him and DS1 have different skull shapes and do IRL-just like yours!!
Thanks : )


March 23rd, 2014, 05:11 PM
Yes, definitely--all my kiddos had the same skull shape/profile in their u/s pics and I have BGGB so that is why I don't understand skull theory at all!

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March 23rd, 2014, 06:14 PM
I don't have pictures for my 2 first boys (loooooong time ago) but my 3rd boy and the little girl I'm expecting have very different skulls. His was bigger on the forehead with bigger jaws. Her head is smaller, flatter on the forehead and more delicate. But those were the only pics I could compare. I have heard many times skulls are very unreliable and you should keep hoping for a girl (I would), but the theory worked in my case. Good luck x

March 24th, 2014, 02:57 AM
Good luck being team green Jen hope you get your girl xxx

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March 25th, 2014, 09:27 PM
Thank you Kitkat! X