View Full Version : Not sure what to think about my sway.

July 16th, 2015, 08:35 PM
For the last two months I have lost about 6lbs; cutting my snacking back. I wasn't planning on having another baby anytime soon but got the strong urge a few weeks ago. Talked to hubby who has been wanting another for a while and he's ready. However, since cutting out snacking and eating crap over all I just have no appetite whatsoever now. Will supplements and timing be good enough? This is a sample day of what I eat and take.

Wake up, drink coffee(I know I know...this may need to be scratched but this is all I can stomach first thing in the morning. Never been a breakfast eater).

A few hours after waking I will eat something usually an egg or a peanut butter/jelly sandwich. Take 800mg FA and 600mg FO(fish oil).

Lunch I usually eat what we had the night before, or a salad, or some cucumbers or something small. Take another 800mg FA and fish oil.

A few hours later I will eat something small again maybe meat maybe not, may be a sandwich or some crackers or cucumbers or salad. Take 800mg FA.

Supper is usually the biggest meal I eat. Usually meat but not always, some bread, pasta or rice or potatoes. Usually a good bit of starchy stuff. Take multivitamin(haven't gotten prenatals yet) I will post what's in these at the bottom of this post in attachment(I remember reading on a post made by atomic about not being sure about things like choline and spirulina and I know it's in these vitamins). Take fish oil.

As far as swaying in other areas I'm charting and using smiley face OPKs as well as taking note of CM. I plan to start taking robitussin when AF comes and not BD for the go until the night of the first day I get a smiley.

Thanks to everyone that has read this far. Any suggestions or is this just not enough?


July 17th, 2015, 01:44 AM
Well, I have two boys and this is what I did (both were oopsies, no swaying).

* Two attempts in fertile window
* Full fat dairy every day
* Vitamin D, multivitamin, B-complex, fish oil, and probiotics every day
* Meat every day for dinner usually, usually had seconds
* Never drank coffee or alcohol ever
* Drank a cup of green or white tea daily, sweetened with honey
* Cooked with olive oil and butter, not margine or vegetable/canola oil
* Dessert would be full fat ice cream with nuts (like rocky road)
* Always had several days of eggwhite and watery cm leading up to O

I think you need to up your protein and good fats. Snack on things like beef jerky, nuts, cheese, yogurt, and a banana peanut butter shake made with whole milk or yogurt! I think you really need to try and eat breakfast, even if it's just a bowl of cereal with full fat milk or a peanut butter shake.

Good luck! Do you have girls already?

July 17th, 2015, 12:10 PM
I also am not used to eating a lot and have really made big changes. I'm now eating 2200-2500 calories but it's mostly whole and natural foods. I haven't gained any weight (although I've only been on it 1.5 weeks!) I'll give you a sample of my day

First thing- Nuts
(workout with weights)
breakfast-steel cut oats/hard-boiled egg
snack- whole milk organic protein shake
lunch- chicken, beef, or eggs. Avocado (sometimes tortilla chips)
snack- grapes, cantaloupe, or a banana and nuts
snack- hummus and carrots
dinner- meat, vegetable, trying to add full fate cheese
snack- graham cracker, peanut butter (for my sweet tooth)

Drinking lemon water, V8 with brewers yeast, and coconut water

It's not perfect but my old diet looked a lot like yours so I think this is better. I've been tracking on my fitness pal to see my daily protein, fat, and calorie intake. It's helped me increase my eating but still stay in control. I also snack a little on my girls' food but will grab a couple nuts to have some protein if the snack doesn't have protein. Oh and I portion out the serving size of nuts and just take them from that all day because the first couple days, I ate wayyyyy to many nuts.

I'm new to actually swaying so hopefully someone that's been around awhile can help more with information and the supplement info

July 17th, 2015, 11:05 PM
Thanks y'all. Funny I used to eat beef jerky as a child but as I got older reading the ingredients in stuff like that, hotdogs, freezer bought steak and cheese taquitos and lots of other stuff with meat in it grosses me out beyond belief.

I did eat some oatmeal last night and then realized we haven't bought whole milk in 4 years!! I can definitely eat avocado every day and peanut butter so I will try and add more of that.

I do have a daughter. She was a surprise when I was 21. I cried and cried because I felt like a 17 year old trapped in an adult body. Haha. We swayed for my son though but I wasn't as strict with diet or minerals. It was mostly timing and ph I think...of course God too. <3

atomic sagebrush
July 19th, 2015, 01:07 PM
I am not a fan of those megadose vitamins and there are some herbs in there that I would not recommend as well. I would wean off them onto one that has the 100% DRV of the B vitamins in particular.

Vit. D up to 1000IU a day is great and will help. Probiotics taken separately (you have them in the above vites but not if you change them) have also been effective for blue.

I would have you change your diet quite a bit to be more in line with HE. I know it's hard when you're not a big eater but it really does help. You will get used to it ove rtime.

one cup of coffee is fine for a blue sway.