View Full Version : Iron Deficiency?

August 7th, 2011, 10:20 PM
I've been on the low everything diet for over 3 months now, and for the past month or so, I've had extreme, unexplained bruising. At first I blamed the Baby Aspirin. I cut down from one a day to one every 3-4 days, and the bruises have continued. Is it possible my iron is getting so low I'm getting anemic? These bruises are huge - one I have right now covers my entire shin - and I have no idea where it came from. The other leg is mottled with about 10 dark, good sized bruises as well. When one finally fades away, a new one comes to replace it. I should note that I've always been prone to bruising, but definitely never this badly.

Is this something I should worry about? Should I start trying to include more vegetarian sources of iron? Should I stop taking Baby Aspirin altogether? I'm about a week and a half from this month's attempt.

August 8th, 2011, 04:22 AM
I'm not sure what caused bruises, but if you think it might be iron deficiency, take some iron supps, iron does not sway. Maybe you could check your blood iron levels first?

I have bruises on my thighs all the time, always 1-2 at the time, they are 3-4cm, when one fade away, other shows almost immediately.

August 8th, 2011, 07:20 AM
My iron levels have always been very high. Last pregnancy, the midwife commented on my blood results. I'm wondering if the sudden change to NO meat and very few beans, etc and other sources of iron is causing havoc on my body. I don't even eat real pasta anymore (which is normally fortified with iron), because it's too high in protein! I'll look into iron supplements.

atomic sagebrush
August 8th, 2011, 10:22 AM
I'm not sure what caused bruises, but if you think it might be iron deficiency, take some iron supps, iron does not sway. Maybe you could check your blood iron levels first?

I have bruises on my thighs all the time, always 1-2 at the time, they are 3-4cm, when one fade away, other shows almost immediately.

Tamara does not think iron sways, but I think it could possibly sway. One study showed that some people with low T had low iron - whether or not that was a coincidence, no one is sure.

I think it's the aspirin. You may have to wean yourself back still further or cut it out entirely (please do this gradually).

Iron supps are very badly absorbed by the body and they will make you really really sick. You may have seen this already but a TTC pink iron booster is to heat unsweetened cran juice mixed with blackstrap molasses in a cast iron pan and then drink it - the acid in the cran juice will leach the iron from the pan and the blackstrap molasses also has iron in it.

August 8th, 2011, 10:55 AM
I have had a Iron Deficiency since I was very young... If the bruising is from that you would have other symptoms to like chest pain (like a mild heart attack).

I am with atomic on the asprin because if taken to long it can cause blood vessels to became weak and cause bruising. It should be stopped a together because it is possible you have a mild allergy to it or you are just taking to much... a friend of mine has two kids with albanism and she was told to never give them asprin or anything that prevents clotting. They bruise very easily. But they are on a req amount of vitamins that promote healthy blood cell formation. Like A, E, C, and iron.

Vitamins can be found in everything we eat and you absorb it better from food then from pills.... meat=iron and red meat=lots of iron which would tell me that maybe iron does sway boy.

August 8th, 2011, 11:16 AM
Well, happily I haven't experienced any chest pains, so maybe it's not an iron deficiency after all. As I said, I've only been taking Baby Aspirin once every 3-4 days, so maybe I'll increase that to every 5 days, and if I don't see an improvement once a week then none at all.

I don't have a cast iron pan, so I doubt I'll try that cranberry drink, but maybe just in case my iron's a little low I'll try to eat more spinach, potatoes, broccoli and other things I found here: http://www.hhsc.ca/documents/Patient%20Education/VegetarianSourcesIron-trh.pdf

Thanks everyone for your help. My friends already think I'm anorexic because of this diet, and the bruises are making them worry about me even more!

August 8th, 2011, 12:41 PM
What about Cream of wheat? My Ob told me this has more iron than even liver does,not sure if its allowed on your diet though.

August 8th, 2011, 12:46 PM
Thanks, queen-of-hearts. I think it's pretty high in sodium, so it probably wouldn't work with the diet, but it's worth keeping in mind in case things don't improve when I stop the Baby Aspirin.

atomic sagebrush
August 8th, 2011, 01:25 PM
I have had a Iron Deficiency since I was very young... If the bruising is from that you would have other symptoms to like chest pain (like a mild heart attack).

I am with atomic on the asprin because if taken to long it can cause blood vessels to became weak and cause bruising. It should be stopped a together because it is possible you have a mild allergy to it or you are just taking to much... a friend of mine has two kids with albanism and she was told to never give them asprin or anything that prevents clotting. They bruise very easily. But they are on a req amount of vitamins that promote healthy blood cell formation. Like A, E, C, and iron.

Vitamins can be found in everything we eat and you absorb it better from food then from pills.... meat=iron and red meat=lots of iron which would tell me that maybe iron does sway boy.

Well, but I just read a study that said it was bad for your health to just quit taking aspirin cold turkey (and that is what my personal belief has been as well.)

PP thank you for mentioning that about iron because you're absolutely right, there are other, more common symptoms of iron deficiency that would develop long before bruising would. Also, most of the people who really truly develop anemia are suffering from things that are actually CAUSING them to lose blood constantly, like intestinal parasites or ulcers.

