View Full Version : Potassium sources?

July 8th, 2015, 04:24 PM
Hi there, I am hoping to get some ideas of what I can eat/drink to raise potassium intake. My sway attempt is in 4 weeks and I don't feel I'm getting enough potassium. (Or any at all.) Any advice would be appreciated. I am trying so hard to get enough calories but man it is hard! I am so accustomed to the girl diet. I hope supplements and preseed save my sway because I suck at the diet lol

July 8th, 2015, 05:21 PM
Bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes and spinach are good sources. Funnily enough, I just looked this up for me a few minutes ago!

July 8th, 2015, 08:19 PM
Bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes and spinach are good sources. Funnily enough, I just looked this up for me a few minutes ago!

Thanks! I do eat a banana a day. That is good. I just cant bring myself to eat avocado. I bought avocado once and ended up choking it down on a sandwich lol so looks like bananas and spinach works for me.

July 8th, 2015, 08:57 PM
Thanks! I do eat a banana a day. That is good. I just cant bring myself to eat avocado. I bought avocado once and ended up choking it down on a sandwich lol so looks like bananas and spinach works for me.

I know this list by heart because I work in with people who need to restrict potassium.

Bananas, Oranges, Tangerines, Strawberries (larger portion sizes), Potatoes (both white and sweet), Canteloupe/Melons, Coconut (both water and meat), Mango, Avocado (already mentioned), Peaches (larger portion sizes), Orange Juice, Winter Squash (like Acorn and Butternut). These are the main ones that I see people over-indulge in! We are lucky we are supposed to eat lots of these :)

July 8th, 2015, 08:58 PM
I know this list by heart because I work in with people who need to restrict potassium.

Bananas, Oranges, Tangerines, Strawberries (larger portion sizes), Potatoes (both white and sweet), Canteloupe/Melons, Coconut (both water and meat), Mango, Avocado (already mentioned), Peaches (larger portion sizes), Orange Juice. These are the main ones that I see people over-indulge in! We are lucky we are supposed to eat lots of these :)

Oh, also cooked greens (Spinach, Collards, Mustard, Beet Greens) which are also high in folate which is good for baby. Especially good because it's easy to eat larger portion sizes. Broccoli, too, surprisingly enough.

July 9th, 2015, 01:49 PM
I know this list by heart because I work in with people who need to restrict potassium.

Bananas, Oranges, Tangerines, Strawberries (larger portion sizes), Potatoes (both white and sweet), Canteloupe/Melons, Coconut (both water and meat), Mango, Avocado (already mentioned), Peaches (larger portion sizes), Orange Juice, Winter Squash (like Acorn and Butternut). These are the main ones that I see people over-indulge in! We are lucky we are supposed to eat lots of these :)

Thank you! That helps a lot!

July 9th, 2015, 03:35 PM
I drank a coconut water daily, had dried apricots, bananas and avocado daily. If you don't like the taste of avocado just throw some into a fruit smoothie, you won't even be able to taste it and it gives the smoothie a creamy texture

atomic sagebrush
July 9th, 2015, 03:36 PM
THere is actually potassium in most foods, but it doesn't need to be listed legally on the labels of foods so it can trick you into thinking you are getting less than you are. Honestly, potassium is about the least of your worries if you aren't sticking to the diet, it probably does nothing. What I would do is have coconut water, tomato juice, other fruit juices to make up for anything lacking if you aren't a big eater. Somehow drinks can go down easier.

I also have the guides to potassium for both blue swayers and also pink swayers in the diet sections of the Dream Members forum.