View Full Version : tips for boy sway in July!!!

June 30th, 2015, 12:46 AM
Currently taking 595mg of potassium daily, trying to eat breakfast every day (NEVER USED TO EAT IT), eating often, not dieting anymore, eating lots of salt and pickles too. Will be trying bsf while using opks. Will bd once I get ov cramps. Taking Paragard out prior. Been doing opk and app charting since iud has no hormones. Really wanting to complete our family with a boy after 2 beautiful girls.

Any other options I should consider??? Need ALL the help I can get!!!! Please help us conceive our little man!

atomic sagebrush
June 30th, 2015, 01:53 PM
It's better to have your IUD out as far in advance of your sway as is possible - is there any way to skip July and get the Paraguard out, then have a month without IUD and without TTC first??? Even the ones without hormones like Paraguard seem to be better for blue to have them taken out sooner.

I am not a fan of BSF and much prefer you guys use Preseed alone instead of BSF. We got terrible conception rates with BSF, lots of vaginal infections, and no better rates of success than we do with preseed.

It is much better and safer to get potassium from diet instead of taking potassium supplements.

Eating too much salt may mess up your fertility and possibly sway PINK. Please be sane about sodium intake. Eating pickles does not make you have boys. Eating healthy and nutritious foods helps you conceive a boy. Pickles have very little nutrients in them and make you too full to eat good foods.

We are getting 80% success for blue with multivitamins or prenatals. Please add in a good multivitamin or prenatal.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you listen to one of these things, DO NOT BD ONLY ONE TIME. We have gotten 75% success for PINK with one BD in the fertile window. Please have more than one attempt. We are getting good results with trying for 3 attempts at positive opk - wait for pos OPK (or the day before ovulation if you are not using OPK) then BD that night, the next morning if possible, and again the following night.

Ovulation cramps do not tell you when you're going to ovulate. You can get O pains and cramps days, even WEEKS in advance of when you ovulate. you need to use a more reliable way of pinpointing ovulation. I have gotten O pains as early as CD 3 and then they can continue for a few days after ovulation - you just can't rely on them at all.

June 30th, 2015, 02:36 PM
It's better to have your IUD out as far in advance of your sway as is possible - is there any way to skip July and get the Paraguard out, then have a month without IUD and without TTC first??? Even the ones without hormones like Paraguard seem to be better for blue to have them taken out sooner.

I am not a fan of BSF and much prefer you guys use Preseed alone instead of BSF. We got terrible conception rates with BSF, lots of vaginal infections, and no better rates of success than we do with preseed.

It is much better and safer to get potassium from diet instead of taking potassium supplements.

Eating too much salt may mess up your fertility and possibly sway PINK. Please be sane about sodium intake. Eating pickles does not make you have boys. Eating healthy and nutritious foods helps you conceive a boy. Pickles have very little nutrients in them and make you too full to eat good foods.

We are getting 80% success for blue with multivitamins or prenatals. Please add in a good multivitamin or prenatal.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you listen to one of these things, DO NOT BD ONLY ONE TIME. We have gotten 75% success for PINK with one BD in the fertile window. Please have more than one attempt. We are getting good results with trying for 3 attempts at positive opk - wait for pos OPK (or the day before ovulation if you are not using OPK) then BD that night, the next morning if possible, and again the following night.

Ovulation cramps do not tell you when you're going to ovulate. You can get O pains and cramps days, even WEEKS in advance of when you ovulate. you need to use a more reliable way of pinpointing ovulation. I have gotten O pains as early as CD 3 and then they can continue for a few days after ovulation - you just can't rely on them at all.

We want to get pregnant ASAP, so in my husband's eyes, July is the best bet, even though i know its a slim chance. . He wanted to try BSF because it apparently killed off the x sperm due to high pH? I'm honestly scared to bd more than once because when I bd with opk for my first, I got my first daughter. I'm allergic to avacados and bananas (I get bad migranes when I eat them) so that's why I'm doing K tabs. I'm taking prenatals. I'm not going outrageously crazy withings salt and not just eating pickles. Lol. We've been eating a lot of red meats with seasoning salt and I've mostly been eating fruits like watermelon. I honestly want to try anything for a boy to be sure it's a boy, but I know nothings certain, and he feels spending money for a personalized sway is silly because all the info is free on the internet. Guess I'm just way confused. :'(

atomic sagebrush
July 1st, 2015, 02:35 PM
BSF doesn't work. We have had so many of us on here who did the pH stuff and got opposites, I know it's frustrating when all the other sites say something but just because everyone says something doesn't make it true. Here is the science against pH swaying. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/11684-ph-pickle.html We get 75% success for blue with Preseed without the vaginal infections and lousy rates of conception that come with the BSF.

There are a million other foods that are not avocados or bananas that have potassium. The K supps won't kill you or anything but it's just best to get from foods because they have other nutrients that will help your sway.

I just want you to understand that much of the "free" info on the other sites is based on old, outdated info that hasn't worked for tons of us who have 2,3,4 or more of a particular gender and that is why this site is in existence - because the old stuff didn't work!!

I help everyone regardless of their ability to pay, always have and always will (barring a meteor strike LOL) although I do want to point out in general that the reason why this info is even available is because I treat this as a full time job. I always appreciate any purchases from the site, because otherwise I'd have to work and wouldn't be able to help anyone with anything. :)

July 2nd, 2015, 12:13 PM
That's very kind atomic!!! Thanks for the insight. Do you have any links on what I should be looking at in terms of this websites information? I've diddle dallied around the site, but didn't get some "definate" resource info.

atomic sagebrush
July 5th, 2015, 10:23 AM
Here is the Complete Index http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/3305-complete-index.html

July 5th, 2015, 10:33 AM
I know it's no "magic bullet" but many boy moms here, myself included, have always been big on snacking, eating meat and eggs (so lots of protein), and eat higher amounts of good fats. I'd also suggest multiple attempts around ovulation.