View Full Version : Getting my IUD out soon

July 7th, 2015, 10:21 PM
I'm new around here! I have actually never TTC, just NTNP for my 2 beautiful girls.

I'm getting my IUD out in the beginning of August and I am going to attempt a Blue sway (after waiting a cycle probably, hopefully won't be a long one).

My 2 girls are beautiful and amazing and I wouldn't be too disappointed with another girl, but I do have hopes and dreams of having a baby boy and so does my husband. I imagine all the wonderful things about boys and them growing into men and being able to be part of that amazing process.

The only problem is, I do have PCOS so my cycles are very long and ovulation is very difficult to predict. Also, I have hypothyroidism (controlled), am missing an ovary due to a cyst that created torsion and cut off the blood supply to that ovary, so it had to be completely removed. I am not overweight, my BMI is about 21-22. My weight is stable at 140-145 pounds. I am fine with doing 2200 calorie diet and I have read through most of the threads here. My husband will NOT quit smoking :(. I don't smoke though and he doesn't smoke around me. I think the biggest concern is predicting my ovulation and even whether I will have trouble getting pregnant in the first place, let alone trying to do a boy sway. I'm almost tempted to just BD every other day and hope for the best, but I would like to try to boy sway for at least a few cycles first just to add some extra chances to the boy side.

Looking forward to chatting and learning with all you ladies.

July 8th, 2015, 12:17 AM
Hello! I am swaying girl so I can't speak, for sure, to everything you mentioned but I do know PCOS is on your side for a boy sway. I have PCOS and have had 3 boys all when my cycles were crazy irregular, all while *I* was smoking and smoking around DH. Plus PCOS'ers tend to have excess testosterone (though because you are thin this may not be the case for you... I'm not 100%) as excess glucose is converted to fat, fat produces estrogen and excess estrogen is converted to testosterone... if I am remembering correctly, which is a good thing for a boy sway. You could always see about getting on clomid to try to help with your irregular cycles. It sways pink but several blue swayers on here take it and combat the girl friendly side effects with lubes and such. The hard part is the weight gain, I think, someone else will have to weigh in here though. PCOS'ers are generally discouraged from gaining weight, but I have no experience as a "thin cyster" as I am far from it, lol.

The one ovary shouldn't impact your chances much. From what I understand, you still ovulate each cycle with one ovary- someone correct me if I am wrong please.

The fact that you are swaying boy helps your cause with the fact that you can't precisely pinpoint O because you don't have to be as careful about timing. Every other day is 100% a boy sway strategy.

I have lived the nightmare of irregular, and sometimes never ending, cycles and went on to get pregnant 4 times so far, 3 of which were boys and the 2nd of which took years to conceive... mostly because my cycles were 3, 4, 5, 6+ months long. So, know that even when you feel like the odds are stacked against you it's possible not only to conceive, but to conceive the little man you dream of. Good luck!

July 8th, 2015, 04:11 PM
Hello! I am swaying girl so I can't speak, for sure, to everything you mentioned but I do know PCOS is on your side for a boy sway. I have PCOS and have had 3 boys all when my cycles were crazy irregular, all while *I* was smoking and smoking around DH. Plus PCOS'ers tend to have excess testosterone (though because you are thin this may not be the case for you... I'm not 100%) as excess glucose is converted to fat, fat produces estrogen and excess estrogen is converted to testosterone... if I am remembering correctly, which is a good thing for a boy sway. You could always see about getting on clomid to try to help with your irregular cycles. It sways pink but several blue swayers on here take it and combat the girl friendly side effects with lubes and such. The hard part is the weight gain, I think, someone else will have to weigh in here though. PCOS'ers are generally discouraged from gaining weight, but I have no experience as a "thin cyster" as I am far from it, lol.

The one ovary shouldn't impact your chances much. From what I understand, you still ovulate each cycle with one ovary- someone correct me if I am wrong please.

The fact that you are swaying boy helps your cause with the fact that you can't precisely pinpoint O because you don't have to be as careful about timing. Every other day is 100% a boy sway strategy.

I have lived the nightmare of irregular, and sometimes never ending, cycles and went on to get pregnant 4 times so far, 3 of which were boys and the 2nd of which took years to conceive... mostly because my cycles were 3, 4, 5, 6+ months long. So, know that even when you feel like the odds are stacked against you it's possible not only to conceive, but to conceive the little man you dream of. Good luck!

I thought I had replied but apparently it didn't go through! Thanks for the support. Having PCOS is very difficult, although I've had time to adjust to the fact that I have it since I got diagnosed like 6 years ago, and it has been confirmed mutiple times. I hardly have any periods (2-4 a year?) and my ovaries are poly-cystic as confirmed by ultrasound several times. Luckily it has not impacted my fertility terribly much since I have my 2 already so far (knock on wood) but it definitely makes ovulation prediction more difficult.

I do actually have excess testosterone. That was the first hint that I may be PCOS. I had that at age 20 or 21 which I saw an endocrinologist for. I don't have blood sugar issues, though, thankfully - I have been pretty diligent about keeping up with testing my BG every so often just to make sure those problems aren't creeping up on me, and even after I eat a huge carb load I am still less than 140 which is good. I try to follow a somewhat lower carb diet however, but not very low, just try to avoid huge amounts of sugar since I know that will make my problems worse. I still eat whole grains (non glutenous), fruit, etc.

July 8th, 2015, 04:49 PM
I am on my phone so I can't link it but there is a post on here about swaying with PCOS ( titled something like "swaying under special circumstances, part 3" or something similar). You might want to see if you can find it. If not, I'll link it later. Hopefully someone with a stronger swaying knowledge base will chime in for you too.

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atomic sagebrush
July 8th, 2015, 06:24 PM
Yes please get your IUD out sooner rather than later.

I have an alternate diet here (5 from the top) that will be better for you than standard HE Diet. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/9052-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-3-pcos.html

Doing a boy sway should make you MORE likely to get pregnant, not less. Are you planning on sticking with Shettles timing???? Please don't, it doesn't work and cuts odds of conception by a lot. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html

July 8th, 2015, 09:02 PM
Yes please get your IUD out sooner rather than later.

I have an alternate diet here (5 from the top) that will be better for you than standard HE Diet. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/9052-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-3-pcos.html

Doing a boy sway should make you MORE likely to get pregnant, not less. Are you planning on sticking with Shettles timing???? Please don't, it doesn't work and cuts odds of conception by a lot. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html

Since my cycles are so difficult to predict, I was planning to try shettles timing at first but I settled on just BD every other day, especially right around the fertile week, if I can predict it. I hope that will work. I'm going to try to do basal body temping, but I've read that the temp spike happens AFTER the ovulation so it's too late to BD at that point. I'm also going to try OPK, but since I have PCOS I've heard they are not quite as accurate since my LH is always going to be higher than most. Certainly the digital would be a bad idea, I'd imagine.

July 8th, 2015, 09:04 PM
Yes please get your IUD out sooner rather than later.

I have an alternate diet here (5 from the top) that will be better for you than standard HE Diet. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/9052-swaying-under-special-circumstances-part-3-pcos.html

Doing a boy sway should make you MORE likely to get pregnant, not less. Are you planning on sticking with Shettles timing???? Please don't, it doesn't work and cuts odds of conception by a lot. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html

Wanted to mention also that my appointment is already set for IUD removal for beginning of August. If I need to, I will just use physical protection for 1 month to get the hormones out of my system. I don't mind starting beginning of September with actual trying if that's what's best to have a boy.