View Full Version : Any advice on conceiving please?

January 20th, 2015, 11:38 AM
Feeling sad after another BFN. Been TTC a long time and have relaxed my sway a lot.. dropped everything except diet, and have had plenty of cheats too!
I've had blood tests for sugar levels and thiroid and both OK.
I'd love a girl, but desperate for any baby now.
I know there are lots of knowledgeable and experienced people here.. Any advice please!?

atomic sagebrush
January 20th, 2015, 11:53 AM
Has husband had a sperm analysis (forgive me if I should already know the answer to this)

We have had several people not get pg and think it was swaying, only to find out their husband had developed male factor infertility.

Next step is SMEP and/or Preseed and/or Robitussin/Mucinex.

If you haven't already, add in one serv. full fat dairy every day, 4-6 eggs a week and one serving salmon per week.

ARe you taking coq10 and zinc?

January 20th, 2015, 12:02 PM
We have an almost 2 year old boy and had a chemical pregnancy 8 months ago, so doctor said sperm tests weren't necessary. I only had one appointment with GP who said if my blood test results were fine then we should just keep trying without any further testing for me or DH.

We did SMEP last month, and will continue with that.

I think my CM seems OK so hadn't considered preseed.. Is it for if you don't have enough CM? I haven't heard of the others.

I've been avoiding full fat dairy, eggs and Salmon, but I can add.

I'm only taking folic acid.

January 21st, 2015, 09:14 AM
How often are you making an attempt? Ie once at opk or every 4 days? If it's once at opk you might benefit from trying every 4 days, we ended up moving to every 3 days but we were using clomid and pregnant was more important but if timing is out slightly with opks you could miss tht window.

atomic sagebrush
January 21st, 2015, 03:17 PM
Sperm tests are necessary. 110% necessary. Anything can change in 3 years!

If your CM seems ok, it's fine to hold off on the Preseed and Robi/Muci (it's a medication that may help make more and better CM)

January 21st, 2015, 04:23 PM
I sooooo agree with Atomic. Don't let them fob you off! Especially for a semen analysis that is so non invasive. If you must, fib and say you've been trying a year.

Hubby can also take Fertil-aid for Men or GNC men's fertility vit, it can only help.

January 22nd, 2015, 10:32 AM
We have our DS, but also had a positive pg test 8 months ago but I started bleeding the next day, so the doctor thinks sperm must be OK to have fertilised the egg then.. I'll book to go back though and see if I can find out any more.
Do I get coq10 and zinc separately? They improve fertility?
Is it best to take these instead of a multivitamin?

January 22nd, 2015, 10:54 AM
CoQ10 improves egg quality for you but it does take 3 months+ to help. I take the Weber ones from Walmart, cheapest I've found, and I take 2 x 400mg capsules a day. You need at least 400mg to be effective unless you're taking ubuiquinol which is a more concentrated form (but really expensive!)

It doesn't replace a multivitamin, no. Your multi doesn't have CoQ10 in it anyways.

DH can take CoQ10 (just one capsule a day) and zinc to improve sperm health, and again it doesn't replace his multi. The Fertil-aid for men vits DO replace a multi though.

I don't get why your doc would refuse to let you test DH's sperm if you're asking for it! More information is never a bad thing to have, and why not find out to rule out any issues at the very least?

atomic sagebrush
January 22nd, 2015, 11:30 AM
We have our DS, but also had a positive pg test 8 months ago but I started bleeding the next day, so the doctor thinks sperm must be OK to have fertilised the egg then.. I'll book to go back though and see if I can find out any more.
Do I get coq10 and zinc separately? They improve fertility?
Is it best to take these instead of a multivitamin?

Your doctor is WRONG. I'm sorry to be so bold about it but s/he is absolutely, completely, totally and utterly wrong on this. If your husband had very low sperm count, occasionally a viable sperm could still be made, male fertility is not all or nothing. If his sperm are not healthy, it could account for the chemical. For all you know he has had poor sperm quality all along and you just got lucky when you got your son.

Is this an OBGYN or a GP??

