View Full Version : FET re-evaluation before transfer

July 19th, 2011, 10:31 AM
Hi, I'm a bit confused and wonder if anyone can shed some light on the thawing process.

My question is; Once a frozen embryo has been thawed is it re-evaluated to see if it has survived the thaw or how damaged it is before transfer so you can decide if it is worthwhile attempting a transfer or not? I understand the process has to be done within 40 mins and not sure if that allows time for inspecting it before transfer.

What I guess I'm really asking is if you have two frozens and the first one doesn't thaw sucessfully can you then attempt to thaw the other one all in the same cycle or is it a wasted trip half way around the world? Thanks.

July 19th, 2011, 10:55 AM
The 40 minute thing is not accurate. Mine were thawed early morning and transfer was 1pm. If it is alive and progressing, you transfer. If it doesn't survive the thaw, it is dead.

Yes, you can have them thaw one, see how it does and need be, thaw a second. BUT, you have to make sure they freeze them individually because they are usually frozen in pairs.

July 19th, 2011, 06:38 PM
Dear CrazyK,

It's not uncommon to thaw one embryo, let it recover for thirty minutes or so and re-evaluate if another embryo should be thawed. Sometimes it's immediately obvious that the embryo is non-viable or "dead" but other times, it takes a few minutes in culture to be sure. Hope this helps, Carole

July 19th, 2011, 06:42 PM
So sorry, Crazy...didn't see this was posted in Carole's forum!!

July 20th, 2011, 07:57 AM
Brilliant, thanks for clearing that up for me. Much appreciated.