View Full Version : Bipartite/bilobed placenta? Risks for birth and pregnancy

November 4th, 2014, 09:04 PM
I have just had my 20 week scan which revealed a bipartite placenta (bi- lobed). There's doesn't seem to be much info on this? I am wondering if anyone knows what the potential risks are to myself and the baby for the remainder of the pregnancy and birth. And what treatment/management might be. I don't see the specialist for another 3 weeks- feeling anxious

atomic sagebrush
November 5th, 2014, 09:39 AM
Yes, I had one and there are some risks but the important thing is that they know it's there. The risks are that there might be blood vessesl going between the two and the most risky thing is that some of the veins of the cord might go into both halves and could tear. They have probably already ruled this out via ultrasound (because they can use the Doppler to see the blood flow).

Most of the time it's just this weird thing (like, they sent mine to Pathology just for fun LOL) that ends up causing no prob. at all. The management will depend on if it's anything or if it's just a random thing that won't cause any trouble. You may end up with a c-section and a preemie because the bigger the baby, if there is any risk the cord might tear, the more likely that is.

Mine was caused by twins where one survived and one didn't, and as my pg progressed they grew apart and were never attached so caused no problem other than placenta previa. WHen my son was born, the doctor showed me the placentas and there was one great big healthy one, then the other one was small and dark and ratty looking, and then this little hole in the amniotic sac between them where my son passed through!

November 5th, 2014, 10:12 AM
I think that there is a chance the placenta won't detach after delivery and you could bleed. I'm sure the doctor will go over it with you and if you are waiting 3 weeks I can only assume they are not too worried.