January 24th, 2015, 08:52 PM
Should I take a multivitamin too, or just coq10 and zinc, or is zinc just for DH?

I wasn't sure who medically to talk to about taking so long to conceive, so I booked an appointment with my GP who only recommended blood tests for blood sugar levels and thiroid. I phoned to get results and was told all ok and no further tests or appointments would be necessary, so I guess she thinks we should just keep trying!

atomic sagebrush
January 25th, 2015, 11:58 AM
GP are not the best sources of information on this. Sperm analysis should be one of the first things done because it's easy and noninvasive.

But, it's your guys' decision to make and i"ll quit harping on it.

I personally do not recommend multivitamin for you, but if you want to, I'd do it only 3x a week. DH can do it daily. Multivitamins for men will have adequate zinc in them no need for more for him.

If you have been going on on strict diet with few cheats for longer than 6 months you should add in 8-15 mg zinc 3x a week for you. If you do the multi 3x a week it will have that zinc in it and you don't need to add the extra zinc in that case.

January 26th, 2015, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the advice and info.
I think I have to be referred by a GP to be able to see anybody else. I'll certainly book another appointment and ask about it.
I have been on the diet a long time but have been having quite a few cheats, so I haven't been too worried about lacking anything too much.
I really hate the day of AF's arrival, feeling do down and helpless every month.
Coming to the end of AF now so at least it's almost time to have another go!
Trying to stay as positive as I can :s

January 26th, 2015, 10:14 AM
Thanks for the advice and info.
I think I have to be referred by a GP to be able to see anybody else. I'll certainly book another appointment and ask about it.
I have been on the diet a long time but have been having quite a few cheats, so I haven't been too worried about lacking anything too much.
I really hate the day of AF's arrival, feeling so down and helpless every month.
Coming to the end of AF now so at least it's almost time to have another go!
Trying to stay as positive as I can :s

atomic sagebrush
January 26th, 2015, 11:02 AM
Hang in there, this WILL happen!!

January 26th, 2015, 11:46 AM
Are you temping? If not, I would strongly consider doing so and charting all your fertility signs methodically. It's possible that you O either the same day as your first positive OPK or not until 3-5 days after so your attempt most cycles may not be well timed. Bc I temp, I know that 3/4 of my first 4 cycles TTC pink, I BDed too late or too early and missed O. Knowing that, I realize I haven't actually given myself many real chances to conceive. Maybe your situation is similar?

January 27th, 2015, 11:18 AM
I don't temp, only use OPKs, so yes it's possible that this was happening with earlier attempts.
The recent months though, we have had regular attempts as I don't want to risk missing a chance!

January 27th, 2015, 11:27 AM
So how many cycles have you been attempting regularly and have you been doing so throughout your ENTIRE cycle or just for a week or two when you think you're fertile?

January 30th, 2015, 08:08 AM
We've been BD'ing at least every 3 days for 6 months and have added extra attempts around positive OPK for the last 3 months. Last month we DTD day before, day of, and day after positive, then skipped a day then BD'd again next day. This month we've DTD so far, CD 7, 9, and plan to BD every day from tomorrow, CD 11 until a few days after positive OPK. Last couple of months positive opk has been CD 11/12.

January 30th, 2015, 09:51 AM
I would make sure to keep BDing every 3 days ALL cycle long, from just after AF until AF or a BFP. Do NOT stop a few days after your positive. You may be Oing much later than you think and missing O.

atomic sagebrush
January 30th, 2015, 01:54 PM
We've been BD'ing at least every 3 days for 6 months and have added extra attempts around positive OPK for the last 3 months. Last month we DTD day before, day of, and day after positive, then skipped a day then BD'd again next day. This month we've DTD so far, CD 7, 9, and plan to BD every day from tomorrow, CD 11 until a few days after positive OPK. Last couple of months positive opk has been CD 11/12.

Sorry to sound like a broken record but you need to spell this out for your GP and demand that they refer you for sperm analysis.

I would have you guys switch to SMEP but I think there's more going on here then meets the eye.