View Full Version : Meal timing

January 19th, 2015, 03:48 PM
I've been pondering breakfast-lunch-dinner vs breakfast-dinner-supper recently... A discussion came up in one of my groups on the timing of Christmas "Dinner" and the consensus was that "dinner" was the biggest meal of the day. So for farmers & country folk, the mid-day meal was generally the largest and thus they (and my grandparents) settled into the breakfast-dinner-supper terminology, while city folk & office type workers usually had a smaller mid-day meal due to work schedules, and had their biggest meal after work thus the breakfast-lunch-dinner crew.

Growing up, my mom was a teacher, and I was in school, so breakfast-lunch-dinner it was. But my grandparents worked together as independent contractors... Most days my grandma would cook a huge midday meal and they would have "dinner", then they would go back to work for the afternoon, come home, and have sandwiches or something simple for "supper".


I know there are tons of other factors in play- but what I'm wondering is could timing of the biggest meal of the day really influence the sway? Logistically I would think the smaller evening meal would help support the longer overnight fast. Yet my grandparents had 3 boys.

We currently have the ability to shift our largest meal to midday, and healthwise I think there would be some benefit, but I don't want to do it if it's going to sway blue.

January 19th, 2015, 04:10 PM
I think it really depends on the person and their overall health. Physiologically, our body gets much better at producing insulin as the day goes on. So someone who is insulin resistant, or has those tendencies (ie. Someone who had gestational diabetes) would want their biggest meal to be dinner when you are releasing more insulin from your pancreas than from releasing glycogen from your liver like you do in the morning. If you don't have this issue, it would be fine either way you choose.

Just be sure to stick within the daily limits/totals.

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January 19th, 2015, 05:05 PM
I think it really depends on the person and their overall health. Physiologically, our body gets much better at producing insulin as the day goes on. So someone who is insulin resistant, or has those tendencies (ie. Someone who had gestational diabetes) would want their biggest meal to be dinner when you are releasing more insulin from your pancreas than from releasing glycogen from your liver like you do in the morning. If you don't have this issue, it would be fine either way you choose.

Just be sure to stick within the daily limits/totals.

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I've never heard this before, but I like it! Dinner for me is the evening meal of the day, and it's always the largest. Just the way I grew up and I'm used to it. Glad to know that it's the best way to eat with IR too!

January 19th, 2015, 05:30 PM
Dinner here would also be done by 1 most days and I eat my dinner with the kids at 3.20 after school runs and now I'm having a yogurt

January 19th, 2015, 05:59 PM
I've never heard this before, but I like it! Dinner for me is the evening meal of the day, and it's always the largest. Just the way I grew up and I'm used to it. Glad to know that it's the best way to eat with IR too!

I teach science and had to modify my diet when I was diagnosed with late onset GD with DS2. As the day goes on, we get more efficient at digesting carbs. In the morning, we still use glycogen from our liver and slowly switch over to insulin from our pancreas as the day progresses. That is why the GD or diabetes diets allow you to have fewer carbs in the morning, a little more at lunch, and the most in the evening.

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January 19th, 2015, 06:21 PM
I teach science and had to modify my diet when I was diagnosed with late onset GD with DS2. As the day goes on, we get more efficient at digesting carbs. In the morning, we still use glycogen from our liver and slowly switch over to insulin from our pancreas as the day progresses. That is why the GD or diabetes diets allow you to have fewer carbs in the morning, a little more at lunch, and the most in the evening.

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Awesome! Now I can totally justify desserts. Whooo!

January 19th, 2015, 06:55 PM
Awesome! Now I can totally justify desserts. Whooo!

Within reason 😉! Calories and fat are still calories and fat. Just keep it small and stay within your totals, and you should be fine. The main take home message here is a pop tart for breakfast wouldn't be the best, but later in the day, sure. However, if you do your exercise in the morning, the pop tart could be ok, but I think fruit and yogurt would be best in that situation for you, Lace.

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January 19th, 2015, 07:42 PM
Well of course, I'm pretty obsessive about counting calories.

My desserts aren't huge, but they're tasty! A little bit of a good thing tastes better than indiscriminate amounts of junk.

atomic sagebrush
January 22nd, 2015, 01:46 PM
Take a step back and think for a minute about why swaying works.

It's believed that swaying works because it helps one gender over the other to survive to adulthood and hand down genes. Boys need more nutrients from minute of conception onward through life and so having a mom in good condition and with access to lots of good food is a huge benefit to their survival. It makes NO sense that the timing of one's meal by a few hours could give that type of benefit for one gender's survival over the others.

Whenever you're thinking about swaying stuff, if you are looking for a "lightswitch/magic bullet" type of thing that explains why people have a particular gender, it just doesn't work that way. It is dozens if not hundreds of things working together in concert. So, could a slightly lighter meal at dinner time possibly help sway pink the teensiest little amount - well, maybe, but it isn't going to make a difference if the other dozens/hundreds of factors are all pointing blue, yk??