View Full Version : Miscarriage, sex, symptoms?
September 5th, 2014, 04:50 AM
I've worried about this pregnancy since day 1 because I've had zero symptoms. With my son I was very sick from week 5 and had to pee frequently and generally just felt pregnant. I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and still nothing this time.
dh and I dtd last night and this morning I woke up to a little red spotting. I now feel very crampy. Can sex bring on an impending miscarriage? At 7 weeks how long does a natural miscarriage take? Did anyone else always have morning sickness for their sticky babies and none for their losses? I'm traveling overseas and don't have access to a doctor (unless it's very serious I'd rather not seek out a doctor!). Thanks for any advice!
September 5th, 2014, 05:13 AM
Oops! Just wrote a long reply then lost it.
Personally I would call your doctor/ob/midwife before you.leave , they might get you in for an early scan and a whole lot less worry while you are traveling!!
This just happened to a friend and they saw her right away, scanned her at 7 weeks and cleared her to fly to Sydney.
She hasn't bled since!
I'm sure nothing was brought on by sex i just wouldn't worry about that.
With regards to ms I had nothing not even an hour with DS1 but I did have other symptoms moody, gassy, tired, bit crampy. Big hugs honey keep us updated xxx
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September 5th, 2014, 11:09 AM
I have not had morning sickness with any of my pregnancies (whether I made it to term or had a m/c). At 7 weeks, sex caused some spotting for me as well. Yes, sex can bring about some spotting and crampiness (especially if you orgasm). No, sex cannot bring about a miscarriage. Sometimes a dr will suggest you refrain from sex if you have placenta previa or something indicating an issue, but sex does not cause miscarriage.
I would keep an eye on it, report it to my dr and follow their advice. Unless the spotting turns into bleeding, I would try, try, try not to stress too much (which, I know, is waaaaaaay easier said than done since it happened to me at 7 weeks). This is the first pregnancy I've had where spotting really meant nothing -- and my sister bled throughout her entire pregnancy (here and there, of course, not daily or anything).
Each pregnancy is different, symptom wise. I have had literally no symptoms with this pregnancy -- except for fatigue earlier on and sore breasts now. And so far, baby is doing great :)
I hope the spotting stops quickly and you can refocus on your trip. Take care.
atomic sagebrush
September 5th, 2014, 11:16 AM
Sex might start the bleeding but it would have happened the next day anyway, if that makes any sense.
OBviously, this isn't what you want to see happening but it is pretty normal.
My mom never had pregnancy symptoms with any of hers and declared them "all in people's heads" LOL.
I have had all different levels of symptoms and sickness with my 5. With my first and 4th I went quite a ways before the symptoms really kicked in.
September 5th, 2014, 11:27 AM
Sex can definitely cause cramping and spotting. Sex does not cause miscarriage but it can cause it to bleed sooner like atomic said. Ive read it takes 10 days for the body to recognize a miscarriage before it starts bleeding so it was lo g predetermined before the bleeding if thats what it is...though I highly doubt it. Im sure baby is fine!!
September 6th, 2014, 11:28 AM
I am waiting for a natural miscarriage to start (no heartbeat when there was one last week), and had a similar tiny swipe of blood and some really mild cramps. I went in thinking I might have a uti and found out it was probably the start of my m/c. I had super mild symptoms both this time and with ds2 so it really could go either way but I personally would rather either have the peace of mind or know what is happening. I hope it turns out to be OK for you!
September 6th, 2014, 04:40 PM
I would contact my doctor if this happened to me for sure, especially before going on a trip.
But it really could be nothing. My SIL had spotting quite often during her 1st semester.
As far as pregnancy symptoms, I did not experience any symptoms besides maybe sleepiness, but that started after 10W.
Hope is nothing and you can enjoy your trip!!
September 6th, 2014, 05:20 PM
How you doing bluebonnet? Thinking of you x
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September 6th, 2014, 07:49 PM
Thanks for all the replies ! At this point I'm nearly sure it's a miscarriage and would love further advice if anyone is still reading. I have been traveling home over the past 2 days (while all this has been occuring - not great timing!), and now it's Saturday night here in the US and I'm home. I called my doctors office and their answering machine said go to the ER/call 911 for emergency, otherwise they will call me back on Monday. I'm curious what you guys what do in my shoes.
I've been bleeding for 2 days now, basically like a heavy period. Enough where I feel like it's 100% a miscarriage. It's not enough bleeding where I feel like it's unsafe/scary levels or anything where it's harming me. I'm having cramping like a bad period. Do you guys think I can wait to call my doctor on Monday or do I need to go in to the ER tonight? I'd really rather not because my son is already getting ready for bed so I'd have to go alone and it would cost a fortune.
Lastly, if anyone has had a loss before, do most doctors even do a follow up visit? My miscarriage started at 6w5d, so pretty early. If I do go in for a follow up type visit, what do I expect? Do they typically do an ultra sound to make sure it's all clear or just blood tests?
