View Full Version : Negative people

December 14th, 2014, 12:11 PM
Not sure where really to post this but quick question for those who got pregnant after having two or more of the same gender. Everyone we tell we are expecting number three is like 'oh it's going to be another girl' they all follow up with 'well hope it's a boy but probably a girl'. Is this what everyone has experienced or am I just surrounded by negative people? I already am so anxious about things and all these comments don't seem to help. just curious as if this is a common reaction or maybe those around me have some sort of intuition (everyone thought #2 was a girl and they were right too).

December 14th, 2014, 12:23 PM
That's the story for most of us. You just grin and bear it, unless you can think of a scathingly witty comeback

December 14th, 2014, 01:30 PM
When I was pregnant with Ds2 I also heard a lot of those negative comments. I got so fed up with them, I started responding just as silly as them. I would say something like: yeah maybe it's a boy, but we're really hoping for a giraffe this time and then look at them intensely lol. But then again I can be quite bitchy and crazy, people know me by now so they would just laugh and say either way it would be great. Yes thank you, now zip it.

atomic sagebrush
December 14th, 2014, 02:04 PM
yes to infinity. Grrr.

December 14th, 2014, 02:11 PM
I almost wish I could get through the whole pregnancy and birth with no other people knowing but close family and friends. That way the baby is here and no questions asked and all that time I'm dreading would not be an issue. I would say that other peoples insensitivity is what makes gender disappointment 10 times harder.

Hope you have more positive people around you then negative and enjoy your pregnancy!

December 14th, 2014, 04:26 PM
Ppl are ignorant unless they also have been pregnant, have single gender babies, or are sympathetic. Most ppl are just ignorant. Even after I found out I was having my 3rd girl I didn't tell the general public BC of those comments. Just keep them guessing.

December 14th, 2014, 04:38 PM
I usually tell them you don't know what I have (2 boys) and I wouldn't trade it for the world. That usually shuts them right up! If they think life can only be complete with a particular combination of kids (usually 1 boy 1 girl), then they are not worth my time or my brain cells. I came to that conclusion after many years of being taunted that I will only have boys (even just after my first son). It's sad people can't support each other and be proud of what each other has. Don't worry about them. If that is the only satisfaction they can get, they clearly have insecurities.

December 15th, 2014, 07:26 AM
Thanks for the words/advice ladies. We spent the weekend visiting my husbands family and that's all I was hearing when we told them and it got me pretty down. I completey agree that other people make gender disappointment 100 times worse. Wish we could just not tell anyone until baby is here. I have prepared myself for another girl but obviously still hope for a boy but hearing everyone say that just gets you down and makes you lose that little bit of hope. Ugh. Gender desire/disapointment sucks!

December 15th, 2014, 09:07 AM
I wish I had been wiser when prego with DD3....once I got smart & people made the lame comments I would get the most puzzled look I could muster & and say "what's wrong with girls??"

That usually worked....if any one dares to make a nasty comment this time...well, best of luck to them, I am quite bitchy & I could care less what they think. If they can't think before they speak, I can't hold my sharp tongue!

atomic sagebrush
December 15th, 2014, 12:49 PM
I made it till 7 months with my last pg without my neighbors and townsfolk noticing I was pg (they were the ones who always had stuff to say). just wore lots of baggy clothes. being pg in winter and early spring may help with that!!

December 16th, 2014, 10:30 AM
When I'll get my BFP, I'm planning not tell anyone (just parents) until we find out the gender. Then I'll just tell everyone "hei, we are having a baby G or B"...so I can only get the "Congrats" and end of story.
Those people laugh but it's not their laugh. They can't understand what is in your soul and that's probably why they act like this..but if you decide to tell everyone before finding out, just tell them you are having another girl and if it's a boy, then WOW for everyone.