View Full Version : It's almost over...

atomic sagebrush
January 5th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Yesterday Tate asked for a cup of milk instead of nums...he's almost 3 and I never intended to nurse him for so long but it's still sad. Somehow, even though he was such a handful to nurse with his nursing strike as an infant, the biting, pregnancy and tandem nursing, and various other shenanigans, I'm sorry to see it go somehow. :(

January 5th, 2011, 08:58 PM
I didn't realize you were a tandem nurser--that is awesome :) But yes, sad that they have to grow up. I keep trying to cut my "big girl" off, but whenever she finally loses interest, I'll probably feel all sad and rejected :( Luckily you still have the baby . . . amd maybe it's time for another to deal with the growing up!

atomic sagebrush
January 6th, 2011, 09:58 AM
Oh, you're doing tandem too? It has been a really intense but amazing journey for us.

Yeah, I know, I should be really relieved but to see him make a face and ask for MILK...it was a sad moment. He still nurses right before bed though, who knows how I'm going to cut that one out!!!

Thanks so much for your support!!

January 8th, 2011, 02:13 PM
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, weaning is bittersweet. I tandem nursed my first and my second for months, my first was 26 months when he weaned. My second wasn't as much of an addict and has just weaned at nearly 21 months. It's odd for me to have a break from breastfeeding, I know I'll be back at it in May.

January 9th, 2011, 03:32 AM
I tandem nursed too...awesome to see there are more of us out there than I first realised...totally awesome. I had to wean them for our high tech cycle and it was pretty bitterweet...it is great that at least he is doing it on his own and you know that it will be his choice.

January 10th, 2011, 09:46 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. That sounds tough. I'm all emotional over weaning from a stupid blue pump... I think it would be much harder from a baby :(

atomic sagebrush
January 10th, 2011, 10:52 AM
Oh, it's not really his choice, but I do think it's time. He was getting VERY demanding about nursing! He is eating WAY better than he was, much less picky.

January 12th, 2011, 05:12 PM
Aw! My LO is 24 months and he only nurses at bedtime now, but I can tell he's already losing interest- its actually good timing for me to wean now, but it IS so bittersweet! How amazing that you were tandem nursing! Bravo!

Wanting a daughter
January 21st, 2011, 09:03 PM
Wow, I'm so impressed at all you ladies tandem nursing. My GP told me to cut my first off (at 12 mnths) when I fell pregnant with my second and I've always regretted it. He was fine with it but I can still remember sitting down and giving him his last feed. My second is 13 mths now and loosing interest a fair bit. Down to morning and night feeds but he wants a top up bottle of milk and seems to prefer it. My supply is dwindling. We are looking at going High Tech for no. 3 so I guess I will have to give it up soon anyway but I'm not ready. Just love that intimacy and feeling of providing for him. Had no idea I would love breastfeeding so much.

atomic sagebrush
January 22nd, 2011, 06:06 PM
Wanting - I hit the jackpot with my OBGYN because he was totally supportive of tandem nursing.

It's crazy how much I love breastfeeding. I never would have known that it would mean so much to me. Even now after BFing off and on for 20 years now I think, once this baby weans, I'll never breastfeed again and I am so sad about it!!!

January 23rd, 2011, 04:56 PM
a hug for you AS... I weaned my son a little over a week ago and after I put him to bed I burst out sobbing- had no idea it would hit me that hard. I know what you mean.

Wanting a daughter
January 24th, 2011, 09:05 PM
Wanting - I hit the jackpot with my OBGYN because he was totally supportive of tandem nursing.

It's crazy how much I love breastfeeding. I never would have known that it would mean so much to me. Even now after BFing off and on for 20 years now I think, once this baby weans, I'll never breastfeed again and I am so sad about it!!!

We really are programmed to give. Love that about women!

January 28th, 2011, 02:37 PM

I had to wean DD3 shortly after finding out I was pregnant. It still makes me cry! I miss nursing her, especially at night. She was doing really well at first, but the past couple weeks she has been asking for her "nay nays." And she twiddles everyone. The twiddling is funny/annoying/embarrassing all in one. I'm looking into tandem nursing her and the new baby, though.

February 3rd, 2011, 03:15 PM
What a sad post. It's absolutely amazing that you were tandem nursing! I never made it passed that nursing strike with B. I wish I could go back and do things differently. I still remember him peacefully nursing and that was one of the best experiences in life! When he went on nursing strike is had never heard of that and it was a very hard time for us both.

I so look up to you all who EBF long term and like I said, tandem is absolutely amazing to me! I'm sorry it's almost over for Tate:-(


April 24th, 2011, 09:55 AM
aww, but what an achievement to have lasted so long!

April 24th, 2011, 02:59 PM
What is tandem nursing? Nursing while pg?
I felt sort of relieved when I weaned off my DDs. I never liked nursing, I did it only bcos I knew that was the best for my babies. I BFed them on demand during first 3 months and then I started some schedule to make it easier for me ( except during the night) I was co-sleeping w/dd1 for 3 years and w/dd2 6 months.

April 25th, 2011, 02:47 AM
ZB, I gather that tandem nursing is nursing 2 children at the same time. She was nursing DS#3 then through her pregnancy with DS#4.

I'm super emotional about nursing my babies too. I nursed all of my children well over a year with DS#1 nursed until 2 years. My friends and family think I'm crazy for nursing so long but it's so special and I miss it. I did get into night nursing and sleeping with my children which made sleeping difficult and I'm glad to have our bed mostly back to ourselves, but you just can't get that special time back with your kids. Nursing is such a special blessing! Nothing against mothers who choose not to nurse or are unable, I just personally love it and if I get pregnant again, who knows how long it will be before Mommy can stop. :)

April 25th, 2011, 09:44 AM
My baby will be 1 in june and im hoping he still wants to breastfeed for another 7 months or so at least.Im really worn out from still nursing 6 times a day but i will so miss his sleepy eyes and him rubbing my arm while he nurses :sad:

May 22nd, 2011, 05:12 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. That sounds tough. I'm all emotional over weaning from a stupid blue pump... I think it would be much harder from a baby :(

I was the same way for my first. I cried... DS1 didnt suck properly, nor did he have the interest to latch on So I pumped faithfully. Due to lack of milk supply I cried at 6weeks when I dried up (cried for days!!!!). DS2 I knew what to expect so it wasnt as bad when I had to switch him over to formula.