Emotionally I'm in a good place.. for now.. I've felt for awhile this pregnancy wasn't going to work out due to lack of symptoms, so I'm not shocked by this miscarriage or anything. Starting LE diet and cardio again tomorrow!
September 6th, 2014, 10:52 PM
So sorry bluebonnet. If hospital is going cost you a lot and you're not in a a lot of pain and the bleeding isn't too severe, it's probably ok to wait to see your drs on Monday.
My drs just did follow up blood tests after my m/c to make sure my HCG levels were going down.
September 6th, 2014, 11:30 PM
I am sorry, it stinks. I am 8.5 wks but hoping to have a "natural" miscarriage, they said as long as the bleeding/pain was not too crazy then they don't need to intervene and they are doing weekly hcg to make sure the numbers drop appropriately
September 7th, 2014, 03:47 AM
I'm so sorry bluebonnet that really sucks, I don't have alot of advice but just to say im thinking of you and im glad you are coping okay XX
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September 7th, 2014, 05:41 AM
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I've only seen a dr. with one of my miscarriages, and that was only because I was bleeding for 17 days. If you aren't bleeding excessively & have no signs of infection, imo there's no reason to see one at all, much less go to the ER.
Rest as much as you can, activity will likely increase the bleeding, as well as making it last longer. Just take it easy & be gentle with yourself, physically & emotionally.
September 7th, 2014, 11:58 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I think you are okay to wait until Monday unless you are bleeding through a pad an hour. The follow up I had was an ultrasound to ensure a complete miscarriage occurred. I didn't have my levels checked. One m/c was a complete m/c all natural and my third one was a partial and I had to have a d&c afterwards.
Take care of yourself. Hugs to you.
atomic sagebrush
September 7th, 2014, 01:29 PM
Oh no I"m so sorry. Thinking of you. I'd also wait it out and hoping that everything goes as well as possible. :(
September 7th, 2014, 01:51 PM
I keep popping in, so thanks again for all the support and answers!
Possible TMI alert - The bleeding has stopped and overall I bled only 2 days with a few minor (quarter-sized?) type clots and total amount of bleeding less than a monthly period. Blood was all brownish-red (no bright red). I did have pretty major cramping so I'm sure it's a miscarriage, I'm just concerned it wasn't a "complete" miscarriage since there wasn't that much bleeding. UGH. Obviously I will call my doctor first thing in the morning and hopefully get some answers and really really hoping I won't need a D&C. Did anyone else have a relatively early (prior to 7 weeks) miscarriage without tons of bleeding?
September 8th, 2014, 10:36 PM
My earliest m/c was 10 weeks (baby measured 8) and there wasn't tons of bleeding. I bled heavy for a few hours, then tapered off -- minor period like bleeding for a few days. BUT I did have bright red blood.
Did you call your doctor today? Did they schedule you for an ultrasound?
September 8th, 2014, 10:43 PM
My earliest m/c was 10 weeks (baby measured 8) and there wasn't tons of bleeding. I bled heavy for a few hours, then tapered off -- minor period like bleeding for a few days. BUT I did have bright red blood.
Did you call your doctor today? Did they schedule you for an ultrasound?
Thanks Angie. I'm going in for an ultrasound on Thursday so hopefully I can get some closure!
September 9th, 2014, 08:32 PM
I'm relieved to hear they are doing an ultrasound.
Thinking of you,
September 11th, 2014, 03:37 PM
The same happens with me as 2blue1pink with miscarriage not happening naturally on its own, but it could really be nothing. I would go to the Dr. Though considering you are going to travel soon. Also, I have three boys and had different symptoms and timing for them all. I don not believe that there is any difference based on gender, just that every baby can make mom feel sick or not, you just never know. Some women get severely ill while some get nothing for either or both genders. My first one was food aversions a couple months in, but not really sick. Second one I was sick almost a month in and was clueless I was pregnant until then...and every smell made me ill. Third pregnancy (my angel boy) I was severely ill very soon. I lost him at 14 weeks for complicated reasons. Fourth pregnancy, I was not sick at all but only made it to 5 weeks. Fifth pregnancy is my third living son. A little sick, started around 8 weeks and had food aversions, had to switch hair and beauty products due to the scents making me feel so sick. I always felt better around 12 weeks almost to the day. It was crazy lol. I really hope that all is well and that you get some peace of mind and have safe travels:)
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September 11th, 2014, 03:48 PM
So an update! I had my ultrasound today and all is cleared out and we have the green light to try again. She asked if I wanted bcp because she warned me I'd be super fertile over the next 2-4 weeks which made me happy. It's been one week since the loss and hopefully if we start BD every 4 days tonight we will catch the first egg. I'm so ready to be pg again! Thanks for all the support and answers ladies!
September 11th, 2014, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the update, that is wonderful news. Good luck catching the first egg!!
September 11th, 2014, 06:33 PM
Glad you are all clear to TTC again. Good luck on catching that first agg! Fingers crossed for you!
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