View Full Version : Some Answers!

May 1st, 2015, 12:33 PM
I went to the doctor yesterday, got some blood work, and have some answers so I'd love you ladies' opinions! :)

She tested my thyroid, prolactin, FSH and LH hormones. She said thyroid and prolactin looked good, but said my LH was 3x higher than my FSH hormones (I can get you guys official numbers when they're posted online for me). She gave me a few options to chose from:

1) She's giving me a prescription for Provera to induce a period. I can see if after doing this my cycle restarts on its own.
2) She's also giving me a 50mg of Clomid prescription as well. After the Provera if we decide to we can begin that days 5-9. Obviously I feel like I need to really buckle down on my boy sway if I'm going to throw in the Clomid, nervous.
3) Go to a fertility specialist to get screened and more indepth for PCOS and other issues. I'm not going to do this yet as I don't feel completely lost and aside from just letting my body figure it out, we haven't tried any other methods yet.

Happy to at least have some answers! Any advice or suggestions from those of you who have encountered the same? Hopefully excited to have a fighting chance at TTC now!

May 1st, 2015, 02:31 PM
Sounds like a great plan! I wouldn't be nervous about the Clomid with all of the other boy sway factors you are doing. I know lots of ladies that have gotten boys on Clomid while leading a boy lifestyle.

I am a FIRM believer in diet, type of exercise (if you are doing that), and how many attempts you have in your fertile window trump any slight sway factor a medication may have!

FX and the rest of my blue dust!!!


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May 1st, 2015, 09:48 PM
Thanks so much for your support XX! I am hoping that with a low dose I'll have a better chance at still swaying blue. I have been online reading a lot of success stories for 50mg - and I'm seeing a lot of boys. [emoji4][emoji170]

One more question - would you guys suggest using preseed with it as well or just see what happens first round? I have a good amount of watery cm, but not a lot of natural EWCM normally.

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May 2nd, 2015, 03:12 AM
I would take the clomid rather than waiting to see if your body resets itself. I took 50mg of clomid 5-9 for DS1 :) I don't think I had an issue with ewcm but I drank lots of green tea to help.

Will you get monitored with an ultrasound?

May 2nd, 2015, 09:37 AM
Thanks for your reassurance, purple! I don't know if I'm hesitant because I'd still love for my body to do things naturally or what. Maybe I didn't think they'd actually prescribe Clomid without the year behind us! I also feel like on the Clomid though I could time my sway so much easier. That would be a blessing! Did it take you one cycle on 50mg? Were your levels off as well? (If you don't mind me asking).

I'll go back in on day 21 for blood tests to make sure I ovulated on it.

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May 4th, 2015, 02:01 PM
Another quick question (sorry I didn't edit my last post, just in case someone else stumbles upon this with some experience!)

Are my chances of Oing at a normal time with Clomid realistic, especially after a 120+ cycle and now on a 77+ cycle? I'm going out of town the last weekend in May and first weekend in June. I'm afraid I'll take the Clomid and seriously when I ovulate it will be when I'm out of town. So, I may just end up waiting until mid/end of June anyway to move forward as timing isn't right. Hoping that just the Provera will sort my hormones out...but not sounding too promising.

She's only posted my prolactin lab results so far. Still waiting to see my LH/FSH levels.

May 4th, 2015, 03:27 PM
I think it is quite possible you will O late on just 50mg. I would NOT a assume you will O on time. I'd BD every other day starting CD10 until 4DPO. Once you ger a positive OPK get in as many extra attempts as you can over the next 3 days...even if it's just daily BD instead of EOD.

If you have enough watery CM I wouldn't use lube. If you're dry, I'd use YesBaby. Not a whole tube, just a comfortable amount. Best of luck hun! I'll be surprised if you don't conceive right away.

May 4th, 2015, 08:14 PM
So happy to see you again, Maiden! I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I read your post over in 2WW; that must feel good to have some answers at least. Will you move forward with IVF? And a new donor?

I was thinking the same as far as still not O'ing at a normal CD14. Going to go with EOD, just worried with DH gone Thurs-Sunday at end of May and me gone Thurs-Sunday first week of June. So, alas, I still feel like I should wait the good news is that I'll be home this summer so we can get in more attempts and I can do OPKs consistently!

Thanks for the encouragement - I keep telling myself with a chemical in February that means all the tubes are clear and they're able to meet up! Just might need a little extra help. [emoji4]

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May 5th, 2015, 06:56 AM
When I took clomid for DS1 it was after a 215 day cycle! I O'd on day 18 (50mg cd5-9). 2nd time I took clomid O was day 19 with same dosage/days. We only BD EOD too.

