View Full Version : Help us guess please?!?

January 7th, 2015, 02:43 PM
2290622907Hi all,

This is our first baby and was wondering if anyone thinks they might be able to tell the gender by the nub or skull.

or even if there is a nub showing?

The scan pics our 12weeks + 3 days 

Thanks in advance

January 7th, 2015, 03:25 PM
Maybe girl, congrats on your first child! x

January 7th, 2015, 03:30 PM
Thanks bunnywabbit..... its nice to have a neutral take a guess!
Is there anything in particular that makes you think that? x �

January 7th, 2015, 03:33 PM
Thinking boy, in no way an expert like the other ladies just remember on my last 2 pregnancys looking at about a million nub shots to see if there was any way my boys were girls!! Congrats on the pregnancy!