View Full Version : Girl sway attempts question - help please!x

November 12th, 2014, 03:25 AM
Hey ladies

This is our first month on a girl sway and we are using the Clearblue fertility monitor to assess when ovulation is.

Yesterday we had a high fertility reading so we BD last night.

Now I have read that we're only supposed to have one attempt and am worried it wasn't close enough to ovulation to conceive.

Can I have a 2nd attempt when I get my peak fertility reading or positive OPK without harming the sway?

I'm pretty sure I did this when we conceived our daughter ie. BD a few days before positive OPK then on the day of positive OPK but nothing after.

It would be great to get your thoughts please as I'm fretting about what to do when I do get my positive OPK. I still had high fertility today so not positive OPK yet - it is likely to be tomorrow or Friday so I can abstain till then.

Thank you so much in advance for your replies xx

November 12th, 2014, 03:40 AM
Hi! It really depends on how much you want to get pregnant vs having a girl. If having a girl is your main priority then you should not BD again until 4 days after your last attempt. If increasing your chances for getting pregnant this cycle is your main priority then you can also BD when you get your positive OPK :)

November 12th, 2014, 04:36 AM
Thanks so much Junie

That's helpful - wish I hadn't messed up though!! Hopefully I won't get my positive OPK till Friday then that will be at least 3 days since my last attempt. Kind of didn't want to miss out on this cycle :-( xx

November 12th, 2014, 07:23 AM
Does anyone know the % reduction in success with girl sways when you compare 1 attempt against 2 please? Would be really great to know then I can decide whether to take my chances!! :-) x

November 12th, 2014, 07:25 AM
Have just done my second clear blue and it's come up with a proper smiley face which means it's detected my surge. Would you leave it now? or risk trying tonight? AAARRGGH

November 12th, 2014, 07:46 AM
I wouldn't bd again, your timing is great for a girl sway now 1 day before O, right?

November 12th, 2014, 08:21 AM
Thanks for replying Junie! I guess it just depends how soon after my lh surge that I ovulate, I don't temp but know i am ovulating as I had a chemical pregnancy last month.

If it's only 8 hours then it would be perfect but if it's 48 hours after I won't ovulate till lunch time Friday and that's almost 3 days after. Not sure what the average is. :-( I think you're right though I shouldn't risk it. Are you in your 2 ww? xx

November 12th, 2014, 09:09 AM
Yep! It's my first cycle TTC baby 3. I'm so sorry about your chemical :( I'm also not sure exactly when I O'd and I think I was a bit too eager and might also have BD 2 days before O but for the first cycle I didn't want to risk it. If we are still TTC in a few months time then I might have BD again 2-3 days later on O.

I do know that all of my friends who got pregnant days before O (obviously who were charting and kind of knew) did end up having girls. That doesn't really mean anything but it does give me hope :)

November 12th, 2014, 09:25 AM
Hey there

Yes I think there is something in that! I remember when I conceived my daughter (we have a gorgeous son also) we only bd once on the day I got my LH surge because I was going away that day. Certainly did the trick!! x

November 12th, 2014, 09:25 AM
Best of luck with your two week wait honey! Exciting times xx

atomic sagebrush
November 12th, 2014, 10:08 AM
Oh maybe I misreaad your other thread, I thought you said you had had a pos OPK.

IF you get pos OPK in the next couple days (today or Thurs) stick with the attempt you already had. If it gets to Friday, you have the decision between attempting again or sticking with the one attempt. If you don't get peak till Sat. I would def. attempt again on Sat.

atomic sagebrush
November 12th, 2014, 10:11 AM
Does anyone know the % reduction in success with girl sways when you compare 1 attempt against 2 please? Would be really great to know then I can decide whether to take my chances!! :-) x

One attempt = between 70-75 %

two attempts - between 60-65%

this number has stayed consistently in this range for 3 years now and I don't think any other conclusion can be drawn than that this is really something that sways.

November 13th, 2014, 05:27 AM
Honey, just stick to that attempt. I'm sure you will get your girl again.
I'm also using the ClearBlueAdvanced.
Good luck!

November 13th, 2014, 05:53 PM
Wait 4 days before BDing again. Based on how the CBFM works for me, I have 3 days of High then Peak, then I O the day after my Peak. So BDing on my first High day is 3 days before O, perfectly good odds for conception. Sometimes I O 2 days after my Peak/first positive OPK, thus why I recommend you BD again 4 days after your first attempt.

It sounds like your attempt will be 2-3 days before O, most likely, which is great for pink & conception odds. Fx!