View Full Version : Adjusted sway plan.. Checking this time!

September 8th, 2014, 10:00 AM
Looks like I'm out this month after AF arrived a couple of days early today.
Next time will be our second month trying, and after some regrets before our first month, I thought I'd post here to see if anyone thinks I'm making any more silly errors, or would be grateful for any comments if you think I could change or improve anything.
I'm 38. DH is 44. I'm keen to conceive as soon as possible while still having a good go at swaying pink.

3 months ago, I started skipping breakfast, and cut out snacks.
I average about 1500 calories a day, 1200 most days, others 1800 or more.
I never are red meat. I eat chicken or fish every other evening, with Vege options on alternate days.
I don't count protein or nutrients.

I was drinking a cup of milk and a yoghurt a day to increase calcium, and was taking 150 magnesium a day. I stopped these about 3 weeks ago.
I took aspirin alternate days. I stopped this gradually after last attempt.
DH has been chewing on the natural liquorice root sticks.

Last month we went for one attempt at positive OPK, but I had a huge stress that we were too late after morning OPK then DTD at midnight. DH released outside the night and morning before attempt.

I don't check PH or use any gell.

I drink diet drinks containing aspartame. I've heard peppermint tea is good too?

I'm trying to ease the disappointment of AF arriving by planning for next time.
Any advice or comments very very welcome! x

September 8th, 2014, 02:35 PM
Have you considered the fiber supplements? They're pretty cheap and easy to add in, and getting good results for pink. Adding in cinnamon is also pretty painless, although our sample size for this one is too small to really say if it's making a difference. I just stirred an 1/8th of a tsp into my morning coffee. Yummy!

atomic sagebrush
September 8th, 2014, 04:49 PM
bump this for me! :)

September 8th, 2014, 06:44 PM
I'm sure atomic will give you amazing advice when she has time, but my quick advice is to NOT have husband release outside prior to your attempt. At your ages, I would guess this is lowering sperm count and probably not worth it. One attempt at positive OPK is definitely the way to go, but try no to have husband release within 24 hours of your attempt so that sperm count is better and your odds of conception are better.

September 9th, 2014, 07:39 AM
Thankyou for your responses. I haven't tried fibre supplements, could be an option. I have cinnamon though!
I thought we may have overdone it with too much sperm lowering. I really don't want to reduce my chances of conceiving by too much!

September 9th, 2014, 05:50 PM
Bump :)

September 11th, 2014, 05:17 AM

September 12th, 2014, 06:35 AM
I'd love some more opinions or advice If possible please?

September 12th, 2014, 07:39 AM
I think this looks good. Could you limit chicken/ fish to once a week?

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atomic sagebrush
September 12th, 2014, 11:45 AM
LOL I'm sorry I thought this was long but then on closer inspection I see that you're doing everything quite right anyway. Sorry for unneccesary delay.

WHat I would do is stick with one attempt but drop having your hsuband release outside.

I wouldn't use pep tea, we've had poor results conception with it for those in late 30's

September 12th, 2014, 11:56 AM
Thankyou. I think I just need some reassurance sometimes, especially after making some bad decisions previously.
Now that I've dropped all the extras I was having, I think I'm fairly happy with my diet.
I really want to conceive as soon as possible, and I do worry about one attempt, that one won't be enough, or that we will be too early or too late and therefore reduce our chances. Even if we go for every 4 days, it could be 3 days before and then just after O. Or I need to be more confident with OPK.. I think that by the time I get a positive then get DH into bed, it could be too late!