May 5th, 2015, 12:46 PM
That's what I'm looking at - Clomid 50mg days 5-9! We'll see when AF shows up after Provera whether we'll attempt this cycle or not. Otherwise, may just wait until after I get back from my trip first weekend in June. Just would hate to O on a Saturday and the last time we had a chance to BD was on Thursday. BUT, then I'm thinking I'll have to wait long enough to have them prescribe some some Provera again. Decisions, decisions... ;)

May 5th, 2015, 03:48 PM
I would personally try CD3-7 myself, especially considering you O late. Maybe you can discuss it with your dr?

Unfortunately I'm dealing with numerous major domestic issues (severe mold and water dam, posessions destroyed) at the moment as well as family drama and I'm really struggling with my back/pain so babymaking is on the back burner.

atomic sagebrush
May 6th, 2015, 07:08 PM
remember, our results with Clomid are Clomid + LE Diet and other sway factors. Studies have shown Clomid only sways pink by 3-5% in the general population.

I do think that you will probably ovulate on your own once things get kickstarted with Provera but at the same time, the Clomid would guarantee it.

Would not bother with the fertility specialist because I don't think it's warranted yet.

atomic sagebrush
May 6th, 2015, 07:30 PM
Another quick question (sorry I didn't edit my last post, just in case someone else stumbles upon this with some experience!)

Are my chances of Oing at a normal time with Clomid realistic, especially after a 120+ cycle and now on a 77+ cycle? I'm going out of town the last weekend in May and first weekend in June. I'm afraid I'll take the Clomid and seriously when I ovulate it will be when I'm out of town. So, I may just end up waiting until mid/end of June anyway to move forward as timing isn't right. Hoping that just the Provera will sort my hormones out...but not sounding too promising.

She's only posted my prolactin lab results so far. Still waiting to see my LH/FSH levels.

I think it is well within the realm of possible, even quite likely you will O in a reasonable amount of time with the Clomid. That's what it DOES. I don't think this is your "normal" setting and is residue from the BCP and should react much easier to the C than someone with say, PCOS.

May 6th, 2015, 10:15 PM
Maiden - sorry to hear about all the other crappy factors going on right now with you. I also hope that DF goes in for his analysis, at least to let you know whether make factor was effecting your chances. You're such a strong woman I know that when you become ready again you'll have everything in order and ready to go!

Atomic - thanks for the reassurance! And after some internet looks, seems like I saw a lot of DSs born on the low dose Clomid as well!

I think I may wait it out until June-ish to see if Provera puts hormones back on track. And if not, I'm not out anything and will start Clomid. Plus, then hopefully we can really get the timing right when we're both home.

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May 10th, 2015, 02:00 PM
Question: today was day 10 and final day of Provera. I woke up, took my final pill, and then went to the bathroom. (TMI) Noticed a good amount of blood in my underwear and when I wiped. It was more dark and not really bright red (or at least I couldn't tell if it was dark because there was more of it?)

Anyway, two questions:

1) is it normal to start before the end of pills? Is this a bad sign?

2) my doctor told me to count first day of red blood as CD1. Do I go ahead and count today even though it was darker? I put a tampon in but it was less this afternoon when I checked. I'm thinking the last pill I took made it slow down today though.

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atomic sagebrush
May 11th, 2015, 09:45 AM
No, it happens!

Yes, still count today as CD 1. I think the better rule of thumb is, "If you think it's AF, it is." It is totally normal esp. with Provera for it to be darker, this is because that lining has been there for a while and it's oxidized to some extent. :)

May 12th, 2015, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the reassurance!

It must have just been a fluke the other day (or the last Provera pill I took put a halt on it) as the past two days have just been some light spotting, nothing like AF. But, this morning my temp started going down so I've got fingers crossed that she comes full-blown soon! I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'd really actually like to clear everything out. Thanks for all your support - we'll see what the next few months bring! :)

atomic sagebrush
May 13th, 2015, 03:48 PM
No, that is pretty normal with the Prov. (it's like your body goes, ok progesterone for 10 days, I think I'm gonna have a period now) and don't be surprised if this is it - if you never have a full blown normal AF. Remember, this isn't a "real" AF, it's just whatever uterine lining you had coming off.

May 15th, 2015, 08:50 PM
You are great at giving reassurance, Atomic. I felt like after reading horror stories online how terrible Provera AF is for others that something was wrong. It's picked up, but nothing more than light/medium for the past few days. Guess I got a little lucky with that and no terrible side effects like worse cramps or anything. Back down to lower temps so that's what looks great too. We'll see what the next few months bring! [emoji4]

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May 15th, 2015, 10:02 PM
Totally within the realm of normal reeponses to P. Glad to see it worked out and a proper AF has arrived. I hope it's the last intervention you need!

atomic sagebrush
May 16th, 2015, 05:31 PM
:agree: totally normal response to Provera. Some women using it have gone 6-12 months without a period and may have PCOS/high estrogen and may have built up a megalining. :/ Good times.