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January 6th, 2011, 10:30 AM
February 4, 2010

Reproductive biologists have identified the mechanism that triggers sperm's race to the egg, reports a study in Cell today.

By measuring the electrical current passing through the sperm cell membrane, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, identified a channel that releases a flood of protons from a sperm cell, initiating its trip up the fallopian tubes and on to the egg.

"Not many people think about electricity when they talk about sperm cells. It's a major advance in the field," said Dejian Ren, a physiologist at the University of Pennsylvania who was not involved in the study. "This is the first time someone actually recorded the cellular process in a human sperm."

While inside the testes, sperm remain immobile. But upon ejaculation, when sperm enter the vagina, their intracellular pH rises, prompting their initial movement from the vagina to the fallopian tubes. They remain lodged in the sticky folds of the fallopian tubes, resting until another, still unknown signal raises their pH again. This initiates their final race to the egg. "It's a tough job for a sperm -- when it's deposited it has to travel a long distance to the egg sites," Ren said. "This process has been known for many decades, but how it actually happens remained a mystery."

At rest, sperm cells are full of protons. "Upon activation, the proton channel we discovered pokes a hole in the sperm plasma membrane," said Yuriy Kirichok, an ion channel physiologist at UCSF and senior author on the study. "Thus, the protons that have accumulated blow out and the sperm become activated."

The UCSF researchers discovered the voltage-sensor-only (Hv1) channel through a technique Kirichok developed in 2006, which for the first time applied the patch-clamp method to human sperm. The technique involved attaching a tiny glass electrode to the sperm cell to measure the flux of ions across the cell plasma membrane. This enabled the researchers to watch protons flooding out of the cell through the proton channels in real time.

"People have tried for several decades to do this kind of experiment," Ren said. While researchers had applied the method to other cell types, attempts to apply it to human sperm -- which are tiny in comparison to mouse sperm cells -- had failed.

The researchers still don't know what exactly triggers the channel to open. One possibility is that sperm's change in pH as it moves from the male to female reproductive tract might initiate the movement of ions across the channel. Alternatively, the Hv1 channel is inhibited by zinc, which is naturally present in sperm cells -- keeping the channel closed. But zinc is easily absorbed by the vaginal and fallopian mucus. It's possible that while the sperm is resting in the fallopian tubes, enough zinc is pulled from the sperm to stimulate its pursuit of the egg, Kirichok speculated.

The channel also opens in the presence of an endocannabinoid compound naturally present in both male and female reproductive tracts. Marijuana smokers may have fertility problems, Kirichok said, because the drug hyper-activates the channel and burns out the sperm prematurely.

Kirichok said he believes the new findings suggest possibilities for male contraception and enhancing male fertility. However, Donner Babcock, a reproductive physiologist at the University of Washington who was not involved in the study, noted that such an advance is at least 10 years away. "That's the pie in the sky," said Babcock. Also, he noted that Hv1 channels are present throughout the body, most notably the immune system. "Any pharmacological targeting would have to deal with those possible complications."

Moreover, said Kirichok, even if it was feasible to develop a compound to block the Hv1 channel, the resulting contraceptive would likely be a unisex or female based contraception, not a male one. "The process is driven by the female physiology, thus the most effective use of any compound will likely still have to be taken by woman."

Read more: Sperm motility secrets revealed - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/57133/#ixzz1AGRgGAuj

January 6th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Same topic, another article:

When it comes to a sperm fertilizing an egg, it all comes down to speed and timing. If the sperm starts swimming at top speed too soon, it will die before it reaches the egg. But if it swims too slowly then it won’t get to its destination in time. Now, scientists have discovered a system in the sperm that acts like a gas pedal, causing the sperm to swim faster as it gets closer to the egg. The findings were published in the February issue of Cell.

Researchers already knew that the speed of a sperm depends on its pH, or its internal acidity levels. The less acidic and more alkline it is, the faster it swims. They also knew that a sperm doesn’t sprint at top speed for its entire trip through a woman’s reproductive tract. It travels relatively slowly for the first part of its journey, and then gets lodged in the sticky folds of the fallopian tubes, resting until another, still unknown signal raises their pH again. This initiates their final race to the egg. “It’s a tough job for a sperm — when it’s deposited it has to travel a long distance to the egg sites,” [said Dejian Ren, who was not involved in the new study]. “This process has been known for many decades, but how it actually happens remained a mystery” [The Scientist].

Now the researchers say they’ve found the mechanism that raises a sperm’s pH and kicks it into high gear. In order to increase its pH and become more alkaline, the sperm needs to jettison protons, and the US scientists have found pores on its surface which allow it to do precisely that. Dr Yuriy Kirichok, who led the research, said: “The concentration of protons inside the sperm cell is 1,000 times higher than outside. If you just open a pore, protons will go outside – we identify the molecule that lets them out” [BBC].

The scientists found that as the sperm got closer to an egg, they react to a substance called anandamide, which is present in the female reproductive tract. That is when these pores or Hv1 proton channels, open–releasing protons and making the sperm swim faster. Gaining a better understanding of what prompts sperm to spring into action could open doors toward developing effective male contraception, or, alternatively, ways to give “slow swimmers” a jolt [Time].

