View Full Version : Hypothyroidism Question

May 28th, 2014, 03:58 PM
Well, turns out that I am hypothyroid. I had no idea. I was noticing that I was losing hair in the shower, not a lot but enough for me to notice. My OB wanted to check my thyroid and my results were:

TSH: 3.02

Free T4: .91

I was told these were "normal," but my OB likes to see the Free T4 a bit higher and the TSH a bit lower, so I've been put on Synthroid (25 mg to start and I'll have a blood test in 4 weeks to see if the dose should be increased.) I've never ever had a problem like this in pregnancy. I'm so afraid of taking any kind of meds. I'm also scared of any kind of damage I've done to my baby since I'm just starting the meds now! I'm almost 21 weeks! My TSH at 5 weeks was 2.56. I was never told it was a bad number to have.

Any advice from anyone who has taken this before? Will I have to be on it for the rest of my life? Have I damaged my baby in any way? Will taking this med harm my baby in any way? :(

May 28th, 2014, 04:16 PM
It's not a bad value.
You haven't damaged your baby. she makes her own thyroid hormones since 12 wks.
it could come from being pg.
but it also could be a start for hashimoto's. I'd advice you to take a blood test and see of your making antibodies. IF it's not the case you might be fine without meds in the future. if you do you should prolly take meds.
Also inflamation of the thyroid could mess things up. wich is something sometimes happen during PG.

don't worry. You'll be fine.

atomic sagebrush
May 28th, 2014, 04:36 PM
it can happen sometimes in pregnancy and while I know it's no fun to take the Synthroid, it's one of the best ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy. :)

The Anchor
May 29th, 2014, 01:14 PM
All the evidence points to no harm to baby...they wouldn't put you on it otherwise! It may or may not be a lifelong thing... you won't know if it's pregnancy induced until after birth :)

May 29th, 2014, 02:57 PM
My TSH levels are always in the normal range (less than 5) but my free T3 and T4 was dangerously low. I'm glad my new doc caught it! For years I had symptoms and my stupid old doc just tested TSH and said well you're normal! Even though I had every hypothyroid symptom in the book. When my current doc tested T3 and T4 and discovered my hypo. I went on Naturethroid (natural dessicated pig thyroid) and it made a HUGE difference!