View Full Version : baby asprin question

April 15th, 2014, 07:27 AM
hi,i was just wondering when and how often u take baby aspirin for? would it just be ok to about take a week before O. I dont really want to start taking it everyday,just doesnt seem necessary. any help would be great thanks.

April 15th, 2014, 10:16 AM
I take it daily, and actually use the CVS brand which is only aspirin and starch (I cut it into quarters with a pill cutter, which makes it about 80 mg, and take it with food to prevent ulcers.). I also take it for preeclampsia prevention, since I'm high risk for that. I'm not sure if most Mommas take it daily or not - I think for a sway it helps make your body more acid, although I might be wrong on that.

April 15th, 2014, 11:28 AM
You should get the baby aspirin, which is 81 mg, so you don't have to cut it. Some mommas take it one a week, some every day but there us a bleeding risk if you take it every day. I took it 3 times a week and only the month if my attempt. It helps with implantation so it's good to take it during the 2WW and be sure to wean off if you get a BFP.

atomic sagebrush
April 15th, 2014, 11:48 AM
I don't like people stopping it or starting it suddenly before you may be pregnant. Either take or don't (and feel free to NOT take it) but don't wait till right before pregnancy to start it and don't stop it all of a sudden either.

atomic sagebrush
April 15th, 2014, 11:50 AM
Gradually over time, people do become accustomed to taking it every day and if a person was already taking it at that level, it's ok to continue.

I think for others it is just best to stick with the 2-5 days a week on the aspirin or not at all.