View Full Version : Still trying…what should I do?

July 30th, 2015, 01:55 PM
So, I have been actively trying for 6 months now. The first 3 months I did one attempt in fertile window. The 4th month I did one attempt and extra on positive OPK, 5th month- EOD. I was taking Vitex, saw palmetto (stopped at 3rd month) So, this is the start of the 6 month for me…I am at the point where I just want a baby. I am not sure what I should do this month? I was thinking about trying SMEP with saw palmetto, and vitex?

I do not think I can get pregnant with 1-2 attempts in fertile window. I went all through college, never getting pregnant with no birth control. (Yes, we mostly used pull out method). But for my boys I tried 2-3 mo. and DTD every other day and had to prop up hips.

Should I try SMEP even though it sways blue and add in the vitex and saw palmetto to sway still? Should I just do SMEP? Should I try just baby dancing for 3 days after positive OPK??

I do want a girl, but at this point I just want a baby!

Let me know what you guys think! Please!!

atomic sagebrush
August 1st, 2015, 02:44 PM
I'm just going to say this as straight as I can, it's a HUGELY bad idea to give up something that has been swaying pink consistently 70% of the time in favor of something that messes up cycles, prevents conception for many people, and only gets 55-60% success rates.

DO NOT do SMEP with V and SP. If you're ready to pull the trigger and get pregnant, that is fine, it's your call to make, do SMEP but DO NOT add in the herbs hoping they will do anything. All they'll likely do is make matters worse.

I know we talked about this before but pull out method is as reliable as birth control pills. I've used it for my whole childbearing years and never had an oops except when we were actually taking chances. So to say that you "can't get pregnant with 1-2 attempts" based on a past history of using pull out, well that's akin to saying "I can't get pregnant with 1-2 attempts because I did that when I was on BCP".

What I recommend everyone in this boat do is DTD every 4 days, then go to every three days, then go to every 3 or 4 days plus one attempt at positive OPK. Then you may even want to try adding in Preseed and/or Robi/Muci, female O, and stay laying down overnight. Then and only after having dropped every other sway tactic, go to SMEP. There are other options available besides going right to SMEP.