Mocha, you can get a cast iron pan at a second-hand store cheaply (and I have even heard tell that you can boil iron nails in juice (I don't recommend that in case the nails have otehr metals in them). Or else you can just do the cran juice-blackstrap molasses combo and still get iron that way. The iron in blackstrap molasses is easy for the body to digest (supposedly) and the Vit. C in the cran juice also helps you absorb iron.

atomic sagebrush
August 8th, 2011, 01:27 PM
What about Cream of wheat? My Ob told me this has more iron than even liver does,not sure if its allowed on your diet though.

We have a kind of cereal called Bear Mush that my kids like, that is kinda like Cream of Wheat, but it's very low in sodium. Still has iron.


August 9th, 2011, 12:15 PM
Tamara does not think iron sways, but I think it could possibly sway. One study showed that some people with low T had low iron - whether or not that was a coincidence, no one is sure.
That's very interesting. I have low iron very often, then dr put me on iron supps, then I'm fine for a while and then whole cycle again lol!

I had super low iron before DD2 was conceived, maybe that is 1 of the reasons she's girl? :think:

Iron supps are very badly absorbed by the body and they will make you really really sick. I would say iron supps might make you slightly nauseous and/or constipated ( I had constipation, never nausea) so I would say it's not iron supps=being sick -thank God for that lol!

They are much better absorbed if taken with something acidic- lemon water or vit C :agree:

If somebody is REALLY anaemic ( like I was) iron supps are often the best thing for the start, after that you may keep iron blood levels at optimum with food :agree:

August 9th, 2011, 12:33 PM
Hmmm...as I said, in both pregnancies, my caregivers commented on my extremely high iron levels. Maybe that's why I have 3 boys? I'm not going to try too hard to increase my iron - I'm just going to decrease my Baby Aspirin and hope that does the trick.

August 9th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Hmmm...as I said, in both pregnancies, my caregivers commented on my extremely high iron levels. Maybe that's why I have 3 boys? I'm not going to try too hard to increase my iron - I'm just going to decrease my Baby Aspirin and hope that does the trick.

Me too, my iron levels were extremely healthy even towards the end of my pregnancies when some ladies need a little help on that score!

August 9th, 2011, 03:16 PM
Me too, my iron levels were extremely healthy even towards the end of my pregnancies when some ladies need a little help on that score!

Not me, My iron levels were only good for 2 of my pregnancies,the others i was really low.

August 9th, 2011, 06:11 PM
ZB - if the iron only works for a short time I would say take a strong dose of probiotics daily...like something with 8-10 strains and 40-70bil in each cap. You may have damage to your diagestive tract and it is preventing the iron and other supps from being absord. the probiotics will repair any damage and allow you to take everything you need from the vitamins or supps.

August 10th, 2011, 03:06 AM
Purple - thank you sweetie! I think that's a good point, it won't hurt to give it a try! :) I also hope my Prenatals will help too :agree:

atomic sagebrush
August 12th, 2011, 12:44 PM
That's very interesting. I have low iron very often, then dr put me on iron supps, then I'm fine for a while and then whole cycle again lol!

I had super low iron before DD2 was conceived, maybe that is 1 of the reasons she's girl? :think:
I would say iron supps might make you slightly nauseous and/or constipated ( I had constipation, never nausea) so I would say it's not iron supps=being sick -thank God for that lol!

They are much better absorbed if taken with something acidic- lemon water or vit C :agree:

If somebody is REALLY anaemic ( like I was) iron supps are often the best thing for the start, after that you may keep iron blood levels at optimum with food :agree:

You're right zivic, it's just that they made ME really sick so I was overgeneralizing! Thx. for correcting me there! ;)

atomic sagebrush
August 12th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Hmmm...as I said, in both pregnancies, my caregivers commented on my extremely high iron levels. Maybe that's why I have 3 boys? I'm not going to try too hard to increase my iron - I'm just going to decrease my Baby Aspirin and hope that does the trick.

Yes, try cutting back on the aspirin again, either by halving the dosage or reducing it to once a week. If it still doesn't help, then you're prob. going to have to stop it all together.

atomic sagebrush
August 12th, 2011, 12:46 PM
Not me, My iron levels were only good for 2 of my pregnancies,the others i was really low.

Yes, I've had low iron off and on too (low potassium too?!?) I think it's the BIG picture of overall health/nutrients/fertility that sway and not any one thing.

jenna rogers
March 14th, 2012, 06:45 PM
I'm consuming this recepie for a years, and i'm not anemic anymore
try iron rich diet: IRON RICH DIET | IRON DEFICIENCY (http://www.irondeficiencyguide.com/iron-rich-diet)

atomic sagebrush
March 15th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Not sure if the above poster is legit or a spammer but will leave the link in case anyone is interested. I do want everyone to realize that the above link is NOT pink friendly and will not help you conceive a girl.

March 16th, 2012, 11:40 AM
With my last 2 pregnancies I have tested + for low iron and was put on supplements. Im hoping this works in my favor this time.

atomic sagebrush
March 19th, 2012, 10:11 PM
Obviously a spammer.