View Full Version : Back again! ttc girl

February 22nd, 2015, 04:13 PM
Hi hope every one is well.
I have not been on here for a while but we have decided to do the girl diet again in may then ttc around august/onwards.
Had huge problems after a m/c in may 2012 and the doctors still never found out why I got so ill. I lost so much blood my iron went down to a 3. I have only just stopped having black outs etc . I started taking loads of vitamins especially b vitamins to try and sort my hormone balance out because basically for over a year and a half I didn't stop bleeding after the m/c. I know lots of vitamin b is bad news on the girl diet but at the moment it seems to be doing something as ive had quite a few days off from bleeding. I still get 2 really nasty days where I lose so much blood but its better than 5 nasty days that I was having.
will be cutting out the vitamins etc at the start of may for girl diet but I have not been on here for ages as said and was wondering what has been working for people lately for girl results?

February 22nd, 2015, 04:55 PM
Hello and welcome back. I'm also back on here after 18 months off (oops), had a failed sway with DS3, I'm looking to ttc towards end of the year. I'm unfortunately unable to help with the advice as I'm still playing catch up myself :)

February 22nd, 2015, 05:16 PM
Hi,Hope you are well. Welocome back to ! Ive only been off about 3/4 months? I had an unexpected pregnancy in 2012( that was the m/c) .we still have no children yet but im hoping I can ttc this year as I be 37 in august! we only want the one and we our hoping for a girl. Been doing a lot of reading on here to try and catch up. x

Mulberry Smurf
February 22nd, 2015, 05:20 PM
sorry to hear about your loss :( have you considered going high tech? Have you contacted atomic about a personalised sway plan if not? xx

February 22nd, 2015, 05:27 PM
Hi,Hope you are well. Thank you. I didn't even know I was pregnant it was a bit of a shocker and I had just stated a new job mucking out ponies etc which I don't think helped really.
We have not considered high tech. Sounds a lot of money which we have not got at the moment because I had so much time off work . We did get a personalised plan a few years ago but I need to get it updated as a lot has changed with me.x

atomic sagebrush
February 26th, 2015, 04:06 PM
Don't worry about following the diet. Please continue to take the vitamins that are working for making you better!!!!

I think you are best off focusing on sticking to one attempt and then keeping healthy!!!