View Full Version : Back to CD 1 :(

January 26th, 2015, 01:00 PM
So back to cd 1 today:(My LP is usually 13 or 14 days and since I stopped clomid it has shortened. This time it was 11. Wondering if my lining was thinned? The cycle before was 10 days. I am just soooo bummed. I have an Re appt on Feb 5th and am ready to get to the bottom of what the heck is going on! Is there anything else I can do? I am going to stick with the atomic fertility diet and will add in fiber this time.
Atomic, do you have any suggestions??

January 26th, 2015, 01:01 PM
Oh and yesterday was a total cheat day! Will 2 cheat days matter? If I ever get pregnant!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH

atomic sagebrush
January 26th, 2015, 01:06 PM
LP doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your lining - they can happen together or separately. 11 days is long enough to get pregnant though.

I don't want you to add in fiber. I want your body to be able to utilize the fat to make progesterone with.

2 cheat days do not matter and esp. not at this part of the cycle.

atomic sagebrush
January 26th, 2015, 01:06 PM
Sorry I shoudl know this but did DH ever have a sperm analysis done?

January 26th, 2015, 01:41 PM
I am so sorry DJmommy! I sure hope your appointment on the 5th is very productive. I am crossing everything and 🙏 for you!!!

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January 26th, 2015, 02:27 PM
I'm sorry hun. I've been TTCing over a year now (but have only tried for 6 cycles), and it feels like FOREVER. I hope your appointment is insightful, bc you are definitely already doing everything you possibly can. What is your full fertility history? You have a son, how old, any other pregnancies?

January 26th, 2015, 02:30 PM
Sorry I shoudl know this but did DH ever have a sperm analysis done?

Not officially. We did an at home test that came out fine but I suspect the RE will want to do that.

January 26th, 2015, 02:33 PM
I'm sorry hun. I've been TTCing over a year now (but have only tried for 6 cycles), and it feels like FOREVER. I hope your appointment is insightful, bc you are definitely already doing everything you possibly can. What is your full fertility history? You have a son, how old, any other pregnancies?

Thanks Maiden. I actually have 2 sons. One just turned 5 and conceived 1st cycle and my second is 28 months, conceived 3rd or 4th cycle. I had a partial molar pregnancy between those two. I did have an HSG done in August which showed blocked tubes but one was opened so I am just thinking that has something to do with it. I was hoping not but have not been able to get pregnant. I can't imagine how that happened though. I am hoping to have a lap to see.

January 26th, 2015, 02:37 PM
LP doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your lining - they can happen together or separately. 11 days is long enough to get pregnant though.

I don't want you to add in fiber. I want your body to be able to utilize the fat to make progesterone with.

2 cheat days do not matter and esp. not at this part of the cycle.

Do you think I should have the 60 g fat per day?
oh and all I have to say is Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies!! Oh my!!

January 27th, 2015, 07:50 AM
Wondering if I should add exercise in? Does it have to be exact?

January 28th, 2015, 07:57 AM

January 28th, 2015, 10:39 AM
Wondering if I should add exercise in? Does it have to be exact?

If you're swaying girl and wanting to continue TTC in the near future and haven't being exercising so far I think I'd want to still leave exercise out unless you don't mind the chance of having a boy. I think testosterone will be higher when just starting out on exercise so your body will need a while to adjust.

January 28th, 2015, 10:52 AM
If your dominant ovary (and most women have one) is on the side with the blocked tube, it could mean your chances of conception are very low as you'd be waiting for a magical lucky month in which the non-dominant ovary Os or the egg crosses sides to your good tube. Even if you alternate ovaries, you may only have a good shot at conception for some cycles, so a blocked tube could absolutely explain why it's taking so long.

I would prioritize getting that tube opened. As for exercise, I think it can't hurt especially as it may be a while yet before you get that tube unblocked. It needs to be cardio exercise, 6-7 days a week, bare minimum of 60 minutes (more is even better). It doesn't need to be crazy intense, just get and keep your heartrate up. I think most of us walk. But you could run, swim, bike, or do the elliptical. If you can't do it daily for at least an hour, though, it's better to be as sedentary as possible, as moderate exercise sways strongly blue.

atomic sagebrush
January 28th, 2015, 01:06 PM
I think you should eat upper levels of fat and DO NOT add in exercise now. We cannot keep doing more and more stuff to mess up your fertility.

January 28th, 2015, 08:09 PM
Thanks for all of the input ladies. I really appreciate it. I will skip the exercise for now. I do love to walk but haven't for a while. I walked at least 2 miles a day 5 x a week when I was pregnant with DS2. I am hoping next week I will get some kind of start in the right direction. It just feels like everything is taking sooooooo LONG. Good things come to those who wait...RIGHT?! :)

January 28th, 2015, 10:38 PM
I'm right there with ya honey 😉!

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