View Full Version : Stinging nettle

May 10th, 2015, 07:48 AM
Hey everyone. So, I did a search before posting but could not get a great consensus so thought I'd ask. I have severe seasonal allergies and have been taking antihistamine and even then my nose is so stuffed, hard to breathe normally, can't taste food, basically it sucks. There is this natural minded M.D who I've been following who recommended stinging nettle supplement so I just bought some today and really hoping it's effective but then thought to see how it sways as I'll be trying to sway boy in the next couple of months. Seems like at first people here were saying good for boy but later on saw atomic saying not so great. My question is do we think it's actually BAD for a boy sway or that it just does not sway blue? Thanks so much in advance!

atomic sagebrush
May 10th, 2015, 11:08 AM
It has components in it that affect hormones in possibly a pink way and I would avoid. (lowers estrogen)

I seriously doubt it even works for allergies. If you are avoiding antihistamine for the sake of your sway, don't. We got cruddy results with them anyway. Just take the barest minimum you can stand.

May 10th, 2015, 04:02 PM
No, I'm miserable after an antihistamine (or two :/). Ugh so now I'm worried about the nettle. Thanks for the reply though

May 10th, 2015, 04:05 PM
Do you think if I'm not planning an attempt until July it would be harmful to take if for the next month or so? Or even that would be a no no?

atomic sagebrush
May 11th, 2015, 09:39 AM
Can they give you nasal steroid sprays? Those work really well for many people.

If you're not TTC til July it is probably ok, but I honestly don't have the data to say for sure. It messes with estrogen levels and that could affect your CM and some even believe that since the egg takes 90 days to form, something you did in the prev. months may have a longer lasting effect.

May 15th, 2015, 09:49 PM
I've found stinging nettle tea moderately helpful for my severe congestion due to allergies. But far more effective than any drug or supplement, and I've tried literally everything possible, is Quercetin, a natural antihistamine extracted from citrus & onions. I take 3-6 x 200mg daily (start with 1 capsule 3x a day for a few days before increasing to 2 capsules 3x daily), Jarrow brand is the best. While not extensively studied I can't survive without it and I believe it to be safe in pregnancy, certainly as safe as benadryl (I am a pharmacist). Strangely, NONE of the synthetic OTC antihistamines like benadryl ever helped my allergies/congestion only quercetin. Pseudoephedrine helps to a lesser extent but is less safe anyway.

I do think all antihistamines sway pink to some extent however quercetin doesn't seem to reduce my CM much and with plenty of water & healthy fats I still produce copious EWCM whike taking it, so I don't think it would be a dealbreaker for a blue sway. Let me kmow if you try it how it works out for you; I've had very good results from those to whom I've recommended it.

atomic sagebrush
May 16th, 2015, 05:29 PM
Quercetin may even help a blue sway since it is nutrient based, however, megadoses are not always good when swaying blue. Not enough info to say.

May 17th, 2015, 02:39 AM
Ok thank you both so much! I stopped the stinging nettle as I wasn't finding it be helpful anyway and didn't want to mess with estrogen. Might try quercetin, thanks for the suggestion! Or might just grin and bear it. Ugh.

atomic sagebrush
May 18th, 2015, 10:16 AM
I think something is going on if antihistamines aren't working. Can you try a different type?? Some antihistamines (claritin) don't work well on me personally while others work great. I would also talk to a doctor about the nasal sprays.

May 18th, 2015, 02:39 PM
Claritin was even worse than what I am taking now (zyrtec). I did get a nasal spray and it does help somewhat, thanks for the suggestion!

June 2nd, 2015, 01:02 PM
If you do try Quecetin I'd startt with 500mg or even just 250mg 1x a day...then try 500mg the next day if no relief, then 1000mg. If you don't get any relief at all from 1 dose of 1000mg it probably won't help at any dose, IME. For me, I need 500mg for any effect and the relief I get is roughly proportional to the dose, so 1000mg helps 2x as much, 2000mg 4x as much, etc. I do require more of most meds than the average person so likely you won't need as muchaas I take.

June 4th, 2015, 10:16 AM
I tried local, raw honey for miserable allergies. It didn't eliminate them completely, but it helped a lot and its good for a boy sway.

A heaping tablespoon of raw, local, natural honey can help with local allergies. I am not the best at explaining how or why, but info is out there to support the idea.

I hope you feel better, allergies are so miserable!

June 4th, 2015, 01:46 PM
I just heard about that from someone, thanks adia! My allergies seem to be going away finally but maybe will try the honey if I can get my hands on some. Thanks!

June 4th, 2015, 05:45 PM
I have found local honey hrlpful too, but it must be raw which can be hard to find some places.