View Full Version : I read that boys prefer higher ph like a nine?

August 6th, 2015, 06:11 PM
But I read here that its more like in the sevens????
im drinking red rasberry leaf tea, temping, using opks, I have preseed and now buying ph strips since last month I used bsf too and idk if maybe ph was to high,I also have soft cups and was planning on dtd as close to o as possible. Thats another thing, im reading here to dtd more than once. However shettles says once as close to o as possible(my husband is bery prone to making girls my boy was from whem we split for a coulke yrs an he had a dd in that time lol) my son really wants a brother an I truly want a son however I will be happy to have a take home baby after our ten week loss in may. Any tips ill take em. We are also taking supplements dh is taking a mens vitamin,1000mg vitamin c, and 30mg zinc. Im taking prenatal with folic acid and dha. We are eating red meat this month and more veggies and fruit. Just praying this is our month. If not we start clomid next month

August 7th, 2015, 08:58 AM

atomic sagebrush
August 7th, 2015, 06:43 PM
Sorry I do my best to get thru all the posts every day but can't always quite make it. :)

Shettles and pH have been debunked (most of us had 2-3-4 or more opposites with them, both pinks and blues) When I got my 4th boy with a pH of 4.5 that I tested 3 times a day and never went out of 4.5 range, I looked into the science of pH and found out it was completely impossible. Our results have done nothing but skyrocket since most of us gave up the timing/pH jazz. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/11684-ph-pickle.html Many blue swayers found that BSF = BFN LOL and practically everyone dropped it because no one was getting pregnant with it.

Re Shettles, scientific case against it is here. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/gender-swaying-general-discussion/7691-trouble-timing.html WE are at present getting 75-80% boys with 3 attempts at or around positive OPK, 70-75% girls with one attempt at pos OPK (which is Shettles timing for a boy) and it appears to be the number of attempts and not the timing that is swaying.

DH HAS GOT TO drop the 1000 mg Vit C. We have been using that with our high tech ladies to get more XX fertilized eggs and it seems to be working for them.

It's nice that you guys got back together. :) Sending you tons of blue dust.

August 7th, 2015, 08:35 PM
Thank u for ur response. Dh just took a ph test on his semen and its at 8. Will drop the vitamin c hopefully it hasnt already done any damage lol I know I will love another child regardless of gender but I also know that I would be beyond ecstatic to hear "its a boy" lol I am currently forty pounds overweight 5'5 and 200 ( I gained 11 since mc) so im weary about eating high calorie. Is that really a big deal?
An should I dtd as soon as opk is pos and then again for the next few days ? Is that what you mean by three days around pos opk? I know with our girls we were dtd pretty much daily to every other day the whole cycle an that got me girls which is why the shettles method seemed so dead on. This is so confusing.

August 7th, 2015, 08:43 PM
Should we skip this month or will two weeks off the vitamin c be enough?

atomic sagebrush
August 9th, 2015, 01:40 PM
You do not need to gain weight on HE Diet, it is totally possible to eat a lot of nutrient dense foods and not gain weight (and in fact many of us with all boys are big eaters but are slim)

YES, the diet is a big deal, in the Dream Members section to TTC a boy there is an article called "eating smarter, not harder on HE Diet" and please read it because it will tell you all you need to know about how to tweak the diet not to gain weight. You also need to do some exercise, weights will help turn food into muscle instead of fat.

You DTD every other day was not why you got girls. It was some other reason. Shettles 100% does not work and practically every person on this whole site, both pink and blue swayers have 2-3-4 or more opposites to prove it.

3 attempts around positive OPK - the way most people do it is to have attempt that night, again the next morning if possible, and then again the following night. 2 weeks off the Vit C should be enough.