View Full Version : Baby aspirin & Cranberry supps

October 16th, 2014, 04:14 AM

Got a important question that I hope someone can help me with quite quickly.
I am on a girl sway.
I am taking cranberry supps, these are tabs that I take twice aday. I am 40 years old and I have been reading on the forum here, that
I have to stopp this cold turkey after DTD ( as it is not good for the baby, so ofcourse I will stopp it asap after DTD just incase)
something that is not at all good for my health, I have read abit about baby aspirin and over here in Norway I
cannot find this, but is baby aspirin the same as Albyl-E 75 mg that I have found, both dispril and aspirin has been taken of the marked over here, but
I can get Albyl-E 75 mg through my doctor. And Albyl-E ( baby aspirin) is a more freindly way to lower ph, and this is a supp that I can cut back safely
after getting Pg, I donot have to cut it off cold turkey, just have to be done with it before third trimester.

So what I am really asking for is what is your recommendation? Cranberry supps or baby aspirin ( Albyl-E) ?? :think:

atomic sagebrush
October 16th, 2014, 08:38 AM

I am no longer recommending either due to risks outweighing benefits. Baby aspirin is both safer and more effective in our stats. The cranberry did absolutely nothing in our statistics, getting the same results as the overall numbers of the site meaning it is not adding anything.

If you do take hte baby aspirin, we start weaning off that at BFP and take about 3-4 weeks to come off it, gradually spacing doses further and further apart.