View Full Version : Biopsy of slow-growing and fragmented embryos

June 28th, 2011, 09:06 AM
Hi Carole,

I thought that embryos had to have a minimum number of cells in order to be biopsied, but my embryologist went ahead with my slow growers on day 3 because otherwise he won't have the results in time for a day 5 transfer. Is that right? Won't the premature biopsy jeopardize their chance of growing or auto-correcting?


June 28th, 2011, 04:05 PM
Dear Jaybz,
In some cases we have biopsied embryos on day 3 that were only 6 cell and the embryos did fine. The embryologist was caught between a rock and a hard place because for a day 5 transfer, the embryos do need to be biopsied on day 3, depending on the turnaround time of the test which is often 48 hours. If you have some embryos that grew as expected (looks like you had four eight cells on day 3 too- that's good!), that could be biopsied at day 3 at 8+ cell stage, that's ideal, but I wouldn't give up on your "slow growers" at this point. Best Wishes, Carole

June 29th, 2011, 01:44 AM
Thanks Carole. I love being armed with knowledge from a professional so I can ask my RE the right questions and make the right decisions based on fact.