View Full Version : Personalized Sway Plans

July 29th, 2014, 01:57 AM

I was wondering if Atomic Sagebrush still offers personalized swaying plans. It looks like the one you can purchase from Gender Dreaming is just general? I saw prior posts to Atomic Sagebrush with specific questions, etc. and her response was that she would help work that into the gender sway plan. Is that part of the Gender Dreaming general plans or does Atomic Sagebrush offer something more personalized?


atomic sagebrush
July 30th, 2014, 02:28 PM
No, I still do the personalized plans and now is a great time to buy one because there is only a short wait.

At the top of this page there is a button that says "membership and plans" and you click that and it will take you to a spot where you can buy them. :)

August 4th, 2015, 08:41 PM

What is the wait time now for a personalized plan? Thanks!

atomic sagebrush
August 7th, 2015, 05:56 PM
7-10 days. If you need one right away, let me know and I can sometimes rearrange things if others in line don't need theirs right away.

January 2nd, 2016, 04:03 PM
I am interested in a personalized plan

atomic sagebrush
January 3rd, 2016, 03:17 PM
http://genderdreaming.com/forum/payments.php Here is the link for purchase. Once you buy it, then you'll access a questionnaire that will tell me everything I need to know to make the plan for you. :)

January 4th, 2016, 01:26 AM
I signed up how do I access the questionairre?

atomic sagebrush
January 4th, 2016, 08:14 PM
I have your questionnaire, will get right to work.