View Full Version : Don't think I can do the diet & a ?

June 8th, 2015, 04:34 AM
I've tried, but anything that seems like food restriction causes me to start having a panic attack. I can and have been not eating breakfast. I'm able to not snack most days, but worrying about calories etc & not having meat, I just don't think it's going to happen.

I feel like I'm totally screwed.

I'm trying to walk an hour a day and figure out how to have a glass of alcohol. I have dh taking olive leaf extract and I'm trying to convince him to do some other stuff. Biking would be good if he had one.

I do worry a bit that, if I can actually lose some weight, would that still be declining condition for someone who is "morbidly obese"?

My other concern is menstrual related. I'm 41 years old. My cycle for as long as I've been tracking it (at least 13 years) has been between 32-36 days. At least until about year ago, when it started decreasing and has consistently been 27-29 days for 8 cycles.

This cycle, my flow is way lighter than it's been since ds4 was born. I've had very heavy periods (filling a Diva cup every 2 hours on my heaviest day) and then spotting from day 5-day 8.. But this one, isn't like that. By my standards, I haven't even had a heavy day this cycle and today (day 4), I had what I usually expect by day 6.

I'm so disturbed. I mean, yeah lighter and shorter is great....unless It means I'm less likely to conceive. Does anyone have any idea if the lighter period means less likely or is it just another gradual step to stopping, but my chances are pretty similar to what they were last month?

June 8th, 2015, 04:51 AM
It could possibly be the change in diet that is changing your period. I noticed when I started the LE diet that my period was alot lighter. [emoji4]I loved it

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June 8th, 2015, 05:50 AM
I'm sure AS will chime in, but just wanted to say you're not alone! I have also been struggling with the diet. I loose weight fast (I'm also overweight), but I just can't stick to the fat intake :( But I think any chance to decrease fertility is a better chance than we had when we conceived our boys. Remember people get girls every day without swaying! I'd say do the best you can diet wise and stick to the cardio and other pink sway factors as much as you can. I'm going to buy a bike for my husband and tightey whitey's lol!

June 8th, 2015, 02:53 PM
I too am struggling. Just ending my 2ww and since ovulation I've really let the diet go and been eating meat and higher fat foods more. I am struggling to keep motivated the last 2 weeks and haven't done any exercise either! I was thinking I might just go vegetarian and then I'm not as restricted but would that be enough? Can you snack if you just go veggie?

Sorry for crashing your thread but I just wanted you to know you are not alone with the struggling!

June 8th, 2015, 03:24 PM
Waiting to see what Atomic says....but I believe weight loss is a change. Like even just reducing calories a tad, or skipping breakfast when you normally eat it. Not snacking when you normally would. I think those are pieces to the sway puzzle. I believe that atomic will not recommend a really hard core sway after 40 but I may be totally wrong. She might not want your DH to take supps that reduce fertility?

June 8th, 2015, 03:25 PM
And you will lose some weight. I'm actually almost underweight and have lost 2.5 pounds in a month. I'm not doing a super hardcore diet.

atomic sagebrush
June 8th, 2015, 09:51 PM
Then just do what you CAN do. Pick your battles and focus your energy on what works for you. Whiteknuckling it thru diet is going to take so much mental energy that it may even sway blue for you by making every moment into a battle and sending testosterone skyrocketing.

If you can't do the diet then try to make SURE you're doing the exercise. OLE for DH is geting good results. Stick with that one attempt.

Ligher and shorter DOES NOT mean you are less likely to conceive. Many of us got our girls with shorter and lighter periods (and seriously, what you have going on is perfectly normal still!! Some of us, myself included, were having 1 day of flow and then spotting and still got pg)

I don't know the answer to the obesity and declining condition. That is one of the gray areas where I can see both sides and do not have the info to be able to give you even my best guess.

atomic sagebrush
June 8th, 2015, 09:54 PM
Waiting to see what Atomic says....but I believe weight loss is a change. Like even just reducing calories a tad, or skipping breakfast when you normally eat it. Not snacking when you normally would. I think those are pieces to the sway puzzle. I believe that atomic will not recommend a really hard core sway after 40 but I may be totally wrong. She might not want your DH to take supps that reduce fertility?

:agree: Even if you can only do one thing different from when you got your boys, that is still a pink sway. I have to put EVERYTHING in the diet that may help, because some people want to do everything, but that doens't mean you HAVE to do everything or your sway will fail. All you need to do is move in the direction of "pinker than you were" and compare to what you were eating before, not what anyone else is doing.

THe OLE actually seems to improve fertility and is ok for men over 40. It's the only supp we are aware of that seems to both improve fertility and still sway pink. :)

June 9th, 2015, 12:21 AM
Thank you, everyone! I really appreciate the reassurance.

Dh just started the OLE a few days ago, so hopefully it helps.

I've stopped all supplements except folate and Ubiquinol. Dh is taking a few supplements besides the Ubiquinol & OLE. Hopefully it doesn't matter so much men.

I think I've reduced my calories without trying to actually diet. I've been taking Garginia Cambogia. I know you have no idea which way it sways, Atomic, but I'm hoping since it's helping me eat less without triggering any issues that it won't hurt my sway too much. Or at all. lol

atomic sagebrush
June 9th, 2015, 12:34 PM
I also don't know if it is safe though - your choice to make of course but I am not a fan of you guys taking anything that I haven't seen a jillion other eople take before. But heck, if it's working, it's working.

June 13th, 2015, 09:13 AM
How about buying the meal plan? That way you don't have to count, just follow along. If you can't do that, then focus on these crucial points:

-eating smaller portions
-eating as low fat as possible
-replace butter with 100% vegetable margarine, ideally from canola oil (soy, sunflower, safflower are next best)
-no red meat
-no cereal or other highly fortified foods
-no oats

Just do the best you can in each area and remember every bit helps.

I have always had a light and short AF but on the LE diet it became even lighter and shorter over time so that's a normal response. Your cycles getting shorter is not uncommon at your age but I'd try to get some Femara just in case it hrlps egg quality (theoretical) and to help your pink sway.

June 14th, 2015, 06:03 AM
Is Femara OTC or prescription?

Frilly Lady
June 14th, 2015, 09:21 AM
Prescription x

atomic sagebrush
June 14th, 2015, 09:25 AM
Is Femara OTC or prescription?

Prescription and it can be hard to get, unfortunately.

June 15th, 2015, 11:48 PM
Not likely, then. I don't have a regular dr. Just a walk-in clinic dr. who keeps bugging me to find someone else.

atomic sagebrush
June 16th, 2015, 01:20 PM
Has s/he TRIED to get a real doctor these days? It's IMPOSSIBLE. My son needed a doctor for something relatively serious (cancer scare) and they told him he couldn't get in for a YEAR. No one was taking new patients. He ended up going to a "doc in the box" and seen in 30 minutes after 2 months of wrangling with insurance companies and every dr. office in a city of a half a million people. :/

June 16th, 2015, 05:50 PM
Seriously drs are over loaded especially in the US, so many drs won't take new patients. And I paid out of pocket, no insurance! Bc of my pain I can't make appointments, I can only do walk in drs. It's a pain, I have to drive aways. I can't imagine if I had 4 kids!

atomic sagebrush
June 17th, 2015, 12:31 PM
It's only since the new healthcare took effect, we never had any problem before. :/ I so wish we would have gotten a family doctor before it all kicked in but we didn't know that the side effect would be that suddenly no doctors would take appointments.