View Full Version : If you were me... (Clomid and attempt ?)

February 2nd, 2015, 11:32 AM
I have been swaying for a few months now (diet, supps etc) along with DH.
He has been taking OLE and will take LR on CD 1. Our first attempt will be next cycle.
I have been prescribed one month of Clomid (short LP). It's such a strong sway tactic I really need to get pregnant next month in case it's my only month with clomid. That being said all 3 of my boys were conceived on first try.....

1) what days would you take clomid

2) how would you dtd / attempt ?

I'm scared one attempt may not get me pregnant. I cannot figure out what to do!

atomic sagebrush
February 2nd, 2015, 12:21 PM
The good news is that Clomid continues working even the next month (in terms of swaying) so you actually have a two months to play with.

Take Clomid the days prescribed by your doctor.

Every 4 days plus one additional attempt at positive OPK. IF you want to up odds of conception even more, you can do every 3 days plus one more attempt at pos OPK but I think that's overly risky.

It is TOTALLY possible to get pg with one attempt (and you'll be doing two anyway). Please don't start adding tons of attempts here, you'll really lower your odss.

February 2nd, 2015, 01:07 PM
The good news is that Clomid continues working even the next month (in terms of swaying) so you actually have a two months to play with.

Take Clomid the days prescribed by your doctor.

Every 4 days plus one additional attempt at positive OPK. IF you want to up odds of conception even more, you can do every 3 days plus one more attempt at pos OPK but I think that's overly risky.

It is TOTALLY possible to get pg with one attempt (and you'll be doing two anyway). Please don't start adding tons of attempts here, you'll really lower your odss.

- ok I will do that ! What days would you start dtd? What if you do the every four days , dtd and get a positive opk two days later? Still dtd at positive opk? And what days for clomid? My dr said I could do 3-7, 4-8, 5-9.. Or should I try taking it earlier? Sorry for all the questions I'm just nervous!

atomic sagebrush
February 2nd, 2015, 02:32 PM
after AF ends

Yes, you'd still DTD at positive OPK.

Whichever combo works best for you. IF you tend to O very early you may want to start it on CD 3 instead of 5. Some believe that taking it earlier in cycle means you're more likely for twins, I have seen too many exceptions to believe this any more though.

February 2nd, 2015, 02:45 PM
I would personally do every 3 days the 2nd month. No extra attempt at positive OPK. That is the most I'd be willing to sway blue attempt wise. But with 3 boys....I'd try one attempt at positive OPK the first month.

February 2nd, 2015, 03:01 PM
I would personally do every 3 days the 2nd month. No extra attempt at positive OPK. That is the most I'd be willing to sway blue attempt wise. But with 3 boys....I'd try one attempt at positive OPK the first month.

Thanks for all the advice. My cycle runs 7 full days- recently 8? Wondering if this could be a side affect of vitex or saw palmetto. I have been taking those two supplements and baby aspirin for 3ish months and plan on taking it through the rest of this cycle and stopping on CD 1, then carrying on with the clomid. I will continue with baby aspirin as directed by my dr (history of miscarriage and pre e, they aren't sure if this will have any impact but can't hurt) and folic acid. I have been taking zyrtec and Benadryl at night for sleep - should I drop these for next month? I am also doing fiber 30 minutes before my two meals.
DH takes zyrtec, baby aspirin, and OLE daily. Will start LR CD 1. Anything he should add or drop?
In between the every 4 day DTD- should he release at all?

Ever since I started vitex it has moved my O up significantly to CD12ish. I was Oing close to CD 20+ . This makes me feel like I should go with CD 3-7.

Again sorry for the 20 questions, I just want the strongest sway possible but I want to drop anything yall feel isn't necessary!!! THANK you a million times, thank you!

I have to admit... my second son was a 4 day cut off - timing makes me feel hot and panicky :drama:

February 2nd, 2015, 03:10 PM
I didn't mean to put that smiley face at the top!

February 2nd, 2015, 04:32 PM
Vitex makes me spot until CD8-10 when usually I am completely done with AF on CD4, so it's possible. Typically though Vitex akes AF lighter.

You take zyrtec an benadryl daily? I wouldn't take them your cycle on clomid, simply bc clomid already dries up CM so you don't want to be taking anything else or you might not have enough CM to conceive.

Clomid CD3-7 is standard so that's fine.

DH can release on his own up to daily or you can have sex with a condom in between your every 4 days. He doesn't HAVE to though. Just do whatever you prefer, frequency doesn't sway much anyway.

February 2nd, 2015, 08:10 PM
I started taking zyrtec to see what it did to my abundant ewcm(no wonder I have 3boys) and just continued taking it. I've only been taking Benadryl to help me sleep at night after dropping ambien which I wanted to go ahead and come off of before I got pregnant. I can stop taking both! I did read somewhere an antihistamine can be used as an emergency if I do get ewcm so I will keep it around just in case.