And since anandamide is an “endocannabinoid,” this may explain why male marijuana smokers can have fertility problems–the cannabinoids found in marijuana may mimic the effect of the natural substance. Dr Kirichok said: “Marijuana likely activates sperm prematurely, leaving them burnt out in a matter of hours” [BBC].

atomic sagebrush
January 6th, 2011, 10:58 AM

January 6th, 2011, 11:13 AM
It really sounds to me like 1. blocking them at the gate(cervix) is key to weeding out the sperm that you do not want to enter, assuming you believe in swaying, and 2. the mom's diet and thus her environment plays a part in which sperm survive to make it to the egg- that is what the studies that I have read make me beleive anyway

January 6th, 2011, 08:23 PM
Great studies, thanks for sharing.

It really sounds to me like 1. blocking them at the gate(cervix) is key to weeding out the sperm that you do not want to enter, assuming you believe in swaying, and 2. the mom's diet and thus her environment plays a part in which sperm survive to make it to the egg- that is what the studies that I have read make me beleive anyway

I definitely believe in diet having some part in swaying..

So when debating a cut-off vs. not doing a cut-off -- (and I guess what I mean is a one-shot deal - either a one time BD 2-3 days before O or a one time BD on/after O), what are your thoughts on this study with that?

With a low ph, you're really just slowing the Y sperm down from reaching the egg, right? You're not actually killing the Y sperm off? That's why cut-off never made sense to me - eventually they'd make it there, even in a pH of 4-5? Or am I incorrect?

I'm torn on cut-off vs. non-cut-off, obviously. Both my boys were conceived with BD every day from around O-4 days to O+4 days.

atomic sagebrush
January 7th, 2011, 12:04 PM
I have mixed feelings about cutoffs because I KNOW from personal experience that there is nothing magic about a cutoff. Too many of us have had cutoffs and still conceived boys. And the entire design of the female reproductive tract seems to be tailor-made to keep sperm alive for as long as possible to await an egg...with this sort of design, it's hard for me to believe that every woman on the planet was conceived with a cutoff, and every man with a single shot at O. More likely that most of us were conceived with sperm that were lurking in the cervical crypts, waiting for an egg to show up.

I think cutoff does help in lowering sperm count, in the sense that if you DTD once three days before O, there just HAS to be less sperm present in the crypts by definition than if you had DTD every day leading up to O, so that has to be a good thing. But if your DH is just SuperSpermMan like mine is, there may still be PLENTY of sperm left to get the job done.

What I like about cutoff and what I've always liked about cutoff, is it removes the "race to the egg" factor somewhat. Both X and Y have plenty of time to get wherever it is they want to go, to lie in wait for the egg to show up. If what Dr. Shettles believed was at all true, that X have more staying power than Y do (people debate about whether they are stronger or faster, but they are FOR SURE slightly larger due to the additional chromosomes and may be slightly more resilient just due to sheer size), then it is not beyond the realm of imagination that more Y's will die off than X's during the cutoff period, especially in harsh conditions with hostile CM. Plus, with cutoff, there's no semen on hand to assist the sperm, the semen left the building days prior. With O+12, if you have a bad break and get the timing wrong, or for some reason your DH's count is higher than it should be, his semen pH is high, and/or you get a lot of EWCM unexpectedly and that makes your pH rise even just for a few minutes, that's it. You're done.

I agree that the whole, pH makes Y sperm go to "sleep" thing does not make sense with a cut-off. Because they would get there, just more slowly. I have read that pH does affect sperm, it may communicate to them somehow to help them find the egg, or help them to swim faster...those are mechanisms that we don't really understand yet and can only guess at.

My ~personal~ belief, and I realize this runs contrary to swaying dogma and I could be 100% totally wrong, is that ultra-low pH kills off BOTH X and Y sperm. The pH is a means to the end of reducing overall sperm numbers, maybe a few more Y's than X's. And somehow, that's what sways.

January 7th, 2011, 05:46 PM
Thanks atomic - I always love reading your thoughts on this stuff. I appreciate you taking the time to post your opinion!!

August 25th, 2013, 10:06 PM

atomic sagebrush
August 26th, 2013, 08:31 AM
Please note this post is from 2011! :) You can see my thought processes in play there.

Just wanted to clarify that even when something happens INSIDE a cell (such as they have electricity or their pH changes) that doesn't necessarily translate to them being affected by external pH or electrical charges!

August 26th, 2013, 08:38 AM
I know It's old. I always check the dates. I'm just creeping on past info! :)

atomic sagebrush
August 26th, 2013, 08:51 AM
that was meant for others, sometimes when a post gets bumped people don't realize it's older! I like you guys to bump up old posts, I like them all to be informative rather than the 7000 posts on IG on the same topic and only one of them has any info in it so you have to look for hours to find what you're looking for. :) bump away

August 26th, 2013, 09:06 AM
I always look back to see if I can learn something I didn't know the day before!