View Full Version : Just wondered....

June 18th, 2014, 04:24 PM
I have been looking at the girl sway results section and it seems like there is a large percentage that are successful in their pink sway. There are only a few showing opposites. I know the percentage successful is around 65%, does this mean that many people who get an opposite don't report back? Is it more likely people report back if been lucky?

So longing to buy plan and get started but terrified at same time as don't want to be an opposite 😬


atomic sagebrush
June 18th, 2014, 05:47 PM
I'm not entirely sure I follow this question??

The 65% is EVERYONE across the site who filled out a questionnaire, not just the Custom Plan people. These are all people who DID report back. We don't include numbers for people who did not come back to update gender. The numbers are not tallied up by me (it would be unethical for me to do so) and so I can't answer specific q's about how this is done, but I believe if you look in the spreadsheet, that is the data that is tallied up.

If you can't handle an opposite, if the idea of "only" 65% is too scary to you, then you shoudl not be swaying anyway and need to look more closely at high tech.

June 18th, 2014, 05:48 PM
People are encouraged to report either way (so much so that they are told if they can't do it, they can contact an admin via pm who will update for them). I don't know if people are more inclined to report back if they are successful (I'm sure they update ASAP, though).

From what I understand, the plan entails supplements for DW and DH, frequency suggestions, basic diet suggestions and more....and personalized support. I think it is worth it if you are far enough away from TTC. I started the diet with only 3 week until my attempt and I wasn't sure it would be enough time for a plan to take effect. But, from what I have read, most people who buy the plan are extremely satisfied....even if an opposite occurs because they know they gave it their all.

Having said all of that, only you can decide what's best for you.

Good luck!

June 18th, 2014, 09:01 PM
Thanks for feedback, I'm not opposed to an opposite atomic just want to make sure we give it our best shot. and was interested in the background of girl sway results..

atomic sagebrush
June 20th, 2014, 11:02 AM
Ok then can you please clarify what your question is??? I'm just not understanding what you are specifically asking. The number in the stats is the number of people who reported about their sway and it is all written up in the spreadsheet.

June 20th, 2014, 06:04 PM
Thanks atomic I have studied the spreadsheet and it answered my question. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope I've not been a total pain, not very good at explaining myself sometimes ��.

Born worrier/overanalyser!

Thanks again and sorry x

June 20th, 2014, 06:27 PM
I like the results from the customized plans :)

June 20th, 2014, 06:50 PM
I think I know what you're asking, but as far as I'm aware, and that's after 2 years of being a dream member is that everybody who sways post their sway way before they find out what they're having and then those sways are confirmed with boy or girl and tallied, so it is not possible for someone to be in the spreadsheet without reporting the result. I am certain that everyone who posts a sway is asked to confirm and if not confirmed then that sway can't be added to the percentage or even taken into account. Sorry, hope I'm making sense. :)

June 20th, 2014, 06:53 PM
I think I know what you're asking, but as far as I'm aware, and that's after 2 years of being a dream member is that everybody who sways post their sway way before they find out what they're having and then those sways are confirmed with boy or girl and tallied, so it is not possible for someone to be in the spreadsheet without reporting the result. I am certain that everyone who posts a sway is asked to confirm and if not confirmed then that sway can't be added to the percentage or even taken into account. Sorry, hope I'm making sense. :)

Thanks that makes total sense! Thanks again x

atomic sagebrush
June 22nd, 2014, 10:11 AM
I like the results from the customized plans :)

Do keep in mind though that we did not track these at first and it's only the people who filled out a questionnaire after their sway. I think it is best/safest to use the overall numbers for the site (65%) when making decisions. We have had a run of good luck with the sway plans of late but I don't want anyone to expect more than what EVERYONE is getting overall (largest sample size)