As for my dh- should he start drinking soy milk? Thoughts on that? Thanks so much!

February 2nd, 2015, 08:43 PM
Just a quick question on clomid. I see it helps sway the following cycle also so does that mean you still have a chance of multiples (from the clomid) used the month prior or does the clomid only stimulate your ovaries for that 1 cycle? For swaying purposes can you say take the clomid without attempting and then attempt the following cycle without the stress of multiples? I know multiple pregnancy can happen naturally but im just wondering about the clomid. I hope im making sense? Clomid is so tempting but it also scares me

atomic sagebrush
February 3rd, 2015, 01:05 PM
Thanks for all the advice. My cycle runs 7 full days- recently 8? Wondering if this could be a side affect of vitex or saw palmetto. I have been taking those two supplements and baby aspirin for 3ish months and plan on taking it through the rest of this cycle and stopping on CD 1, then carrying on with the clomid. I will continue with baby aspirin as directed by my dr (history of miscarriage and pre e, they aren't sure if this will have any impact but can't hurt) and folic acid. I have been taking zyrtec and Benadryl at night for sleep - should I drop these for next month? I am also doing fiber 30 minutes before my two meals.
DH takes zyrtec, baby aspirin, and OLE daily. Will start LR CD 1. Anything he should add or drop?
In between the every 4 day DTD- should he release at all?

Ever since I started vitex it has moved my O up significantly to CD12ish. I was Oing close to CD 20+ . This makes me feel like I should go with CD 3-7.

Again sorry for the 20 questions, I just want the strongest sway possible but I want to drop anything yall feel isn't necessary!!! THANK you a million times, thank you!

I have to admit... my second son was a 4 day cut off - timing makes me feel hot and panicky :drama:

Your "cycle" is NOT your period, it means your whole monthly cycle, period, ovulation, 2ww.

YES, baby aspirin and saw palmetto both are blood thinners and can cause extended bleeding with AF.

I would definitely drop Z and Benadryl if you can function without them. I would ask a doctor about a different sleeping pill as extended use of Benadryl in the long term for sleep aids may not be safe for your health over the course f your lifespan.

DH should NOT use LR in the month on the Clomid.

Timing doesn't work and I have 3 of 4 of my boys with cutoffs, 1 of them had to be at least 4 days out!

atomic sagebrush
February 3rd, 2015, 01:06 PM
I do NOT WANT her husband to release daily when she has only one month of Clomid. She needs to do everything to get pg this month hopefully. :)

atomic sagebrush
February 3rd, 2015, 01:08 PM
I started taking zyrtec to see what it did to my abundant ewcm(no wonder I have 3boys) and just continued taking it. I've only been taking Benadryl to help me sleep at night after dropping ambien which I wanted to go ahead and come off of before I got pregnant. I can stop taking both! I did read somewhere an antihistamine can be used as an emergency if I do get ewcm so I will keep it around just in case.

As for my dh- should he start drinking soy milk? Thoughts on that? Thanks so much!

I only ever recommend Zyrtec for 5 days around O. No one should be taking medication they do not need for their health, day in and day out. :)

Yes you can use the antihistamine as a rescue method the day of attempt but be aware that there may be changes in CM due to the Clomid that you can't see iwth the naked eye that could make it more pink friendly, and you need at least SOME EWCM to get pregnant. I got my DD with some EWCM and my 4th boy wiht none! Don't panic if you see some EWCM.

Soy milk is better for concepiton than the LR is but honestly I don't have a good feel for the results as of yet and I would prob. just skip it.

atomic sagebrush
February 3rd, 2015, 01:09 PM
Just a quick question on clomid. I see it helps sway the following cycle also so does that mean you still have a chance of multiples (from the clomid) used the month prior or does the clomid only stimulate your ovaries for that 1 cycle? For swaying purposes can you say take the clomid without attempting and then attempt the following cycle without the stress of multiples? I know multiple pregnancy can happen naturally but im just wondering about the clomid. I hope im making sense? Clomid is so tempting but it also scares me

Clomid also ups odds of twinning in the following months and have seen several sets of twins conceived the month after stopping the Clomid.

YOU MUST ATTEMPT every month you have taken Clomid. It's not open for debate, Clomid is a medication and we are not going to misuse it.

February 3rd, 2015, 07:15 PM
Atomic- thank you so so much for all of the info!! I'll stop the Zyrtec and Benadryl . I definitely meant my period runs 7-8 days not my cycle -yikes , sorry about that!!!
I am curious - why do you suggest DH shouldn't take LR ?

Thanks again for all your help!

atomic sagebrush
February 4th, 2015, 12:16 PM
It will cut odds of conception too far and we need to maximize your odds of conceiving with the Clomid. He can use it for a month or two (not the whole month, mind you, only in the 2w on, 2w off pattern) in the months prior to attempt if you want, then drop it the month with the Clomid and I'd even say the following month, and FX for BFP